
The Last Son of Krypton
Mar 9, 2003
BE THERE AS SMALLVILLE WRAPS UP CLARK KENT'S TEN-YEAR JOURNEY IN AN EPIC TWO-HOUR SERIES FINALE - The story of Clark Kent (Tom Welling) culminates in this epic two-hour series finale as Clark takes the last step to becoming the Man of Steel. With surprise guest appearances, nods to the first few seasons of the series and Michael Rosenbaum's return as Lex Luthor, this final episode wraps up a decade-long story following one man's journey to becoming the world's greatest superhero. Erica Durance, Allison Mack, Justin Hartley, Cassidy Freeman, John Glover, Annette O'Toole and John Schneider also star. Kevin Fair directed "Finale Part 1," which was written by Al Septien & Turi Meyer and Greg Beeman directed "Finale Part 2," written by Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders.

There's already another thread that's sort of like this, but I made this one anyway for closure. [face_tongue]

It's been fun keeping up with this show, through all the highs and lows over the years. And it's FINALLY coming to an end. Kinda mind blowing. The series finale always seemed so far away. Let's hope it's a good one!


Aug 20, 2000
I only have two expectations; one for Clark to finally gain control of his flight ability, and to wear his Superman suit. Everything else is gravy.



Oct 30, 2003
Well, we got the flights, the tights, and the music. But Welling totally chickened out of wearing the suit in a way, that was ALL CGI! And at the end, that wasnt even a good S he had on, considering the suit his dad handed him had the thicker S from the recent movie on it.

And getting rid of darkside was as easy as just giving it a little shove out of the way? Weak. Well, I wont be buying the DVD of any of this. But I was smiling at the last 10 minutes, I will admit. I could totally see the Air Force one rescue coming a mile away, and I liked the nod to the first movie.


Jan 10, 2004
When i saw the Flight / the suit he put on, all i did was just laugh and Nod my head.. 10 years for this moment.. i had tears coming out


No Longer a Noob
Oct 27, 2001
Pretty much what I expected I guess. As a series finale, I think it did a lot of things right, but as a season finale, it was just as crappy as the past few seasons, the fight over with clark volleying-balling apokolips (the cg for the planet was pretty nifty though) away and no explanation on how the omega symbols went away. They really could just play the music at any time and I'd get as excited as I was... but that last scene was still great. All in all, it felt rushed in terms of the story arc from the season, but was a nice wrap up for the series imo.


Sep 26, 2001



Ecchi Virus
Oct 16, 2003
Naughty Websites
Yeah, the last 15 minutes with the suit and the flying and the classic theme was good. But Clark being "able to save the world from darkness" by simply pushing the planet away was a letdown...So in short all he needed to save the day was the flying ability so he can get up there?


below me
Jul 28, 2002
Great way to end it. I wanted more though, I was hoping for more Lex.
I loved the use of the Superman theme and how they did the credits like the original movie.
I was hoping Perry would say Great shades of Elvis, but Caesar's ghost was just as good. When Darkside knocked Clark up then Jor-EL started talking to him, I said this is it this is when he finally flies!


The Last Son of Krypton
Mar 9, 2003
FINALLY got to watch the finale after being out of town all weekend.

Excellent finale.

- First half seemed a little slow, but was still enjoyable. Definitely touched my sensitive side, haha. Earlier in the series, I didn't feel like I could buy Smallville's iterations of Lois and Clark as that great of a match, but now I totally can. And it was nice having Jonathan and Martha around.
- Pretty cool how Lionel was in a way the bad guy of the finale, considering he was sort of the main villain for half of the series.
- Loved having Lex (Michael Rosenbaum) back, obviously. We got a Lex/Tess scene and a Lex/Clark scene, which is all I really wanted.
- I was also super stoked that Chloe made it to the end of the series! I thought she would be a goner every season since season 5. I'm really happy that she got a happy ending.
- Clark finally learning to fly was incredibly gratifying, even if it took ten years. I was really giddy when he flew out of the Fortress and got into his costume.
- We also got a glimpse of the future at the Daily Planet with Clark ripping open his shirt to reveal the S-shield, which is how I figured (and how I hoped) the series would end. AND the Superman theme, which is another thing I was really hoping for.

Anyways, the only thing I'm really upset about is the wiping of Lex's memory. Argh! That's the one thing I was hoping wouldn't happen, but figured probably would. When Michael Rosenbaum was brought back and Lex still remembered everything, I was happy, but then that was taken away by the end of the episode. A big part of the episode was about how Clark's past experiences made him the hero he is today, so the same should apply to Lex. What reason does Lex have to be the man he's supposed to be without everything he had to go through in life with his messed up family life, his time in school, his time in Smallville, etc?

Really, my only complaint.

Overall though, a great ending. The series definitely had its highs and lows, but I'm still glad I experienced all of it.


May 8, 2011
I thought it was so epic.
First little bit was a bit slow, dragging out the marriage portion, but in the end it wrapped up everything (even though just pushing the planet away was also a little bit of a let down).

The only thing that they messed up on was how or why it tooked them seven years to call back on the wedding.

Ah well.
I know there was a lot of screaming and cheering when Lex was on at my apartment.
So good.

Don't know what to do with myself now, theres no other good superhero shows, are there?

Gamin' Ninja @ http://bit.ly/GrahamGameOn247


Black Canarylicious
Jul 3, 2009
I look at the Darkseid fight as a season long battle. Clark had to battle those who were under Darkseid's control, like Slade and VRA, plus his minions, Godfrey, Desaad, Granny Goodness and her furies. Sure it was way short in the finale, but look at the season as a whole.

I liked the dark background of the episode, which made Lex's return much more epic. Green Arrow defeating the 3 minions with ease, kind of threw me off. But I guess since this is a origins story, those 3 are at their weakest and in time, will get stronger, in the Superman realm!

Lois was hot as usual and looked really great in the white wedding dress. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10 rating. It ended for me without any cliffhangers, so that's good enough for me with a show that is done and not coming back for another season.

And it'll be interesting to see what is next for the actors/actress of Smallville. I'll keep my eyes open for that.


Aug 20, 2000
-PyroBlaze- said:
Anyways, the only thing I'm really upset about is the wiping of Lex's memory. Argh! That's the one thing I was hoping wouldn't happen, but figured probably would. When Michael Rosenbaum was brought back and Lex still remembered everything, I was happy, but then that was taken away by the end of the episode. A big part of the episode was about how Clark's past experiences made him the hero he is today, so the same should apply to Lex. What reason does Lex have to be the man he's supposed to be without everything he had to go through in life with his messed up family life, his time in school, his time in Smallville, etc?

I agree. I've always seen Lex as not someone who is evil, but sort of morally twisted. He honestly thinks what he is doing is the right thing to do. I'm inclined to believe he'd keep Clark's identity secret because he wants to be the one to beat him, not someone else and he'd leave Clark's family out of it as a kind of "This fight is between you and me" sort of thing.


Sep 26, 2001
chris119 said:
-PyroBlaze- said:
Anyways, the only thing I'm really upset about is the wiping of Lex's memory. Argh! That's the one thing I was hoping wouldn't happen, but figured probably would. When Michael Rosenbaum was brought back and Lex still remembered everything, I was happy, but then that was taken away by the end of the episode. A big part of the episode was about how Clark's past experiences made him the hero he is today, so the same should apply to Lex. What reason does Lex have to be the man he's supposed to be without everything he had to go through in life with his messed up family life, his time in school, his time in Smallville, etc?

I agree. I've always seen Lex as not someone who is evil, but sort of morally twisted. He honestly thinks what he is doing is the right thing to do. I'm inclined to believe he'd keep Clark's identity secret because he wants to be the one to beat him, not someone else and he'd leave Clark's family out of it as a kind of "This fight is between you and me" sort of thing.

A lot of evil people think what they are doing is right. Hitler Says Hello.


May 23, 2011
I'm really happy with it. I can't believe the series I grew up watching religiously has ended, even though I have played with the idea of it ending even earlier sometimes. I do wish we could have seen Clark in the suit better though, as I believe Welling has portrayed Clark Kent rather well these years, and he does have a good look for Superman. I heard some people think it was because he wasn't buff enough, but the guy is far from scrawny. I'd imagine he'd make quite the imposing figure in the blue suit, but I'm just happy I would get to see him fly.

All in all, I'm a little sad to see it end. I've come to terms with it ending, but as I said... I did grow up with this show. It feels weird to think about how I'll never wait for another Smallville downl... err... episode to air. I watched the first two episodes on VHS 10 years ago, at 13 years old. I'm 23 now, and I've finally seen the final episode. I'm glad I got to keep up with this show for all those years, and I hope someone can produce another series like this for the kids now to grow up with. I want them to have the same feeling I did, and learn to love a series even though it's flawed. Which comic book character would be a good replacement for Clark's Superman?

Thank you Smallville for all those years well spent, I'll sorely miss you.


Jun 30, 2011
More breathtaking fight scene, he’ll be unbeatable even with the Kryptonite and course the legendary Super Man suit.[face_flag]


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 12, 2012
smallville season 10
ive just heard that Clark has s symbol on his jacket would give him later in life that he superman to everyone he knew as young adult and they mite reveal his secret, so having an S symbol on his jacket is bad idea, hello secret identity suppose remain a secret not revealing his secret that he is superman to friend or foe