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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Smallville: "Kent" Review[/link]
by Chris Carabott

Clark finds himself once again in the terribly lit world of Earth-2 and has a surprising encounter with the alternate universe Jonathan Kent. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Jan 23, 2010
One of the best, besides the end with Ultraman. What good did he ever have in him? I wanted to see them fight but once again, disappoinment.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 8, 2006
At this point, i really don't care for these kind of episodes.. I just hope that these last few episodes that they have been saving their budget on will make for an EXCELLENT 2 hour finale.

I mean hearing one of the classic Superman movie themes play out during those commercial breaks with the shadow of Clark having on the Supes costume with the cape blowing... well it has me excited but i really hope the "tease' comes to fruition or I will have to come and hurt every producer/director/writer on the show... not even joking.

Also, Booster Gold episode is next.. hopefully it's tied in nicely, but I'm already dreading the episode where Lois is supposedly gonna get Clark's powers.. Haven't they already done something similar more than one time? And wasn't it JUST this season that she had those mystical powers from some Egyptian goddess? It's TOO similar.

Anyway, yeah, I hope the two hour series finale is amazing and I want to see some true Superman flight and and the Supes costume and Darkseid and LEX! Please be awesome! May 13 can't come soon enough! I'm almost at the point where I don't want to watch it on TV and just buy the PSN episode a few days later so I can watch it commercial free, lol.
Mar 22, 2010
This was a good episode, but the writers are still wasting time with these kind of episodes. This was more side story and they need to be as focused as a laser on the main plot of this season. They have failed to really do that.


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Apr 21, 2009
Oh man i Always miss smallville T_T hate it that its on Fridays grr...HURRAY for HULU ;D


Jan 24, 2005
It was a good episode. I really liked how its implied that the father son bond between Clark and Johnathan goes beyond worlds.

I'm not sure how i feel about the farm being sold. I mean, years ago I would have wanted it but now with Clark and Lois getting married and seeing how just like the Kents they are, I started to think that the farm staying with the family would make sense, especially for Connor to be around, but now....its the show telling us that things really are at an end but yet its the memories you take with you from that former home that also makes us happy to enjoy the new place.
May 20, 2009
This show sucks, maybe the writers of killzone 3 could give them some pointers. No ordinary family, V, and the Vampire diaries has progressed faster than the ninth season of this load of crap.



Apr 16, 2011
Great episode, the Jonathan and Clark scenes were great and the way Clark leaves the mirror world is reminiscent of "Void."

The Smallville writers have written episodes of No Ordinary Family and are joining Vampire Diaries.

The show is awesome.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 25, 2003
its seems like they really wanted to close all the loose ends for earth2 now jon is with martha kinda and ultraman has a direction no more luthor and that crystal thing is destroyed so no coming back from that side although with the looming threat of darkseid I cant believe they are so lax drinking coffee on the porch and doing stories like this when they have only so long seems like a mistake.
May 8, 2009
Only a few episodes left of Smallville and they force in yet another pointless episode and what looks to be followed by another one next week with doucher gold. But it wasn't a bad episode there just was no point. Exploring Tess' mental state again, come on man. Stop building Clark's character, we have seen that for 10 years now. End with a good story arc with Darkside and call it a day. Chris' review wasn't so bad this week for once.


Aug 14, 2008
Umm yea, Tess looked amazing. Episode was decent, but Tess' cleavage was def the best part! Now start bringing on the bad assery smallville!


Original poster
@dbzgt1984Cricket (such a seemingly random name...)

This episode did serve a point. They needed to fully place themselves in their futures and with them living at the farm, they always had one foot behind them. They needed to let go and become who they were meant to be. Much more for Clark than Lois, but it still applied to her as well. A good way of doing this was having him meet Jonathan again and see that even when everything's different it can still be the same. That even without the farm, he would still be the same Clark. And this needed to happen because Clark still isn't fully Superman yet, there are still things holding him back and the farm was one of them.


Apr 13, 2011
I agree I believe that this episode served a purpose. It served as Clark finally letting go of his past family ties, one of the last things that is holding him back from becoming Superman. Now he can focus on the future and who he is meant to be.


Apr 1, 2011
@ rarodrig6 I couldn't agree with you more but I don't see any bad sadness coming with booster gold blah


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 11, 2000
It was a decent episode. The ending with Clark/Ultraman felt a little too rushed, but I'll take it.

Tess in that dress though was ... [face_shock] She's got to show off those puppies a bit more often.
May 8, 2009
jrau18 you make a good point but they maybe waited to long for him to finally move on from the farm. Also Tess' boobage was pretty awesome.


Feb 12, 2011
@ marcusfrommo

Why do losers like you post in here then? If some of you hate the show so much, why do you continue to follow it and comment on it? Is your life that boring? I have no problem with people not liking Smallville, but you clowns who feel the need to bash it and cry about it every week crack me up, because it shows how little you have going on that you need to continue to trash a show you clearly dont like.

Bottom line...get a life.


Mar 24, 2010
This is a good episode typical of what you would expect with smallville.
One of Smallville's weaknesses is that it cant tie the monster of the week stand alone with the greater season arc.
But all in all this a good episode that does tug on the heartstrings with Clark and his dad which was the highlight of this episode because Clark was in a way able to let go of his dad and his past.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 20, 2008
I didn't expect much from this episode so I was pleasantly surprised with it, especially the action between the two clarks.

I felt it was a fitting ending to clark luthor however, I too thought he wasn't a redeemable figure after he's meant to have been raised by lionel afterall so you expect im to be pretty heartless but whatever.
Feb 23, 2011
there were some emotional moments, but this episode would've done better earlier in the season. It could've been in Fortune's place, that episode was a complete waste of space anyway.


Jan 22, 2011
I'll give it a 9 if Zatanna (must be play by Serinda Swan) in this episode and a 10 if Zattana say something like "kralc tnek esu namrepus emutsoc".
Oct 3, 2005
The subtitle of this article was one of the funniest things I've seen on here in a while. Especially because its very true. "Clark finds himself once again in the terribly lit world of Earth-2." LMAO


No Longer a Noob
Apr 12, 2010
The Skull Zone
When I first heard this episode was going back to Earth-2, I thought it would tank. But it turned out to be a pretty good episode. It's been a long 2 months Smallville has been gone, glad it's back.

Bring on the next 3 episodes!


Original poster
They are all over the place this year I'm glad it's ending. Not a horrible episode but once again nothing to do with the big picture. I guess this was just an excuse to show Jonathan Kent one more time. I'm looking forward to the final episodes but I hope this is the last of the filler episodes. I honestly thought there weren't going to be anymore before I saw this episode.


Dec 28, 2008
This episode wasn't the best, I guess it was the last before they start summing up all the plots... I hope. Looking forward to the finale though the most, hopefully they have a decent budget for that at least.
Jul 26, 2009
Chris, you bring up some really good points in your review, but a 7.5 overall for the entire episode? You gave the SAME exact score for the "Luthor" episode, yet as a 2 part "other worldly" story, they are both great. You can give "Collateral a 3, but when it comes to what I feel are 2 of the best episodes of the season, you give them a measley 7.5 all because you feel the alternate universe arc is "lackluster?" Seriously, come on.

There are plenty of episodes I would call lackluster, but Luthor/Kent are not it. Be generous with your scores if you really have to, but a 7.5 for this is not generous.
May 8, 2009
Bro Chris Carabott is crazy when it comes to scores for Smallville. Giving Fortune a 9 and Beacon a 8.5 is pure madness. There is no standard for scores on IGN's reviews. Not sure if the 9 is compared to the other episodes or other TV shows, either way its still madness. As far as I can tell its mostly random.


Dream Master
Jan 13, 2010
This was a great episode and I'm glad we had a chance to see Papa Kent one last time. It's too bad that he wasn't able to come back with Clark - that would have been a nice way to reunite his parents.

I don't agree with the whole "selling the farm" angle. In the comics and in the DC animated movies, the Kent farm has always been a place where Clark could escape to seek advice or consolation from his mother. It's fine if Clark and Lois want to move to Metropolis, but at the end of the series, they need to bring Martha back to live at the farm where she belongs - and bring everything full circle.

Aside from that, I loved what they did with this episode and thought that the scenes with evil Clark and Tess were some of Welling's best acting contributions of the series. Considering evil Clark's capabilities, Welling really conveyed an ominously evil presence that few villians have been able to convey on this show.

Looking forward to the last few episodes and can't wait to see Clark finally take to the skies in the red and blue.



No Longer a Noob
Apr 12, 2010
The Skull Zone
One thing about this episode that didn't make sense, is that in the end if they are going to sell the farm...back in the episode "Homecoming" the future Lois told Clark that he kept all Kryptonian stuff on THE does this mean they don't end up selling the farm?
Mar 9, 2011
The ending made no sense at all. With the series coming to an end I'd think they'd put more effort into the Superman mythos. Instead, they rehash same old same old. Smallville needs to be put out of its misery... the show ran out of steam when Lex left.


Nov 7, 2010
This was brilliant and it was great seeing Schneider again. There's that line from the superman movies about the son becoming the father and the father the son, and I think it applies here, with clark coming full circle and imparting some advice to a man who looks just like his father.
anyone looking for action scenes should remember that smallville has never been able to do that on it's budget, but when it wants to it can deliver just as much through dialogue better than any brawl could. and yet the few scuffle scenes between clark and ultraman looked great and bode well for the the finale!
and finally, maybe the reviewer missed the point, but for superman and clark there is never going to be a point where someone is irredeemable. he's going to try and bring out the best in someone no matter how bad they might be and that's how he beats the bad guys!


No Longer a Noob
Oct 27, 2007
Very good episode, glad it's continuing with quality stuff this season. So close to the end! :(


Jan 29, 2009
I thought it was weird that they talked about Gold Kryptonite throughout the episode but it wasn't seen at all. Especially considering that the preview for this episode had 2 second shot of the gold stuff. Very weird considering that Gold Kryptonite is pretty much the most dangerous version of kryptonite to Superman.
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