
No Longer a Noob
Oct 21, 2006
Been away from IGN for like ever.

Well, getting back on track, let me ask quick questions. Do you think Smash will be at E3? And what character or characters do you think are possible?


Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows
Holy fuck, welcome back! It's been a long time and I need someone to pick on [face_mischief]

I'll say we are DEFINITELY getting something. It probably won't be much since Smash is already released, but I can suspect one of the following...

- DLC fighter 2 is announced and released
- DLC fighter 2 is announced and date yet to be revealed
- DLC fighters 2 and 3 are announced and released
- DLC fighters 2 and 3 are announced and date yet to be revealed
- DLC fighters 2 and 3 are announced; 2 is released and 3's date yet to be revealed

It's gotta be one of these and my money Is saying either the 1, 2, or 5 one


No Longer a Noob
Oct 21, 2006
Holy fuck, welcome back! It's been a long time and I need someone to pick on [face_mischief]

I'll say we are DEFINITELY getting something. It probably won't be much since Smash is already released, but I can suspect one of the following...

- DLC fighter 2 is announced and released
- DLC fighter 2 is announced and date yet to be revealed
- DLC fighters 2 and 3 are announced and released
- DLC fighters 2 and 3 are announced and date yet to be revealed
- DLC fighters 2 and 3 are announced; 2 is released and 3's date yet to be revealed

It's gotta be one of these and my money Is saying either the 1, 2, or 5 one
1. Someone to pick on? Oh so the constant back and forth years ago gets reignited again? :^O

2. Yeah, one of those makes a lot of sense.