
Jan 25, 2015
First, let enemy see you then use Stealth, they will automatic move to group, then use Flask of lightning freezing them ( you need keep distant with some enemy like Despair Demon or chose position from behind with some enemy have shield ), try use spining blade & nomal attack hit many of them as you can, most important you must have passive Pincushion, this passive give you 5% bonus extra damage for every hit, give you insane damage scale when you hit group enemy, when their hp drop to 50% use Deathblow finish them ( make sure when use it some enemy get kill then you can continue use it kill all of them ), don't forget Flask of Frost, it help you tank & frozen enemy attacking you, when strike frozen enemy with Deathblow or Twin Fangs you deal huge bonus frost damage.
For best result damage I use weapon & gear with master work Fade-Touched Varghest Scales 10% chance to inflict immolate damage at 100% weapon power, fire damage aoe all enemy & inflict more damage with burning over time, element damage penetration defend & extra damage with some enemy, fire damage amazing scale with pincushion. Fade-Touched Plush Fustian Velvet 10% chance to use Hidden Blades on a hit, with every hit added give you extra damage & chance active another effect. You can chose between Fade-Touched Bloodstone 7.5% extra damage for each enemy within 8 meters or Fade-Touched Stormheart 10% chance to use Shield Bash on a hit, Fade-Touched Stormheart better for me, it deal 300% weapon damage, knockdown enemy, add 800% bonus damage with guard, bonus tons of damage with frozen enemy, with hidden blade & immolate aoe all enemy make very high chance active Shield Bash, some time with one attack you active 3 effect same time nearly kill your enemy, see them suffer is fun & make you badass.
For example see my video,( lvl 21 no cheat )
Solo all type Fade Rift in Emprise du Lion Nightmare Mode
Capture Suledin Keep solo Nightmare Mode

Sorry for bad English, i learn it when play game & watch movie ._.