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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Smallville: "Sacrifice" Review[/link]
by Chris Carabott

"Sacrifice" brings together many story arcs that have been building over the course of the season. Zod's thirst for freedom and power for his people has driven him to the breaking point as he watches those who would hunt his kind creep out of the shadows. Checkmate, while relatively ineffectual so far, has managed to ruffle a few feathers in the meta-human community. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Jan 24, 2005
I seriously loved this episode. its a 9 for me but really good review ign. Zod took the cowardly way out of that predicament using it as a way to declare war on earth, Clark is truly at a point where he has to fight, and Watchtower being gone. I know they called it Sacrifice because of what Faora gave up, but really everything was on the line for every character on the show, not just the main cast but the supporting/ recurring characters too. Hell, Faora's sister turned a blind eye to what she knows happened to her sister and sided with Zod, knowing her sister's feelings about certain situations. great episode, no matter how you put it.
Dec 13, 2009
Good episode, they handled the many story archs very well, and im glad Green Arrow actually got to show his skills this week.

But Martha Kent, former farm mom who rooted for Clark when things were bad, is actually the grand mastermind red queen? That sounds pretty lame and could very easily be the biggest misstep of the season. But it might actually turn out pretty interesting so im going to reserve my judgent until next week. I'm still skeptical though none the less.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 30, 2009
Zod finally has a purpose!!Great episode by basically everyone.

PS.Will we ever see Kara again?You'd think Kryptonians on Earth would rouse her.


Jan 24, 2005
Yeah im not crazy about Martha being the Red Queen either but I guess i'll bite and see what it tastes like this friday.

p.s. kara isn't on Earth, she left earth to look for the lost city of Kandor which is what Zod and the others came out of. turns out it was here on earth the whole time.


May 3, 2009
1. Hooray for Callum Blue. I've been all about him being on this show since I found out about it... and this episode really showed his stuff. [Anybody who hasn't go back and watch Dead Like Me, he's great in that]
2. As much as this season has me happy, I'm still tired of the fact that every character on the show, especially people that in reality would have no place in any kind of fisticuffs, does more fighting than Clark.
3. Martha Kent: Red Queen? A weird turn of events to be certain, but, it is true comic book fashion to have a major character disappear for years and then come back having transformed from what they once were to something almost completely new.
4. Clark... time to do some weird communication across time and space and get Kara's cute little ace back on earth [Come on, V, she can take 1 or 2 eps off].
5. Smallville creators, listen up: You're already signed for another season. Do NOT do a cliffhanger season finale. Do a 2 hour TV movie special. Blow the budget and make a truly fantastic battle between Clark, Kara, Justice League [any good guy who's cameo'd this last season or 2] VS Zod and the Kandorians. Make it epic. Make it Apocalyptic. Let it end badly or with horrible collateral damage leaving the earth weakened by it. At the end, Clark can have won -- announcing himself publicly as Superman and promising to never allow such a world-wide travesty to occur again and to help rebuild........Then in the first episode of season 11, in the midst of rebuilding, with weakened super-heroes and the like Apokolips arrives and takes control of the Earth... defeating Superman. All of season 11 is about finding a way to take the earth back from Apokolips. They'll need help from someone they never thought they could turn to do it: ZOD.

Also, as one of the "lighter" episodes, it would be cool if Apokolips bound Clark to Metallo to keep him constantly weakened and helpless. The episode can play like a super-powered version of that movie Fled... where L. Fishburne and S. Baldwin run away from the chain gang etc.

Yeah, yeah, how do you pull that off with a TV budget? I don't know, per se... but isn't that the reason you hot-shot TV people get paid so much more than me? Figure it out.
Feb 27, 2009
I just find the whole idea CLARK not flying SO FREAKING LAME! We see all the other Kandorians flying! IF the WHORES of Smallville had spent the last few seasons explaining in loose detail, why Clark can't fly then I could understand. But no scenes of VERTIGO, or dialogue about deep rooted fears. There was a TV show called "The Greatest American Hero" where the hero flew but was unable to control the ability of flight. If they could do something like that where Clark is slowly learning to control his ability of flight; then Smallville would not come off so lame.
Feb 27, 2009
oh yeah, love the scene where Green Arrow is being brutilized, this definately a step in the right direction for the writers of Smallville.
Oct 29, 2009
Sick episode. It was awesome because of the darkness of it. SOme of the better episodes this season have not featured lois that much


Jun 26, 2001
So now we have "War of the Supermen" on Smallville.

I realize the point of Clark's inability to fly, but it looks more and more ridiculous with every flying Kryptonian introduced to the show. At this point I'm guessing the season finale will involve Clark gaining flight just long enough to combat the Kandorians, only to lose it again by the season 10 premiere. The writers just need to realize that the show has changed and matured, and the "no flights" rule has become dated.
As long has he doesn't wear the true costume and doesn't call himself Superman, the nature of the show remains intact.
Oh, and the "next on Smallville" preview ruined it for me.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 1, 2006

This whole season has been a step in the right direction. I have been truly shocked by the quality of this season. For the first time in a VERY long time with Smallville, I'm actually excited to see what happens next.

I never expected the change in showrunners to be a good thing, but they have somehow turned this into one of my most anticipated shows of the week.


Jan 15, 2010
Hopefully the Clark/Zod fight won't suck as much as the Clark/Doomsday fight did that was HORRIBLE!!!


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 1, 2006
That fight was limited by the budget. A fist fight between two actors shouldn't be as hard to do. Then again, Smallville has always had disappointing finales. Except for the tornado one. That one was cool.


Dec 16, 2006
Justin Hartley had two separate writing credits for this episode. Perhaps we should give him some credit? Most of the main cast has had a chance to direct, but they don't usually write too.


Jan 8, 2007
Ok... the Clark not flying thing is really running thin now. Zod and the Kandorians get their powers for 5 mins and they're skilled fliers but Clark can't because he has daddy issues? Come on CK... you've jumped in front of trains and cars, survived mammoth explosions, etc etc etc... just jump already!
Aug 21, 2002

Well I think the main reason clark can't fly is because he's afraid of heights. He's been that way forever in the show, and i'm guessing it's one of the things the creators have used to keep him grounded for now. But I expect to see that get lifted soon, just because it's time to raise the stakes a little.


Dream Master
Jan 13, 2010
Look! Up in the Sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's...Zod and his soldiers? Give me an effing break. This crap is getting so weak. After nine seasons, it's time for Superboy to become Superman. Zod is on Earth and Supes still can't fly. Rediculous. Wake up, Smallville writers! Everyone is ready for this to happen! Stop beating around the bush and turn Clark into the bad-ass he's suppose to be before Zod and his merry band of Kandorians kicks his no-flying ass all over planet earth!!!


Mar 11, 2009
The fact that the Kandorians could fly after (literally!) a few minutes of having powers, and Clark, after 20 years, still can not, just makes him look pathetic and weak. You could make the argument that he's afraid of heights, but that's even MORE pathetic and weak.

@Adgriagn: I think you hit the nail on the head. The writers seem to be really hitting the no-flying thing hard this season, so hopefully they'll give Clark some balls by the end of the season. Although it's much more likely he'll fly once (again, probably during his final bout with Zod) in the season finale, and then miraculously forget how he did it by next season's premier.

Martha being the Red Queen is a stupid turn of events. Yeah, I'm sure she'll have her reasons, however lame they might be, but NOTHING outside the realm of mind-control, would explain her actions.
Feb 26, 2010
Uh Zod and the Kandorians weren't raised on Earth, Clark hasn't fully embraced his kryptonion side which is why he is still grounded. The writers are waiting for the right moment for clark to finally learn how to fly. It supposed to be a defining moment, something that allows clark to look past his fears, fully embrace his alien heritage and take to the skys. Maybe Zod will grab chloe or lois and fly with em out of clark's leaping range and he'll have no choice but to attempt to fly to save them before they suffocate.


Dream Master
Jan 13, 2010
"The writers are waiting for the right moment for clark to finally learn how to fly."

How many "right moments" has Clark had over the last nine years? The time is now. There are no more excuses.


Dec 22, 2009
Is anyone even watching this show still? I pray to God once a week that the writers of this show will have compassion on us real Superman fans and end this show. They have sucked everything good about Superman, dumbed it down, then marketed it for 16 year-old girls and pre-pubescent teen boys. Stop this madness, if you love, truly LOVE the Superman mythos then you'll let this show DIE! DIE! DIE!!!..OK.."Smallville" fan-boys insert your criticisms here____________________________________________!!!


Dream Master
Jan 13, 2010
Antiqueiceman1011 said:

"what are you guys talking about he has flown before"

Yeah, but he was hopped up on red kryptonite and conveniently doesn't remember how he did it. Lame.
Aug 20, 2009
So ecrowe21, you're asking the smallville fanboys to argue it out with an actual superman comic fanboy? I don't know which is worse. That would guess...


Dec 22, 2009
Yes I am Supernaught00 . But it would only end in the crushed dreams of young'ens who know nothing of the Man of Steel. -sigh-


Mar 28, 2008
The Zod guy is great. You want to see more of him onscreen and the character has seemed underused.
Although maybe he seems so good precisely because they haven't over exposed him.
Jun 23, 2008
Personally I think that they didnt show too much why they wud trust zod over him because clark was the one who rescued them from the checkmate people but suppose zod had tkaen control already. Really well acting from callum blue but I want his face smashed in loads, man clark needs to sort himself the feck out he needs to freaking fly and seriously the rage I would feel about killing the pregnant lady like yer take the high road is what supes about but man seriously unleash yourself I love the line in justice league when he gonna fight darkseid and he says how he can go all out on him and not restrain himself he shud just go full out against them all want him not to be a sort perfect hero now but show he a hero that wont back down he delievered his response to zod rather weakly. But man manipluating everyone I just wud of smashed zod's face in right there.

They all morons, I hope someone reveals it to them and the sister gets messed up from realizing she was controlled by zod and kill herself for being a idiot she annoyed me loads, but suppose she did get kidknapped by the humans so makes sense she be more up for aggression. Was a wicked episode though

Jun 23, 2008
Superman needs to rage against Zod, I just think that Clark can go all out against them so he shudnt restrain himself and just go all out they all as strong as him. I mean supes takes the moral high ground but he shud show far more rage his claim that he wont let them was delievered rather weak.
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