
Jun 5, 2014

My name is Hunter Paul. I'm a graduate student at West Virginia University seeking to collect data on World of Warcraft players. I'm working with my adviser Dr. Nicholas Bowman, vice-chair of the game studies interest group for the International Communication Association, on a study concerning different gameplay styles of World of Warcraft players.

Anyone who reads this is invited to participate in this research by filling out an online questionnaire about your gaming experience in World of Warcraft. Participants who complete the questionnaire will be given the opportunity to enter into a raffle to win six months of World of Warcraft game time (worth a value of $77.94) or an Amazon.com gift card of approximate equal value ($75). Odds of winning are 1 in 250. All answers are anonymous and participation is voluntary. The survey is expected to take about 15-20 minutes to complete. This study has received acknowledgment by the WVU institutional review board. I've also checked with mods to make sure it's alright for me to post here.

Those wishing to participate may click the following link to start:

Feel free to ask any questions about the study here too. Thanks!


Jun 5, 2014
We're still running the survey for those who want a shot at the 6 months of game time or gift card. We managed to get 100 participants so far (out of our quota of 250), and I'm grateful to those from here who helped out!