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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Smallville: "Checkmate" Review[/link]
by Chris Carabott

Clark and crew find themselves the target of a secret military organization with plans to use them to stop World War III. Which is to say, Amanda Waller and Checkmate return! [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Dream Master
Jan 13, 2010
This was definately better than the last "relationship" episode. And I was thinking the same thing myself about the Batman/Catwoman conversation that the writers lifted from Batman Returns. Something about mistletoe being dangerous if you eat it. Great scene, though. Great episode altogether. I would have gave it an 8.5 myself.


Mar 8, 2007
For a second there, I thought Jonez was making a sly reference to Green Lantern..."Not everything is in black and white". If only that were true (I think I would literally die of a fanboy heart attack). It probably is just a set up for Maxwell Lord though, which is ok. They need to set him up as a total badass if he is supposed to be next years "big bad" as I've read.

Then again, if it's a set up for Darkseid and the New Gods, that would be fraktacular!

Chris, I think you meant a 9.2 (minimum) on your review. That's ok, we all make typos.


Dream Master
Jan 13, 2010

I've learned to never say never with this show. Wouldn't surprise me at all to see Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Aquaman, the Flash & Supes all fighting side by side. I just wish Clark would get his flight clearance already. That's really starting to piss me off. 10 years is enough! Time to put on the cape!
Feb 27, 2009
I don't know what to say, I didn't hate the episode as much as other Smallville episodes and it was better than last weeks episode but I kinda felt like this season has run out of steam. I don't find myself caring anymore about the storyline. In FACT I AM starting to be more entertained by the bad episodes than better ones. WEIRD!
Feb 27, 2009
Oh, CHECKMATE headquarters looked cool outside but inside, I kept waiting for a big costumed mouse caring a pan of Pepperoni Pizza to walk by and offer TOKENS to the kids.


Oct 17, 2008
Great episode.

Episodes like this really make me wish Phil Morris was a series regular, Martian Manhunter is a great character. I loved that we finally got to see more of his powers.

Clark rescuing Chloe was probably one of the best visuals I've ever seen on the show. I thought the final fight against Icicle in "Absolute Justice" looked like a comic book come to life, but the save in "Checkmate" took it to another level.

I have a bad feeling about Tess, her story is staring to remind me of Lionel's from season 7. She's in over her head and losing everyone around her because she can't be trusted. I hope I'm wrong but I don't see her living past the season finale. It would be a shame because Tess has become a really great character.

This episode gets an 8.5 from me

I might be wrong but wasn't the red chess piece a queen?

What if the chess piece belongs to Martha Kent? I'm sure she's aware of Checkmate because of her job. She could have sent J'onn to investigate the agency when she became aware of their plan to kidnap superhero's. It would also explain why J'onn was hiding his investigation from Clark, Martha would not want to put him in danger.


Apr 12, 2010
Thought this episode was a bit of a let down, the series seems to have veered off course from its main plot about the kryptonians and although the checkmate stuff is interesting, unlike last weeks episode, it seems like the only long term relevance it will have is in making them work more together.

Tess's character has become stupid it seems as if the writers are trying to make her motivations ambiguos but instead just comes off as that she is working with everyone i.e checkmate, the kryptonians and yet they try and make out she is overall trying to help clark.

The special effects at the end were good but the slow mo tess fight at the start seemed pointless and cheasy.

Hopefully the series will get back on course as before the last two eps this series had been by far the best so far.
Feb 9, 2008
Definitely a Red Queen not a king, it matches Tess' set which can be seen clearly about 20 mins in, and also your screenshot of White Queen's set [face_tongue]
p.s. I loved the strobe-type fight... that was badass... constantly guessing what the next "frame" was gonna show... it was like time slowed down and let us try and keep up with the fight xD
anyway, I don't see why you gave it such a low score when you said so many positive things. oh well!^^


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 20, 2008
I thought this episode was great. It was good to see them using the martian with his powers and we got to find out more about checkmate. I didn't like tess finding out about oliver but it was nothing of a major blow for me.
Jun 18, 2008
This episode was fantastic. I had been waiting for an episode this good since Absolute Justice was a disappointment.

While JLA didn't get dealt a heavy blow, they do realize now that they're vulnerable and when was the last time you saw everyone panic like that? That not something they're used to. Also, just when you think you escaped Checkmate, you realized they placed a bomb on you when they had you by the nads.

Great, great episode but I also wondered how Waller knew exactly where to put the flame trap. But I did love how MM got out of it.


Jul 16, 2002
So we have to have scathing for Checkmate to be effective? I'm calling BS.

This was by far one of the best eps of the season, if not the last 5 seasons. Yeah, there were some cheesy moments, but if you're not used to that by now what have you been watching for the last 10 years?

@moviemanofsteel - agreed!


Who is John Galt?
Oct 16, 2004
Greensboro, NC
I enjoyed the ep, but honestly the chess motif was getting on my nerves by the end of the ep. Sure they're Checkmate, but not everything they own or do has to have a chessboard pattern or a chess piece on it. They are after all a "secret" organization. It really got absurd when the doctor preparing to kidnap Chloe takes the time to grab his pawn piece before going after her.

At this point though I'm really wondering how they're going to pull together the season finale. I don't picture them keeping the Kryptonians around after this season. Also, they've brought Checkmate into it so I can only assume this will be WWIII that "The Wall" was talking about. Even if that is this seasons end game it seems like it'll have to get rather convoluted to get there. I hope I'm wrong though.


Oct 21, 2008
Very cool episode and it just looked incredible.

I saw somewhere that the Red Queen is actually someone we know.....a certain redhead with a govt job that is keeping tabs on her son.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 16, 2007
Didn't like the episode. The Matrix moves where they slowed down time felt tacked on and really lame, while the story felt like one big cheese-fest with the chess pieces and all the references.

Overall, I'd say it was around a mid 6, at best.


Nov 19, 2002
Fantastic episode. Also, a really nicely done review.

- Loved the slow-mo battle at the end -

- Story was great -


Original poster
hahahaha "the wonder twins!" hahahahhaha

yeah i have no clue who it could be.


Jan 23, 2010
I can't think right now. In the comics, wasn't Amanda Waller first introduced alongside Lex? He could be the Red King (I Hope).


Prime Member
Mar 8, 2010
Awesome episode, Smallville is finally becoming a bit more comic booky. I agree with "jaysin420" The red Queen is Martha Kent who is guiding Martian Manhunter


Jun 1, 2008
7.9? Really? I expected an 8.5 at least, these reviewers always mark this show down its ridiculous


Jun 13, 2008
Episode was decent. The fight scenes were cool, but it was just a little weird, like they watched Watchman over the weekend and decided they wanted to play with that too. I really only felt like Clark's battle was entertaining.

I'm not sure how I feel about Pam Grier as Amanda Waller. She just doesn't have that diabolical sexy/sophisticated thing going on like the other bad chicks.

And anybody notice that there seems to be a lot of Green Arrow getting his ass kicked lately?


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 10, 2009
I enjoyed the episode, i'm glad they are moving forward to teh actual threats of the season and Chloe harping on Clark for not following protocol was a nice touch as Clark as a character needs to grow up if he is ever to be the man of steel.


Prime Member
Mar 19, 2001
Awesome episode, while I agree that Waller's character isn't a super-nemesis, by the ending it's obvious that she's not the boss but just a lieutenant or something.
8.8 for me, having not seen Watchmen to compare it to and I really liked the comic style fight scene, it made Clark's battle seem much longer than comparing it to his normal 1 punch pow to every henchmen.

The humor from the last few episodes is a pleasant surprise too!
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