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The Last Son of Krypton
Mar 9, 2003
JOR-EL GIVES LOIS SUPER POWERS; KARA RETURNS - Clark (Tom Welling) takes Lois (Erica Durance) to the Fortress to get Jor-El's (voiced by Terrance Stamp) blessing for their marriage. Jor-El bestows a unique wedding gift on the couple – he gives Lois Clark's super powers so she can see what it's like to be him for a day. Unfortunately, the Toyman (guest star Chris Gautheir) has returned to Metropolis, so Lois must go up against the notorious villain instead of Clark. Meanwhile, Oliver (Justin Hartley) searches for the Bow of Orion, which he believes will remove the Omega symbol from his skull, and runs into Kara (guest star Laura Vandervoort), who is also on a mission to stop Darkseid. Mike Rohl directed written by Bryan Q. Miller & Anne Cofell Saunders


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 15, 2010
Kara and Oliver plot was good.
Giving Lois powers for a day was a good premise.
I suppose we saw the Legion of doom

Angry about:
Why take Clarks powers away? They could have had super powered adventures as a couple like in All Star Superman.

Why did Lois accept Toyman's demands?

Gold Kryptonite. Really? This is a rip-off. Instead of Clark fighting Darkseid we will get Darkseid trying to depower Clark.

Why are Metallo and Roulette in the LoD? They aren't even villains in Smallville.

Lois breaking up with Clark. I thought we got past this stuff at the begining of the season.



The Last Son of Krypton
Mar 9, 2003
Pretty decent episode. Seeing Lois with powers was fun and I got excited about seeing brief cameos of Captain Cold and Solomon Grundy. The cliffhanger with Lois telling Clark she can't marry him is pointless though because we all know they're going to get married anyway.

It doesn't feel like next week is the finale at all. It seems like there's still A LOT to cover, so I get the feeling that a lot of it will be rushed.

- Lionel from the other universe is still out and about
- Evil Ollie and Gold K
- Darkseid himself, who I'm guessing we won't actually see
- Clark and Lois's wedding
- Lex
- Superman stuff



Aug 20, 2000
I'm really dissapointed that the Smallville writers keep painting Jor-El in the same shady tone they've done since, what, season 2? It should be obvious by now that Jor-El is not a bad guy and wanted Clark and Lois both to know what they were signing up for; he wanted Lois to know how difficult it was to have Clark's abilities and how nervous for Clark's safety Lois would be since she is powerless. There were lessons to be learned on both sides but Clark threw a snit fit which makes it hard to believe he's ready to become Superman. That, and the "shut off" switch he had for the Fortress kinda makes it look like he was upset to be shown that he still as a lot to learn and was pouting about it.


Black Canarylicious
Jul 3, 2009
Yeah, I agree with some things being rushed. I felt this episode could've used 2 hours. I felt like more time was needed to further Oliver's darkness arc. I bet we'll see more of Oliver's darkside, then we see Darkseid in the finale. But, I would love to be proved wrong.[face_tongue]

I have to see how the finale plays out, but I don't think 2 hours will seal everything up. And it would be cool to see the finale play out like the Public Enemies animated film, where several villains attacked Superman and Batman, before they fought them off. Instead here, Grundy, Metallo, Captain Cold, Black Manta, Roulette, and Dark Archer, come and attack Clark before he fought them off. And then the main event would be set with Clark and Darkseid. I know this won't happen, but I can dream, lol
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