
Dec 23, 2004
so I decided to pick up and re-play one of my five lok tittles because of xbox 360 backwards
compatible list that got updated on November 2007, this or next month the list gets updated again.
lets just hope they finely fix the game. I mean crap I just cant stand watching Kain spin in circles
during the cinematics.[face_angry] anyway dose anyone experience on the wharves level ( that's the dock level. Chapter 10)
a glitch were Kain gets teleported to a previous section of the level. only because you lower this huge purple
alien beast's cage, only to kill every one in sight. so that Kain can dock the boat. if anyone asks no the teleporting
has bin there even before xbox 360 came out.[face_peace]


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
I play the PS versions of the games sorry.

Edit not that it stops many of the glitches. It's just that I wouldn't have any experience with XBox 360 compatability or that other glitch.


Dec 23, 2004
well for those who have the xbox ver I'm wondering if kain dose that teleport glitch.

the other one were kain spins is the backwards compatibility problems that there going to fix.

so yah can anyone can answer the top question please?:D


Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
Yes, that glitch does happens on my Xbox copy. However, I used to reset it at that spot every time it would do it. It WILL, every single time, fix itself... if you don't reset the game and leave it alone for about 45-60 seconds. It's weird... but it works itself out. I don't know what to tell you. Try it, and you'll see.