
Almost Not a Noob
Sep 22, 2011
I like the Amazing Spider-Man game. It's a good game. It's no where near as good as Web of Shadows but it's still good in its own way.

There's a couple of things that I really was quite disappointed with though. Firstly, you can only have one playthrough save profile. This was really annoying because my fiance got to play the game before I did and when I wanted to start a new game, it would have overrided his save profile. So whenever I've played it, it's always been on his save and not mine. I go to the board in Peter's apartment to play through the different levels but it still feels very patchy; like I'm not really getting the normal flow of the real storyline.

Secondly, there's no challenge map functionality like there was in the Arkham games. This made it pretty annoying when you complete the game and there's no more random crimes in New York to fight. It's like, if I wanted to just practice my combat as Spidey, I would have to replay an entire level even if I didn't want to do parts of that level.

Those are pretty much my only disappointments. I thought the graphics were the best graphics we've seen in a Spider-Man game so far. The suit looked really nice. Awesome collectables. Nice web rush feature. Stealth missions gave variety (though they weren't that fun at all and don't compare to the Arkham stealth missions.

So what is everyone elses thoughts? Should there be some sort of challenge map funcitonality? Perhaps we should all write to Beenox requesting they implement this through an update/DLC. Also, your thoughts on the whole one playthrough save profile.


Dec 5, 2008
So what is everyone elses thoughts? Should there be some sort of challenge map funcitonality? Perhaps we should all write to Beenox requesting they implement this through an update/DLC. Also, your thoughts on the whole one playthrough save profile.

The challenge maps was what I hated about the Batman games. Well, the combat ones anyway, so I'll pass on these being added. Just my opinion of course. as to not having your own save...why not just make your own account?


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 22, 2011
So what is everyone elses thoughts? Should there be some sort of challenge map funcitonality? Perhaps we should all write to Beenox requesting they implement this through an update/DLC. Also, your thoughts on the whole one playthrough save profile.

The challenge maps was what I hated about the Batman games. Well, the combat ones anyway, so I'll pass on these being added. Just my opinion of course. as to not having your own save...why not just make your own account?

That's fair enough. I'd be interested to hear why you didn't like the challenge maps in Arkham. I thought it was a good way of practicing combat and jumping straight into action. It's especially good when you complete the game. I mean, now that I've done all I can in the story mode of Batman, I don't really do anything other than challenege maps.

I share the same account with my fiance and it seems too much hassle to create a whole new account just for that. But perhaps I'm just being very lazy.


Dec 5, 2008
I did like the stealth challenge maps. I have always like sneaking around in those games. As for the combat ones I guess really the biggest reasons for not liking them was because I was never really that great with stringing combos. There were too many that I never really remembered the moves. I had my favorites that got me through combat during the game but the only way to medal the challenges was to have the high combos or pull off specific moves (if I am remembering correctly). Although with Spidermans more limited moves maybe it wouldn't be as bad. If they were to add something like that if they at least added one or two through free dlc to get a taste of it I may change my mind, who knows.

Regarding the new account, I guess that does sound a little misleading. You don't need to make a second psn account. All you need to do is on the start up screen go to users and just scroll to the create new user and log into that and you will have access to all the same content, minus anything online (unless you do make your own psn account). My son has his own games saves on my system but doesn't have the full access to online.
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Almost Not a Noob
Sep 22, 2011
I did like the stealth challenge maps. I have always like sneaking around in those games. As for the combat ones I guess really the biggest reasons for not liking them was because I was never really that great with stringing combos. There were too many that I never really remembered the moves. I had my favorites that got me through combat during the game but the only way to medal the challenges was to have the high combos or pull off specific moves (if I am remembering correctly). Although with Spidermans more limited moves maybe it wouldn't be as bad. If they were to add something like that if they at least added one or two through free dlc to get a taste of it I may change my mind, who knows.

Regarding the new account, I guess that does sound a little misleading. You don't need to make a second psn account. All you need to do is on the start up screen go to users and just scroll to the create new user and log into that and you will have access to all the same content, minus anything online (unless you do make your own psn account). My son has his own games saves on my system but doesn't have the full access to online.

That's cool about the Batman maps. I liked how they made both combat and stealth maps. It seems we're quite opposite where the maps are concerned. I love the combat maps because I feel I'm pretty good at keeping a steady pace of flowing combat and I'm able to raise my combo high and know what moves to use to really bust out the big points. But I'm not so great when it comes to strategy in the stealth maps. I wouldn't say I'm bad at the stealth maps; I'm just not that great either. So I tend to stray away from them and lean more towards the combat.

I would love for Beenox to offer a free DLC for challenge maps. They have a whole section on the menu screen for challenges. Only Stan Lee's challenege is in there though. It could work. But I guess not enough people will want it. Darn :/

I play on an x-box but I think the concept of the new profile thing is the same. I may just create a fluky profile just to play through a normal game for the story. Cheers for the advice :)


No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2005
I didn't think Infamous was that good anyway. I prefer this Spider-man game to Web of Shadows though I can't really remember it too well.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
Mechanically, Infamous was better than a lot of superhero games on the market. Esp. the "official" ones on the DC and Marvel characters.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2005
Mechanically, Infamous was better than a lot of superhero games on the market. Esp. the "official" ones on the DC and Marvel characters.

Yeah but the rest of the game wasn't very good at all. Poor story, unlikable characters, tedious travelling etc


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
Induction Grind and Static Flight made it easier. Second game added Ice Jump or Fire Flight (depending on who you sided with).

I'm fine with it.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2005
The second game wasn't as bad for it, it also had the tether and the poles you shoot up on. It's just sort of a boring game.