
Sep 9, 2014
Bully 2: The Mr.Quinones Way

Main Characters:

Jimmy Hopkins
Gary Smith
Pete Kowalski
Tarah Cooper (Jimmy's new girlfriend)

Now, there is an added location. When you leave school grounds, takea left to go into Old Bullworth Vale, take a right to go into Bullworth Town, well now you can go straight, into a place called "Bullworth Village", a small town, haircut place, clothing store, tattoo parlor, accessible p0rn dvds and magezines, mechanic, music store and a skate-park

Cliques: All the cliques, Jimmy has his own clique with all the clique leaders

Toughies: They will wear brown leather jackets, cut blue jeans, and black skate shoes

Leader: Jimmy Hopkins

Members: Russell Northrop, Derby Harrington, Johnny Vincent, Ted Thompson Sinclair, Edgar Munsen, Tarah Cooper

Hangout: Bullworth Village & School Gates

Bullies: They will wear white polo shirts, blue jeans and white sneakers

Leader: Trent Northwick

Members: Ethan Robinson, Troy Miller, Davis White, Tom Gurney and Wade Martin

Hangout: Boys Dorm & Bullworth Pariking Lot

Preppies: They will wear blue or pink aquaberry vests or sweaters, awuaberry slacks, and aquaberry shoes

Leader: Big Taylor

Members: Tad Spencer, Gord Vendome, Chad Morris, Bryce Montrose and Pinky Gauthier

Hangout: Old Bullworth Vale & Harrington House

Greasers: They will wear blue denim jackets, dark blue or black jeans and white sneakers

Leader: Norton Williams

Members: Ricky Pucino, Peanut Romano, Vance Medici, Hal Esposito, and Lola Lambardi

Hangout: Bullworth Town & Auto Shop

Nerds: They will wear green astronomy club vests, tan khakis, and cheap dress shoes

Leader: Algernon Papadopolos

Members: Fatty Johnson, Melvin O'Conner, Bucky Pastuer, Cornelius Thomas, and Beatrice Trudeau

Hangout: Library & Inside Bullworth Academy

Jocks: They will wear Blue and Tan Bullworth Letterman Jackets, Dark Blue Jeans and Cleets

Leader: Damon West

Members: Bo Jackson, Kirby Olson, Casey Harris, Dan Wilson, and Mandy Wiles

Hangout: Football Field & Basketball Court

Townies: They will wear raggedy street clothes

Leader: Omar Romaro

Members: Henry, Jerry, Gurney, Leon, and Otto Tyler


Hip-Hopperz: They will wear black or white backwards hats, blue basketball jerseys, black or dark blue baggy pants, and silver or gold chains

Leader: Drake Wayne (often goes by 'Drizzy')

Members: A-Kwon, Drama, Jayzy, Dogg Williams, Ceonce

Hangout: They hang at the Basketball Court & The Carnival in Old Bullworth Vale

Skaters: They will wear gray T-Shirts, Skinny Blue Jeans and Black Skate Shoes

Leader: Mike C

Members: Boom Macradon, Elijah Hunsan, Bob Boykin, Eric Shackler, Lyn-Ayuh Eaglekinz

Hangout: They hang at the skatepark in Bullworth Village & anywhere in Bullworth with rails

Rockstars: They will wear dark red jackets, dark blue jeans and white sneakers

Leader: Nikoli Sevven

Members: Slit, Stevie Kyler, Axel Tulip, Zekke Crayzy, Madanna

Hangout: They hang at the music shop in Bullworth Village & Dorms

Foreigners: They will wear the flag of their country as shirts, black jeans and black skate shoes

Leader: Drew Miller

Members: Hyoshi Jupanneze, Kamakami Huwian, Cosmo Grease, Usamah Airibik, Phoung Veeitnumeeze

Hangout: They hang at the Library and Lunch Room

Non Clique Students:


Angie Ng
Christy Martin
Constantinos Brakus
Eunice Pound
Ivan Alexander
Gordon Wakefield
Lance Jackson
Ray Hughes
Trevor Moore


Brianna Atkins
Crystal Pompei
Frank Matzo
Ginny Lonch
Isaac Iverson
Kylie Monroe
Mike Johnsrude
Najmo Awalli
Tina Nsajja



Gloria Jackson
Karen Johnson
Melody Adams
Pedro de la Hoya
Sheldon Thompson


Angelica Floops
Donny Ritardando
Hubert Proton
Jessica Linear
Madeline Landarvy
Philip Morrisan


Edward SeymourIII
Max McTavishson
Karl Philips
Gary Yardling



Dr. Watts (Chemistry Teacher)
Dr. Slawter (Biology Teacher)
Mrs. Philips (Art & Photography Teacher)(Marries Galloway)
Mr. Galloway (English Teacher)


Mr. McReary (Math Teacher)
Mrs. Webber (Geography Teacher)
Mr. Jones (Gym Teacher)(Burton gets FIRED)
Ms. Dettman (Drives Ed Instructor)

Other Staff:

Dr.Lingen (Principal)
Miss Danvers (Secretary)
Nurse MacRae (Nurse)
Mrs.Carvin (Librarian)
Mr.Luntz (Janitor)
Edna (Lunch Lady)
Mrs.Peabody (Hall Monitor and Dorm Mother for Girls)

Holidays Celebrated:

Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Years Eve
New Years Day
Valentines Day
April Fools


"A" Day
Morning: Art
Afternoon: English

"B" Day
Morning: Geography
Afternoon: Math

"C" Day
Morning: Gym
Afternoon: Music

"D" Day
Morning: Photography
Afternoon: Drivers Ed.

In ART, you have to move a paint brush while avoiding the enemies to reveal a picture
Rewards: Bonuses on Girls

In ENGLISH, you have to find a certain number of words in a scrambled text in 3 minutes
Rewards: Apologies, Taunts, Compliments etc. bonuses

In GEOGRPAHY, you have to drag a national flag into the desired blank state or country
Rewards: Geography Referenced Clothing

In MATH, you are given a number of math problems, and you must anwser them in 2 minutes
Rewards: Math Related Clothing

In GYM, you wrestle, play dodgeball, run the track, play basketball and play football
Rewards: Wrestling moves, Weapno Accuracy, Increased Speed, and ability to Join Teams

In MUSIC, you must hit the triggers when you are told to
Rewards: Music Related Clothing

In PHOTOGRAPHY, you have to take pictures of what ever the teacher tells you in a limited time
Rewards: More camera memory

In DRIVERS ED., you have to balance a purple line inside the primary box for 3 minutes
Rewards: 1 Word: Cars

Gym: Once you complete all 5 classes gym, you have the ability to join a sports team, but you have to show up for practice, or you will be kicked off the team

Bullworth Bullhorns(Football)
Bullworth Lakers(Basketball)
Bullworth Bulls(Ice Hockey)
Bullworth Wrestling Team
Bullworth Sparklies(Soccer)

Other Things To Do:

Paper Delivery
Lawn Mowing
Keep Ups
Penalty Shots
Arcade Games
Working In Stores


Rubber Bands: 50
G&G Cards: 20
Garden Gnomes: 8
Radio Transistors: 5
Tombstones: 20
Pumpkins: 25

Fighting Moves:

Head Buts
Knee in the gut
Low Blow
Raking Eyes
Spiting in face
Belly to Belly
Back Suplex
Samoan Drop



Super Slingshot
Stink Bombs
Itching Powder
Carton Of Eggs
Bag Of Marbles
Banana Peels
Bottle Rockets
Rubber Band Ball
Water Balloons
Fire Extinguisher

Discus type weapons:
Trashcan Lid

Large throwing objects:
Hockey Puck
Soccer Ball

Small throwing objects:
Snow Ball
Water Balloons


Painball Gun
Folding Chairs



Skateboard(visit the skate shop in Bullworth Village to customize it)
Cars(visit the mechanic in Bullworth Village to customize it)
Spray Paint

With Gary expelled, Jimmy thought his time at Bullworth would be a snap. Right? Wrong. Dr.Crabblesnitch dies of a stroke, so a new principal, Dr.Lingen, takes his place. But none of the staff has told Dr.Lingen of the incident with Gary, so Gary applies back and Bullworth Academy, and Dr.Lingen approves. Gary seeks revenge on Jimmy, his clique, and all of Bullworth...

Chapter 7: Skate Till Death: Boss Battle: Mike C

Chapter 8: Let Sleeping Rockstars Lie: Boss Battle: Nikoli Sevven

Chapter 9: Fighting Makes the Beat: Boss Battle: Drake Wayne

Chapter 10: Jamaican Heat Boss Battle: Drew Miller

Chapter 11: Final Revolution: Boss Battle: Gary & New Cliques vs Toughies

In the boss battle of Chapter 11, there are 2 sides of it. The first side is, Gary reforms everyone from the new cliques into his evil minions, and he sends them to beat the Toughies, Jimmy's clique. Once they approach, Gary steps through everyone, and it is Jimmy and Gary, face to face, with a crowd of people behind each person. Gary yells to attack, and the evil minions are attacking the toughies, cut scene breaks. Jimmy and the Toughies bust through 3/4 of the new cliques. Once Gary realizes he is about to be beat, he grabs a bike and escapes out the school. Jimmy instructs the Toughies to keep what they are doing, and Jimmy grabs his car and chases Gary down into Bullworth Village. Jimmy speeds up and hits Gary's bike, causing him to swirv off road. He tries to escape, hopping fences into backyards. Jimmy chases him into the middle of the road and pitches a fire cracker to his back. Gary falls to the ground, lying on his back, with Jimmy looking down at him, 10 inches from the end of the road before it is ocean. Gary begs to be free. Jimmy turns around and puts his weapons away. As Gary stands up, Jimmy leaps and Power Kick Gary in the jaw. Gary collapses into the water. Jimmy stands there, looking down, and it slowly fades into black, and 10 seconds pass. Jimmy is standing in the boys dorm, leather jacket, all the members in his clique standing behind him. The words "Chapter 12: Seasons in the Sun" fills the screen. TIme to tie the loose ends and finish the not finished missions.