
Super Star
Jul 23, 2005
Canada, Eh?
Nothing that really effects me since I don't participate in Rivals. I really wish they would fix the guitar solos though. Every update I hope it's addressed but no one seems to talk about it at all.

When you're waiting for a note and you press down on a button, it breaks your streak. I can't be the only one that this is bother! [face_tongue]

Aw man after such an awesome pack last week (3 songs no less!) I'm a little sad to only seeing 2 RBN tracks and nothing new this week. Oh well, at least it's 2 songs I really wanted back so I'm pumped regardless!
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Rock Band Board Minister of Foreign Affairs
Apr 1, 2007
Nothing that really effects me since I don't participate in Rivals. I really wish they would fix the guitar solos though. Every update I hope it's addressed but no one seems to talk about it at all.

Which sort of guitar do you use? Have you tried posting about the issue on the RB subreddit? People usually answer things quickly and they have HMX employees around often enough that one should see it.


Super Star
Jul 23, 2005
Canada, Eh?
Nothing that really effects me since I don't participate in Rivals. I really wish they would fix the guitar solos though. Every update I hope it's addressed but no one seems to talk about it at all.

Which sort of guitar do you use? Have you tried posting about the issue on the RB subreddit? People usually answer things quickly and they have HMX employees around often enough that one should see it.
I'm using GHWT guitar AKA the best guitars out there.

It's not the guitars, it's always fine expect for during solos. Idk if it's a new mechanic or what, but if you press a note early, it breaks your streak. It's pretty infuriating to have your streak broken but still hitting everything. I just feel like I'm the only one that this is bothering/noticed.
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Rock Band Board Minister of Foreign Affairs
Apr 1, 2007
Nothing that really effects me since I don't participate in Rivals. I really wish they would fix the guitar solos though. Every update I hope it's addressed but no one seems to talk about it at all.

Which sort of guitar do you use? Have you tried posting about the issue on the RB subreddit? People usually answer things quickly and they have HMX employees around often enough that one should see it.
I'm using GHWT guitar AKA the best guitars out there.

It's not the guitars, it's always fine expect for during solos. Idk if it's a new mechanic or what, but if you press a note early, it breaks your streak. It's pretty infuriating to have your streak broken but still hitting everything. I just feel like I'm the only one that this is bothering/noticed.
Maybe the guitar itself is malfunctioning? Because that's honestly never happened to me before on the RB4 guitar.


Super Star
Jul 23, 2005
Canada, Eh?
I really don't think so. It works perfectly outside of solos. I think it's just a mechanic where if you touch the button too early it breaks your streak even though you strum it on time.


Rock Band Board Minister of Foreign Affairs
Apr 1, 2007
I know using the solo buttons on an RB guitar during a solo means you can't press it early when it breaks. I know you have the GHWT guitar, but it sounds like some sort of glitch where it's reading your guitar's buttons as if they were RB solo buttons, if that makes sense.