
No Longer a Noob
Jul 8, 2004
Take it with a grain of salt, but interesting. Apparently we'll get our full explanation in Vergil's story cut scenes this summer.


I think I like this idea much better than Vergil being Nero's father, and it makes sense. There's a huge precedent for cloning in the series - Trish and Lucia - and I always did wonder why Nero was the odd man out when it came to having an unnatural Devil Trigger. I mean Dante and Vergil don't have a Doppleganger of Sparda as their DTs, it's weird that Nero would have a Doppleganger DT at all to begin with - much less of Vergil.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 8, 2004
There's some really fascinating discussion going on on /v/ right now (I know, right?) about this post and Nero's origins.

Regardless, I hope that through some kind of theory that the Nero = Vergil's clone idea is canon. That seems much more realistic considering the high precedent for creating clones (Trish, Lucia, etc.) than a 15 year old Vergil having a son.

instead of being his dad isn't it more plausible that a piece of Vergil's spirit attached itself to Nero's arm

Yeah. I had this theory that after dying in DMC1, Vergil became Nero's Devil Buster, which itself was a symbiotic Devil Arm. It'd explain why the Buster kept leeching powers from demonic artifacts, the resonance with the Yamato, the Nelo Angelo-esque DT, and the give me more power scene. It also doesn't suffer from the chronological issues the Son theory has.

This may go out the window depending on how Vergil's story goes down, though.

I really hope they end up going with a mixture of the leaker's post of Nero being genetically modified and/or being possessed by Vergil's spirit. The idea that Vergil would willingly have a son makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, and Nero is too unnatural in his demonic side (the DT, why is his right arm demonic and only his right arm, etc) for him to be Vergil's son without some kind of retarded asspull.

I've wondered if he was really sparda bloodline, would'nt he have a proper DT, instead he has a stand. Though I guess they could have randomly decided to change it like araki did. Still while both dante and vergil didn't start out with a DT, they were always pretty strong and had tippy top regeneration, since being kids. Nero seems to have started out pretty normal until the mission incident, though I guess you could argue that's bloodline thinning. but it doesn't make sense like that, why would nero have a stand?

>Many years before Dante's arrival.
So they're fucking retconning Nero's origin? This kinda makes me happy because it means we are getting a DMC5 eventually, but fuck do I hate the idea of Nero being Vergil's son.

Problem is they specifically mention sparda's power with nero, so there must be some connection. Maybe he somehow absorbed some of vergil's power? Maybe due to some crazy agnus experiment? Maybe his arm is actually a devil arm (haha, get it) made from vergil or nelo angelo or something and that's where the sparda power comes from. I don't recall but they never specifically say sparda's descendant or bloodline, just power, and demonic power sure does get passed around a lot.

Its kind of cool to see people theorycrafting about DMC4 again. Reminds me of the good old days.
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