
Feb 23, 2013
Question for those who have played KZ2 and 3. I skipped KZ1 and started with KZ2. Honestly, it's just not for me. I'm pretty much at the end of the game but I'm not sure if I'm going to finish it. (At the part where you blow up 4 towers, after the mech section.) I pre-ordered KZ:Shadowfall with my PS4 and wanted to catch up on the series before next week. I bought KZ3 but am on the fence about whether I want to play it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying KZ2 is a bad game, it's not. I've enjoyed some of it, but honestly I just don't find myself having that much fun in it. I'm not a huge shooter fan, though I've certainly enjoyed many other shooters in the past. There's just something about this game that doesn't click with me. I always played my shooters on Xbox. This is, I think, my first PS3 FPS. Maybe that's something to do with it, I dunno.

So is KZ3 any better/worse than KZ2? Any improvements or things they screwed up? If it's just more of KZ2 then I think I'd rather just catch up on the story on YouTube and hope for the best with Shadowfall.

Any thoughts? Maybe just blast through it on easy mode?


Prime Member
Oct 2, 2007
I just played 3 today, I was in the same position as you. It really isn't that hard to play through the game quickly once you realize you can holster a heavy weapon (anything from an LMG to a detached turret) and ammo crates refill them which are all over the place. If all you care about is story, you could watch the cutscenes. Nothing really important to know going into Shadow Fall other than certain people don't like to follow orders as usual and new/secret plans and weapons discovered. It looks like the new KZ will start out with a little background so you'll probably be safe if you just jump right into it. Personally, I enjoyed finishing KZ3 today, I had left off just after the big stealth section about a year ago. I had fun killing enemies with the bolt gun. I just didn't care much for the control schemes available, the first alternate worked best for me.


Prime Member
Oct 2, 2007
After reading/watching a few reviews of Shadow Fall, I would say skipping KZ3 is perfectly acceptable. It looks like they fixed many nitpicks and gripes I had with KZ3, although I'll have to play it to see how well the controls work. Shadow Fall is 30 years after KZ3, so it appears as though all you need to know about 3 is the ending.


Prime Member
Oct 2, 2007
After playing the new Killzone, if you didn't care much for KZ2, play Shadow Fall next. It is very different and starts off showing part of the end of KZ3.