
Dec 3, 2005
(Sigh). Man, I had such high hopes for this game. I got it yesterday, and came home late to play it a bit with my wife. Before getting the game, I was deciding between this one and Onimusha 3. But I was hoping my wife would agree to play with me, and I would get Dawn of Dreams. She did, and so I got it. Additionally, it seemed evident that this particular game in the series required no real previous experience, which was a plus for both of us. So, I read the manual fully, then flipped in disc one; we did the button thing to initiate the co-op mode, and were off and running.

When it first began, I was quite impressed. It seemed that the game was going to follow along similar lines, with respect to gameplay, as God of War. That was until the co-op kicked in. OMG! The camera is horrible! There's no other way to describe it. There are times when neither of us can see much of anything regarding our respective characters, we end up getting pounded to death. Also, Jubei cannot engage the blue initiation spheres, so we can't seem to get her to go over those areas that require someone smaller to navigate across. And oftentimes she'll be stuck in another area, getting hammered by monsters, because my wife can't see well enough to combat them -- all this while I'm in another part of the environment.

I'm sure as a single-player experience this game is quite good, but, man, I'm disappointed. Both my wife & I dig quality video games, so I was really looking forward to experiencing the game with her, as well as hopefully turning her on to a really great series. So far, it's a total bust...

Update: I did start a new, single-player game this morning, and could appreciate it a bit better. Using the R1 button to constantly realign the camera behind your character is very helpful, indeed. But I'm still very disappointed that the co-op seems to be so unplayable. I really only got Dawn of Dreams for that express purpose. Otherwise, the story of Oni-3 looked a bit more interesting.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Well, DoD is a disappointment for me because it's such a departure from Onimusha's roots. Onimusha started out as basically survival/horror in 16th Japan, but DoD is too cutesy-anime-ish to bear much resemblance to the rest of the series.

For two-player, you might like Blade Warriors. I play it with my kids and we have fun. Although it's hard to beat CTR or Gauntlet:DL for sheer multiplayer fun. :D


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
LisaB1138 said:
Well, DoD is a disappointment for me because it's such a departure from Onimusha's roots. Onimusha started out as basically survival/horror in 16th Japan, but DoD is too cutesy-anime-ish to bear much resemblance to the rest of the series. :D
I couldn't have said it better. Get Oni3 now. It will be a lot better ;)


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Heh, I feel your pain. The Co-op seems to have been thrown in at last minute. Which is odd, because I though they'd incorporate a split screen type camera to make the game more enjoyable as a whole.

The game is pretty tripe overall I'm afraid to say; well, it as at least to the fans of Onimusha's roots (mainly the reg's here)[face_tongue]. Dawn of Dreams has departed too much from the original Onimusha series to be worth the trouble of having the same title. I suppose it was largely to try and bring in sales. The best thing about the game is that you unlock a nice Oni fighting game at the end, which is better than the main game in many respects.

It is a shame you passed on Onimusha 3. That game is just short of perfection in my opinion. Of course, it lacks a two player aspect but watching someone play it well, is just as enjoyable. A strong cast of characters and a plot following medieval/modern timelines crossing, was quite refreshing- considering it's a rather old idea.

Heh, Lisa is right about Blade warriors. Though it has little in common with the main series, aside from the slew of characters and locations:- it's an enjoyable beat'em up and the multiplayer mode can get pretty hectic.


Dec 3, 2005
LisaB1138 said:
...DoD is too cutesy-anime-ish to bear much resemblance to the rest of the series.

That's another aspect I wasn't quite expecting, and to be perfectly honest was a bit put off by at the first. I wasn't expecting these cute little chibi things in the world of Onimusha.

But I appreciate the suggestions, and I think I am going to give Oni-3 a try after completing this game. The good thing is, I only spent $17 on it. I went to Circuit City, and it was listed as $30. But the guy rang it up as $17, so that was a nice surprise. At that price I don't feel too burned, and the single-player isn't too bad so far. I will have to check out those other games you mentioned, though, as an alternative for my wife & I to play together.



Dec 3, 2005
Rather than start another thread, I was hoping perhaps some of you might could help me to learn the Whirlwind move (the first new one I've gotten since restarting the game in single-player). I've tried endless times to perform it the way it's said to be done, but can't seem to pull the move off. Any pointers?



Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
is that the down up square one? I think it has to be done without using the lock on button if I am not mistaken.[face_thinking] If your still having trouble I'll check it out a little later on.


Dec 3, 2005
Well, I've tried it the way the game seems to say it needs to be done, and the way you suggested, as well as a myriad of other variations on that button configuration, but I can't seem to execute the move... [face_tired]


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
GeekyDaD said:
Well, I've tried it the way the game seems to say it needs to be done, and the way you suggested, as well as a myriad of other variations on that button configuration, but I can't seem to execute the move... [face_tired]

Ah, ok. Well basically, with Soki: holding R1 and down on the analogue stick shuffles you backwards, then simply move the analogue stick up followed immediately by []. I do not doubt that you already know this[face_tongue]. However, if I am not mistaken you need to have at least purchased the first whirlwind skill point in order to use the skill (same applies to all skills). So, if as of yet you have not done so- that may be the cause of your trouble.

I hope that helps to some extent. Please get back to me if not.


Dec 3, 2005
masquerade_red said:
GeekyDaD said:
...I do not doubt that you already know this[face_tongue]. However, if I am not mistaken you need to have at least purchased the first whirlwind skill point in order to use the skill (same applies to all skills). So, if as of yet you have not done so- that may be the cause of your trouble.

I hope that helps to some extent. Please get back to me if not.

;) Yeah...

Well, I only know about it because when I added level points to Soki's Attack stat it told me that he now had this new ability. Is there something else I have to do/purchase in order to get it to work properly? If not, I'll just keep workin' at it.

But, now you're saying that I have to push forward on the control stick (after the R1 + backwards) before pressing the square button, not at the same time?



Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Well basically, hold R1 so that you take the battle stance(ie lock on), then push down, then up on the analogue stick and follow it up immdeiately with []. so (R1+V^[])

Once you upgrade your attack skill enough, whirlwind shall unlock. Then you must purchases the first whirlwind skill point- 0, in order for the skill to work. Then purchase another point and your skill shall go to lvl 1, then lvl 2 ect. Which essentially upgrades the amount of damage that, that specific attack shall do.

It may be that your equipping a sword that somehow negates that skill, yet I can not say I encountered such a thing.[face_thinking]


Dec 3, 2005
Ah...okay. Well, I'll keep all those things in consideration when I check it out later tonight. I didn't know you had to also purchase a level for it after unlocking the skill before actually using it.

The options and whatnot are really quite impressive for this type of action game, although it would be nice to have some shortcuts for using meds. But the manual and instructions don't seem to cover enough.



Jun 1, 2006

Onimusha Warlords is the first game of the series I played, but I didn't like it, partly because of the awkward control. Then I bought DoD, hoping it's a good game but I was very disappointed. Almost everything of it was bad: character design, environment, combat, story, cutscenese ... As a result, I was never able to finish it although I tried to force myself to finshi it.

Recently I've got Oni 2 and 3. I'm surprised that these games are much better, funner than DoD. Masquerade, I agree with you, Oni 3 is the best of all (then number 2, Warlords and DoD is dead last). Fianally, players can use analog stick instead of D-pad. Beautiful 3D environment, great cutscenes, wonderful intro - the best intro I've ever seen in any games, and awesome combat. I really love the Speciall Attack of the Tenso. I'm very, very pleased with Oni 3. Now, I become a newest fan of the Onimusha series.

Thanks Capcom for making these amazing games.



Aug 10, 2005
I was dissapointed that the final boss was just Fortinbras they didn't even use additional attacks.


Feb 26, 2005
Tell you the truth, I don't see why you all don't like Onimusha: dawn of Dreams so much. I mean, I don't grade games as hard as every body else but it was a great game to me and I liked it a lot. I still want to play #3 because it looks cool but seriouilsy, I don't see what's so bad about #4.
Jul 10, 2007
Well, DoD is a disappointment for me because it's such a departure from Onimusha's roots. Onimusha started out as basically survival/horror in 16th Japan, but DoD is too cutesy-anime-ish to bear much resemblance to the rest of the series.

For two-player, you might like Blade Warriors. I play it with my kids and we have fun. Although it's hard to beat CTR or Gauntlet:DL for sheer multiplayer fun. :D

Cute?Anime-ish? Man you're an idiot...


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
No, I'm not an idiot. I know cutesy anime when I see it. And this
qualifies in spades.

That thing has no place in an Onimusha game. [face_not_talking]
Jan 10, 2007
to me none of the characters from oni 4, felt validated. its like they tell you this guy is the best, this is how the world of onimusha works, but you just dont like the feeling and your brain seems to tell you, they are giving you too much, too much that is far from the other oni games.

it is a departure from the other games, but itd be nice if capcom said it wasnt canon so i wouldnt feel so bad about it not being like the rest of the games


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
chupadordemerda said:
Cute?Anime-ish? Man you're an idiot...

Calling Lisa an idiot is like slapping John Cleese in the face for having no wit.[face_talk_hand] She was dead on in saying DOD was Anime-esque. All the characters fell into the tediom of Anime inspired influence.

For instance: Soki looking like some J-pop imbecile with the intelligence and attitude to match. The typical westerner(Oni 3 displayed how to do it well), ridiculous bosses who are on the verge of crying if they do wrong in their masters eyes; and of course Minokichi- that useless sack-of-shit hanging from (what ought to have been a noose) space itself, if that's not anime I do not know what is. His voice is diabolical to boot. Tenkai was the only like-able character, but for good reason, and even then- he was a bastardisation of his formal self.

An all round pretty nonsensical game, that had very little substance.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Garyfoster.h. said:
Just because Oni 4 looks Anime-ish doesn't mean it is a dissapointment compared to the other games.

Nay, that would be the poor and embarrassing character development, a game that more or less became a button masher with naught to really take your mind off of the monotony of the gameplay, and very simplistic in every respect. Area's became identical and it was just a 'get from point A to B' game, with a cut-scene at the start and end of the levels, including some predictable bosses.

It is not a horrendous game, as I have already stated. But when compared to the refined gameplay of it's predecessors- it just becomes laughable.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
It wasn't Onimusha. Just slapping the name on the box isn't enough to make it an Onimusha game. It's like Tomb Raider: Legend. It might have been a decent game, but it wasn't Tomb Raider.

I buy a franchise game for a reason, so I don't like it when it's been substantially hijacked into something else.