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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Samurai Warriors 3 Set To Go into Battle Exclusively on Wii[/link]
by IGN Staff

Nintendo today announced a unique partnership with Tecmo Koei to publish Samurai Warriors 3, the newest title in the Samurai Warriors franchise, exclusively for the Wii console. Launching in North America in fall 2010, Samurai Warriors 3 is an evolution of the Warriors series, featuring an innovative new game mode and a completely fresh storyline. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Aug 3, 2009
The wii line up keeps getting more and more exciting this year! Nintendo should start releasing more game that were release in Japan.
Feb 18, 2009
I really liked playing as Hanzo in the first one. Maybe they'll bring motionplus support to the franchise? If there's one game series that would take very little effort to turn into a motionplus wii game,it's koei's dynasty/samurai warriors.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Is this series good? I'm pretty sold hearing bout the co-op online (hopefully get to partner up with ne1) and if the score is good. Come on, more motion+ plz, I want to start my collection on the motion+ generation.
Sep 11, 2006
To this day, I still play the first Samurai Warriors game on the PS2. The multiple paths to victory and the hack and slash nature are still addictive...perfect for a lazy Sunday.

My only gripe with the game is the 'castle siege' levels; eliminate them please.


Prime Member
Jun 18, 2008
I'm also in the group who loved the first game to death. I remember killing so much time with it. But I do wonder how would the series hold up for me now since that was long ago. Online two player for this has definitely picked up my attention at least.


Dec 16, 2009
a game i already knew about for the wii but once again ign is late, but at least the rest of the consumers know now. samurai warriors 3 is exclusive to the wii and devil kings 3 is for wii and ps3. they will both make it here during fall 2010, as well as tales of graces, last story, xenoblade. dragon quest 10 is exclusive to the wii, so who knows, might here more about this year. sqare enix might pull a nintendo move and show dragon quest 10 when its almost ready, which might this year or 2011


Original poster
If this game supports Wii Speak, then I will get it. I try to keep an eye out for online co-op.


Original poster
Awesome. I just hope they don't go for a total waggle-based control scheme. Map the buttons to attacks, let pointer control bow/gun/cannon. Chances are, they'll probably use waggle for Musou building.


Original poster
I bet it will use MotionPlus. I mean why else make it a Wii exclusive?


Dec 16, 2009
@ dj_b_rock THANKS!
this gaame uses the classic controller. they said they made it on the wii to take advantage of the hardware over the ps2. they have an impressive number of enemies on screen they say and the graphics are good for this type of game. dynasty warriors 6 on ps3 wasnt that much of a leap in graphics from its ps2 counterpart. the ps3 allowed more enemies on screen tho.
Jul 17, 2003
This strikes me as a weird move. Omega Force - the devs behind all the Warriors' games (except the upcoming Warriors of Troy, I think. That's Koei Canada I believe) - were JUST NOW getting decent at doing current gen games. Current Gen as in 360/PS3. Their Fist of the North Star Warriors game looked like it had some nice lighting tech, good FX, handled shaders well, nicely sculpted/normal mapped characters - in short, it's a massive improvement all their "PS2 Plus" looking Dynasty Warriors games that they've been pumping out all this generation. Why go back to "PS2 Plus" now? Why not keep moving forward?

Also, if I had to choose between another uber mindless hack n slasher for Wii, I think I'd go with Capcom's Devil Kings 3. Though I'm not even sure that was announced for the US. I'm just very, very wary of anymore Warriors' games. I've played enough of 'em to know that they evolve even less from sequel to sequel than Pokemon or Madden. Really, one of the laziest series in the history of gaming.
Dec 7, 2008
@ guiltywingv18

Maybe they are moving it to the Wii because the Wii install base is not already getting tired with this.

There is probably a lot of Wii owners that want to play this( I assume they did research on that ).

It should be pretty clear by now that lighting tech/shaders e.c.t... Are not something that the Wii audience cares to much about.
Games will look real when the technology reaches that point....That day is not today and i don´t need it to be today(already been playing through 6 console generations and i´m sure it´ll take 2-3 more, so i am patient).


Mar 17, 2010
It is complete bullshit and to me one of the largest mistakes Koei could make by drastically changing the platform that the warriors games would be on. Wouldnt be as bad if they had released it for all three consoles but just releasing it for the p.o.s Wii is a mistake. Hopefully is is only SW3 that has switched to Wii if all warriors in the future are complety on the Wii then i guess i will just have to play the old ones over and over on the xbox360. 360 is a nice console has a few problems but what system doesnt? Playstation 3 is pretty nice aswell, I enjoy the blue ray feature. However the Wii is the worst out all 3 consoles, dont get me wrong when i first saw it i thought the concept of using a remote like that to fight in a game would be fun but that is all the Wii boils down to a little fun with a remote with 90% of its games sucking ass. Feel free to reply to me if you want but i only reply once on forums, cant stand trolls or people that sit here for hours fighting over stupid shit. So this is my thoughts on SW3 and Koei drastic turn.


Prime Member
Jul 11, 2003
I have played the JP version already, it plays fine, just use a classic controller. JP devs don't have huge budgets making HD games in general especially a small company like KOEI, so it was a logical choice imo.


Aug 7, 2009
@Genjio23 go kill yourself troll fanboy, like really kill yourself. u hating wii fa*.shi*box360, gets no love ahaahahahaha. wiii has samurai warriors 3, go buy it or never play your beloved franchise gain fuc*** fanboy. wii also has devil kings 3 along with shi*box 360 love ahahahahahah bitc*.


Nov 21, 2009
360 is the most retarded consle i have ever seen next to the atari jajuar. it's just a shittier copy of the ps3
Jul 17, 2003
I like how the first sentence of this press release makes a point to mention that Nintendo is publishing this for KOEI, yet the game details box on the IGN page still lists KOEI as publisher:) Sloppy work there, guys.

Secondly, I'm sorta interested in this. I have no idea why - these Warriors games are all the same. Except for Strikeforce on PS3...and even then it's still largely the same, just Monster Hunter-ier.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
WOW ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Way to ruin a great game by making it only available to the shit Wii. I was looking forward to another SW game since DW6 is getting old. But now I can't even play as a samurai anymore because of the greed all these companies get into. Another strong series torn down by the imbeciles themselves. Instead of making it available for all platforms but having "extra" bonuses to the wii, they decide to screw all other platform fans. Thanks a alot!


No Longer a Noob
Oct 21, 2006
ChaosNightfire said:
WOW ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Way to ruin a great game by making it only available to the shit Wii. I was looking forward to another SW game since DW6 is getting old. But now I can't even play as a samurai anymore because of the greed all these companies get into. Another strong series torn down by the imbeciles themselves. Instead of making it available for all platforms but having "extra" bonuses to the wii, they decide to screw all other platform fans. Thanks a alot!

Wow, another PS3/360 fanboy.

The Wii is a good system with good games. Saumurai Warriors 3 will be good too and if it sells, then maybe the Wii will be a version of Dynasty Warriors 6 or even Dynasty Warriors 7.