
No Longer a Noob
Oct 14, 2005
Badstreet, USA
Is either of the PS3 Tony's even a decent game?
I'm not expecting anything to be ground breaking...but lets put it this way if I liked American Wasteland would either of these be interesting?

I've heard horrible things about Project 8 and almost nothing about Proving Ground..


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 9, 2008
I played through American Wasteland on the PS2 and that game was not very impressive with it's level design and the whole BMX gimmick. Project 8 on the other hand is almost a complete turn around for the series. In my opinion it is a return to THP4. Just take a look at my review I wrote for it --

Unlike the recent games, Project trashes a lot of the creation tools and fluff to make a smooth and fun skateboarding game. Bottom line, if you loved the glory days of Pro Skater 4, you will love Project 8.

+ Stronger focus on skateboarding instead of destruction and other crap from the THUG series
+ Smooth controls, very similar to THPS4
+ Nail The Trick is a great feature however it feels out of place in the chaotic world of Tony Hawk, would be more appropriate in EA's Skate.
+ Vibrant and sharp graphics. Textures are on the flat side but it's still a slick looking game.

- I have had the experience of the game pausing whenever one of my online buddies comes online or off
- Challenges can be a bit too complicated or confusing or downright idiotic
- Weak character creation
- Has the same glitches that have plagued the series for years.
Jan 19, 2005
I know you're not asking for it but damn it, just get skate. Either one of them really.

Also that review is wrong, in every way. THP8 is just like the older games but without all the side stuff. That may sound great since the side stuff was worthless but when you think about it they just removed stuff without adding to it. It's not a beautiful game at all. The controls aren't particularly smooth since they are completely unchanged. Nail the trick is gimmick that impressed people in the beginning of the 360's lifespan but didn't really add any depth to the game.

Let's put it like this, get skate 1, 2 or 3. They are brilliant, if those don't fit your playing style, get Superstardust. It should be priced about the same


No Longer a Noob
Oct 14, 2005
Badstreet, USA
ehh I finally just bought Proving Ground it was only like $ isn't terrible..but the mistakes are just so sloppy...rather than one big problem or several big problems it's got alot of little could be very good if they'd polished it more..but Neversoft(and Activision in general) are just lazy and sloppy at this point...