Dec 14, 2009
RIP Michaels lovely seductive voice of my childhood.

How do we feel about this? Eric johnson seems like a great actor and im sure itll be awesome but kind of sounds like a baby....this isnt Benjamin Button



Almost Not a Noob
Dec 30, 2007
Gonna miss the hell out of Ironsode but I'm not gonna let it effect my enjoyment of the game unless Johnson really screws it up. For now though he gets the chance to show what he's got. who knows, he may turn out to be great in the role ~o)


Oct 3, 2005
Gonna miss the hell out of Ironsode but I'm not gonna let it effect my enjoyment of the game unless Johnson really screws it up. For now though he gets the chance to show what he's got. who knows, he may turn out to be great in the role ~o)
i agree completely.
Oct 3, 2005
I think he does good. It's not the Sam Fisher we know but it's the Sam Fisher we're gonna get from now on. I like it.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 9, 2008
New voice is absolutely garbage. I couldn't play the game without skipping all cutscenes. I kept cringing too hard, it was literally embarrassing to me hearing a kid that sounds like he's in his 20s voicing an adult man who is 55 with a daughter. The body of this new "Sam" is also a cross between looking young (physique) and looking awkwardly old (gray hair). Absolutely detestable. It's too bad, the game is fun as hell. There's no way I can consider this GOTY material when I cringe as I play.