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May 8, 2011
So the last 10 years boils down to this Friday.

Now there have been thousands of predictions as to how this show is gonna end throughout the seasons, but now that we are as close as possible to the end, I thought it would be interesting what people thought.
So this is really a two part question.

What do you THINK is going to happen,
and what do you WANT to happen?

Keep in mind these are two entirely different things, as I know my dream ending (I'll post it a bit later after a few other people have posted theirs) will never happen. I do, however, have some theories on how the creators of the show might end it, but again these I will post after we get a genuine conversation going. As Lionel Luther (by far my favorite character) said in this season in this season "I wouldn't want to miss how it all turns out" (doesn't seem that epic, but in the right setting it was mind blowing).

Anyways, I'm hoping to get a huge conversation started here before friday, so don't hesitate to post away!!

Graham @


No Longer a Noob
Oct 27, 2007
Due to the show's lackluster special effects and limited budget, I think we're going to get an equivalent of the Doomsday fight (I pray I'm wrong). What I WANT is a big @$$ fight for Clark, and with him showing off his flying at some point. Better be substantial Chloe stuff (give her a proper send off!), and either don't waste time with Ollie being bad or use it well. And since Lex will be back, I want it to fit into what's been going on, I wanna know how he's back. And where evil Lionel has been.


Black Canarylicious
Jul 3, 2009
I think Clark will see Lex at the wedding and when he goes to confront him, he'll be gone. They will meet face to face at somepoint, perhaps at the Luther mansion. I wonder how the Clark/Darkseid fight will go. If it's more of Oliver and Granny Goodness vs Clark or somehow, Oliver takes Granny out long enough for Clark to tackle Darkseid. More than likely, the fight will end with Clark sending Darkseid to another dimension or something like that.

But the thing I really want to see addressed in the finale, is where Lex has been for the past 3 years.


May 8, 2011
I'm hoping they are going to explain Lex as well. My biggest fear is that they will be like "oh no its Lex Luther" with just absolutely no hint at where he was. I also want to know how the evil Lionel is going to climax. The relationship between Lex and Lionel, in my opinion, was extremely well depicted in the show and the episodes/ seasons that showcased a lot of this will always be my favorites.

Showcasing Clarke's flying is pretty important, and although the directors have said since day one that they were not going to have it, we need the superman suit to close out the series.

Graham @


The Last Son of Krypton
Mar 9, 2003
I wouldn't have really minded the whole "no tights" thing if the series ended earlier, like after five seasons, but after ten seasons AND showing the suit itself numerous times in the past season... Clark totally has to don the suit.

As for Lex, I've always held onto hope that he (in his original form, not as a clone) was alive because if I remember correctly, when he was blown up in that truck a while back, we didn't actually see him in there... Oliver was just lead to believe that Lex was in that truck. And they found his DNA afterward, which lead them to believe that he was dead. But one thing I've learned from watching A LOT of TV is that if you don't actually see the character die, the door is always open to bring them back.

... And there are, of course, cases where you DO see the character die quite blatantly, but they're brought back anyway. [face_tongue]


May 8, 2011
Thats what I was thinking too!

He is way to old to not don the suit at the end.

Maybe if he was only a year or 2 out of high school, but lets be honest, its the
tenth season finale, show him actually transcend into the man of steel.

Graham @


Black Canarylicious
Jul 3, 2009
I always had the thought that the Lex that Oliver blew up in the truck, was just a clone of the man himself. And the that the real one was out there, somewhere.


Aug 20, 2000
I assume that Darkseid gave Lionel the resources/knowledge to resurrect Lex as he was, using his remains and the information from his clones. His body looked pretty ravaged in the previews, so its probably that they used the clones to replace organs or whatever parts were beyond repair.
Jan 14, 2006
He ended up flying earlier in the episode then I thought. But I was a bit disappointed you didnt get to see him in the suit just slight glimpses of the blue on his chest and the red cape. Maybe the few parts where it was zoomed out some one can zoom in and slow mo it for a better look.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 27, 2001
Pretty much what I expected I guess. As a series finale, I think it did a lot of things right, but as a season finale, it was just as crappy as the past few seasons, the fight over with clark volleying-balling apokolips (the cg for the planet was pretty nifty though) away and no explanation on how the omega symbols went away. They really could just play the music at any time and I'd get as excited as I was... but that last scene was still great. All in all, it felt rushed in terms of the story arc from the season, but was a nice wrap up for the series imo.


Jun 23, 2004
I wasn't okay with Lex Luthor losing his memory again. It destroyed the purpose of all the character development, and all the experiences and how evolved into the evil he becomes.
Feb 23, 2008
finally this horrible show is over. if this show wasnt about my all time fav superhero i would have left back years ago. But once again this show has hit a new low with its awful....i mean awful finale. the finale was actually rock bottom. everyweek i hit more and more dissapointment and yet every once in a while i tune in only to be let down again....

-what exactly was the point of a two hour finale if the entire first episode is going to be as worthless as the entire season?
-can anyone explain to me what the purpose of bringing in darkseid was? i mean all supes had to do was do the worst flying motion and fly right through him to kill him.
-enough with all this piggybacking on bryan singers horrible superman/jesus idea
-lex....bald cap.....a bad one....
-why did the omega symbols vanish?
-so basically this entire season has been nothing of a filler for a conclusion, which was 90%filler....
-if you didnt wanna put him in the suit dont put him in the suit. that ^&%* you just showed was stupid.
-the worst show on television is finally over, but not before they took a big dump on the superman
-there are so many things wrong with this, tom welling never had any business giving input behind the scenes.
-will never watch another show produced/directed by these hacks ever again....and i will be double checking all new shows to make sure. so tired of this stupid crap. its like no one is even trying. its like they are intentionally trying to ruin the superman character to make room for other superheroes or something.iron man, hulk, thor, spiderman, batman, etc. everyone is getting some sort of respected treatment....but no not for superman... first with the god awful superman returns then with superman/shazam then all star superman.....and then the last few seasons of smallville...i mean c'mon!!!!!!
Jul 3, 2005
My final thoughts...

Never again will I stay loyal to a show because I'm a fan of the comic book. Heck, my wife and I even went to Superman Returns because I was afraid if it sucked, Smallville would get canned.

Next, I will only watch if it stays loyal to the comic books. I don't want to watch a show, only for the writers to pull a "Smallville": make **** up as we go.

Lastly, I will say thank-you to Smallville for introducing Booster Gold. Without you doing that I never would've realized that Ryan Reynolds was made to play that hero. Let's me know Green Lantern will suck. I'm sure DC appreciates that. LOL


below me
Jul 28, 2002
Now that it's over I'm pretty satisfied, I will miss watching new episodes but I fully intend on buying that complete series boxset when it comes out.
* I'm glad there wasn't a mind wipe (I can deal with Lex losing his memories).
* I'm glad Chloe made it out alive, I was worried they'd kill her off.
* I definitely enjoyed having Jonathan and Martha in the episode.
* Footage from throughout the series was a great touch.
* Using the Superman score was perfect.
* Making the final credits like the ones from the original movie was a very cool touch.
* I would've liked to see more Lionel and Lex in the episode.
Sep 29, 2005
Ok I finally got time to watch the whole finale. Like many of you guys here, I enjoyed it and also was disappointed in it too. This whole show was about Clark Kent and his journey to becoming the superhero we know him to be today. As much as I wanted to see Clark Kent in the full Superman suit, I am asking for too much. What they gave us in the finale which was CGI shots of Superman instead, I can live with it. We got the flight, the "tights", and Superman before the show ended so I'm happy with that.

I'm glad that most of the cast members from the past all returned except for Lana. Her character has a lot of haters though but I feel that she didn't have to be in this episode. Feels kinda out of place anyways. So Aaron Ashmore get's to play the fake Jimmy and the real Jimmy? I guess that works. Glad to have him back for that cameo appearance. I did like Johnathan Kent's appearance here though. He was basically a spirit and his presence felt powerful. To have him hand Clark the suit was fitting as well.

Having Lex Luthor back was awesome. He only appeared in a few scenes and its like he didn't miss a beat after being gone since Season 7. The bald cap looks great on him and sometimes it doesn't even look weird at certain angles. For him to kill Tess and "saving" her was shocking but it fits into the character of Lex. He always believes that he is doing the right thing when he is not. That last shot of the Luthorcorp sign was great too.

I'm glad the alternate universe Lionel Luthor was used here too. The evil version of him is a great character and the way how he was trying to use Tess was evil. He made me kinda hate him and that's a good thing. When Darkseid took over him, Lionel looked wicked.

The bad things about this finale was the use of Darkseid and his minions. I'm sad that Granny Goddess and the other villains were destroyed with arrows from the Green Arrow. I thought that was weak and would've loved to see some certain kind of battle. But I'm sure budget restrictions played a role in that. I also think Darkseid wasn't utitlized that well either. The only power he seems to have is use people's dark side and takes over them. I'm sure he's more than that in the comics but the way the show used him, I wanted more. Another thing I didn't like was the wedding storyline that took up the whole first hour. It ended up not happening either which was a waste of time. They could've used that for other things but what's done is done.

In all, the 10 year ride of Smallville was fun and I loved it. It went through it's downsides and its upsides. I would say that it had more upsides to me. To hear the John Williams song was just icing in the cake in the end. I will miss this show and I wonder what show will the CW create next.


Jun 23, 2004
This can't be the end. I want more Superman. At least make Smallville: The movie showing what happens during the Lex Luthor Presidency.
Jul 3, 2005
Bosnian-Warrior said:
Can someone (real fans) tell me what happend to Oliver? We see Cloe and his son? But where is Oli?

I thought Chloe said he was out. Unless that was his bow in his son's room.... If that's the case, then did he die?!? Thank goodness I recorded it on my DVR. I'll rewatch the final moments lol


Jan 16, 2007
Surreal_Monkey said:
Pretty much what I expected I guess. As a series finale, I think it did a lot of things right, but as a season finale, it was just as crappy as the past few seasons, the fight over with clark volleying-balling apokolips (the cg for the planet was pretty nifty though) away and no explanation on how the omega symbols went away. They really could just play the music at any time and I'd get as excited as I was... but that last scene was still great. All in all, it felt rushed in terms of the story arc from the season, but was a nice wrap up for the series imo.

I'm pretty sure the explanation for the marks disappearing was seeing Clark, in the suit, as a symbol of hope as he knocked the planet away.

All in all, I'm glad they didn't pull any punches with this finale, and I'm glad the show is over. Despite losing some focus throughout some of the mid-later seasons, they actually did a good job with the flashbacks showing how much has really happened during the course of the show.
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