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No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005
Before I get started, alow me to give you guys a throwback to the boards of old. When you made a celebration thread, mods weren't cool enough to just let it be. It had to be on-topic. So before we get started:

My favorite BF2 hero is Boba Fett. I find the 3-shot bursts to be highly effective against every enemy but Jedi. Since it's usually a one hit kill, even on elite, it works great for taking out a rediculous number of players in a matter of seconds.

My favorite map is Mos Eisley. I find the entire map to be entirely perfect for the overall gameplay of BF2. Every class a function on this map and this allows any player to excell without being force to use a certain class, unlike some other maps (I'm looing at you, Hoth and Endor!).

I was going to do a bunch of fancy markup, but I decided against it. You guys don't need to see everything [hl=#00AA00]l[/hl][hl=#1FB41F] [/hl][hl=#3FBF3F]i[/hl][hl=#5FC95F] [/hl][hl=#7FD47F]k[/hl][hl=#9FDF9F] [/hl][hl=#BFE9BF]e[/hl][hl=#DFF4DF] [/hl][hl=#FFFFFF].[/hl][hl=#FFFFFF] [/hl][hl=#DAF2DA]t[/hl][hl=#B6E6B6] [/hl][hl=#91DA91]h[/hl][hl=#6DCE6D] [/hl][hl=#48C248]i[/hl][hl=#24B624] [/hl][hl=#00AA00]s[/hl] for my point to get across. And lastly, please do not link the vesti. Seriously.

I'm 17 years old. 18 in three months. I'm a guitar player (I consider myself to be decent, though I've heard things from "You're okay." to "Dude! You shred! How do you do that?". But overall I'm a musician. If it makes music I can master it, as long as I can practice. Although I could never have a career in it, I'd hate for it to become work instead of enjoyment. Some of you guys have heard me play). I'm scared, nay, terrifed of needles. And lastly I hope to go to culinary school soon. But I'm taking a year or two off before I do that. I almost went blind as a child, but they operated on my eyeballs in time, so I now have near-perfect vision in my right eye. And mostly perfect vision in my left. I'm home schooled. I'm probably smarter than you. And more humble [face_tongue] (that was a joke). My grammar is near-perfect and I've been known to actually get upset when stupid people attempt to talk to me with gramer leik ths, but my poor typing skills cause me to create a massive amount of typos, and then it makes me look like a reatdr when attempting to correct others.

My IGN journey began more than 5 years ago. I was a mere lad of 12, looking up a characters list for a game I rented -- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Battle Nexus on my shiny new Gamecube. I'm pretty sure my first post was something extremely obnoxious meant only to get everyone's attention. It was most likeley in caps lock with ~`~`obnoxious markers~`~` to get everyone's attention. I hated IGN before then; I had no intention of sticking around. I basically only used this site for cheats, and it was always out of date compared to places like Gamefaqs or actual cheat-dedicated sites. To my suprise, I rather enjoyed participating in board activities, my first one being a character battle while I waited for a response to my original post. Then, after I got my characters list, I didn't want to leave because I was enjoying myself. Although my time at the TMNT Games board would be short-lived, my time at IGN was not.

After I bought Harvest Moon for the Gamcube, I soon migrated to its respective board. That is where my IGN experience truly began. I had no idea what a troll was before then. A CT was a cool idea back then. It was also the place where I was taught how to use the mysterious "watched users list", which I had insisted on not filling out before since I wouldn't be hanging around. Just after I hit 500 posts, I left there because I found most people there to be annoying.

The boards I have regged are extemely diverse. From Animal Crossing to Zoo Tycoon, I've been a regular at quite a few boards for some time or another. I never stuck around on one board for too long. Once I was finished with the game, I left the board. Until I found the Star Wars Battlefront board. It's the first place where everyone was cool enough that I'd stick around soley for the users. I even joined a clan :D . And until BF3 is announced, the users are the main attraction [face_tongue] . Luckily, the users are among the best on IGN, and well worth sticking around for. Tragically, most of our users are gone now. But the ones that remain were always the best ones anyway [face_mischief] .

I don't really have too many enemies on IGN, but I'm pretty much hated at the SSB board. A long time ago (about 4 years), me and a few friends decided to make a Super Smash clan. Well, at the time, I had no idea that the board was a troll pit, so I foolishly created a recruitment thread. Unfortunatley, the regs there didn't like it. They trolled my thread, and eventually invaded my home board. Ironically, this occured on 6/6/06, which I always found entertaining. I eventually had a talk with the man himself, Homer, and he said the place was notorious for trolls and told me I'd be better off making a InvisionFree board because the regs there would likely never stop. I went back about a year ago, thinking all that would have blown over. Unfortunatley for me, it had not. I was immediatley trolled, CTs were invaded after me even going so far as to apologize for whatever it was that I did that offended them so much. I was treated to a "stop trolling" bombardment, and knew it was time to give up. Every once in a while, they still decided to stalk me, but overall I avoid the place and they avoid me.

And other than Hector, no one has really had an issue with me or the people I know. Fortunatley it seems I'm a pretty likeable dude! Recently Homer overturned my ban from Hector, and removed it from my history. Which is kinda cool because I've never heard of that happening. Maybe I'll start a trend [face_tongue]

So in short: IGN has been a pretty major part of my life for the past five years. Some people I know here are better than most I know in real life. I now know people from all over the world, and it's something I would have never expected. I've had some good times here, and some bad times. But you guys (and you know who you all are) make it worth while. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! [face_cry]

5 years from when I started, I'm almost an adult now. It seems strange that I'd still be here, but you guys are awesome. And as long as you're around, I'll be around, too. Thanks for making IGN something that I enjoy, thanks for being awesome, and thank everyone for making my time at IGN here great. [face_applause]

So, I thought I'd post all of my former icons that I can remember, and link you guys to my Photobucket so you can see the ones I used to make. Jordan helped me out alot when I was first starting making them, so I really can't take all the credit.

[link=]My icons.[/link] I've used alot of them off and on, and I've seen quite a few people using a handful of them.

So, now I'll do my best to post every one I've ever worn, in chronological order. Wow, what have I gotten myself into?


Those are most of them. I know I missed some; I've had so many of them. But those are all the ones that I've had fo an actual good amount of time.

Top ten games? Okay.

1. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
2. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic/Star Wars: Knights of teh Old Republic II
3. Pokemon Silver
4. Mass Effect/Mass Effect 2
5. Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Aresenal (3)
6. Dragon Age: Origins
7. Star Wars Battlefront II
8. Fallout 3
9. Fable
10. Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (Would have been #2, but the combat system....)

These are some of my favorite quotes.

My all time favorite is "Let the Wookiee win." If you don't know who said it, I'm dispatching the international strike team.

"No longer do your whispers crawl within my skull. No longer do I suffer beneath teachings that weaken us." ~ Darth Sion, Lord of Pain

"When from the blood of battle the Stone has fed, let the heroes prevail, and the Bliighters lie dead. As one of the blighters, I sodding salute you. So lets show them our hearts, and then show them theirs!" ~ Oghren

"Good. Now that the warm fuzzy part of the day is over, back to the ritual dismemberments. Oh wait, it's not Tuesday, is it?" ~ Alistair

"Atrast nal Tunsha." ~ Paragon Caradin

"Haha, I want you to try." ~ Urdnot Wrex. Also my favorite Mass Effect quote.

"No data availible." ~ Legion

"Have killed many, Shepard. Many methods. Gunfire, knives, drugs, tech attacks, once, with farming equipment. But not with medicine!" ~ Mordin Solus

"MY LEG!" ~ Guy from Spongebob who always screams "MY LEG!"

"I... like chicken." ~ Hugo Reyes

"Then pay with your blood!" ~ Guards from Oblivion

"Stop right there, lawbreaker. Your spree is at an end!" ~ Guards from Oblivion

"Sanguine, my brother." ~ Dark Brotherhood password.

"Shadow hide you." ~ Thieves Guild motto.

Anything from Sheogorath.

Mentions. Finally.

Board Mentions first. Less fun, but I'm bound to miss people since I'm only doing it off the top of my head and everyone where I reg is awesome.

Elder Scrolls
Dragon Age (minus Angiek)
Mass Effect

Mentions mentions time.

Rossie94 ~ Probably my first IGN friend. When I first showed up here, Jordan wasn't posting for some reason, so I met him later. He does the awards twice a year, even though the place is dead. He insists he's only doing it once a year from now on, but... we'll see. He's a cool guy, minus the PS3. [face_mischief]

Lord_Conflict A.K.A. Jordan ~ Even though I met Rossie first, Jordan is just as great. I always thought I was coming around this place before him, but a few months back he made me look like an idiot and proved he was here first. One of my only friends on here who has a similar taste in TV as me. Even though we have... differing opinions about the final season of Lost [face_tongue] .

Forzenspear2004 ~ Another one of my first IGN friends. Ironically, I never call him by his username or his real name, I call him "Frozen" since his username was a typo. Also, the only user to steal my nicest user award from me during the awards, and rightfully so. He's probably nicer than me since I throw ragefits. :^O

Gatebreaker99 ~ It's mother flippin' Gate, what else is there to say? He will never stop posting, no matter how hard he tries. His physiological makeup compells him to post at least once per month.

SubZero2891 ~ This is the coolest black guy I've ever met. He throws money around (me makes it RAIN $1s), somehow escaped the noob cage, and not to mention is the coolest black guy I've ever met. But in all seriousness you're awesome. Run that mile yet? You may need to since you're not going into the Navy [face_mischief]

Arc_Commando ~ Come back, for me? [face_batting]

KristofferAG (Kag) ~ Browegian, brobeiber, whatever you want me to call you. You're awesome, and you know it. That is all.

YanxFan ~ YOU! You gave me an adoption. But your scheming mind required that I first make a Facebook. You really enjoy pictures of teenage boys that much? [face_mischief] But in all seriousness, you're great. To put it your way... anyone who disagrees is full of bullspit.

H377Spawn ~ He busted the myth that all Canadians have night vision. And we cheated our way to level 50 in RDR. "Booyah!"

LordNergal ~ Post more, rejoin civilization, get owned at Halo: Reach.

Radgeta (Who is most certainly not TheFallingShadow) ~ Another great user. He shouldn't have been banned for something so stupid, especially with a perfect record. One day we will exact revenge before going crazy and throwing confetti through the streets. You just strike me as a type of guy who would do that, ya know? [face_mischief]

Fantasy_Suicide (Emz) ~ Awesome user. With excellent taste in birthday presents. For the sake of my thread, I won't mention that I find her Mew tatoo to be quite hot. But in all seriousness, you know you're great. And you sent me this:
[image=] [image=]

Powersp ~ Finally, a dude who actually knows his stuff (mostly [face_mischief] ) before he starts running his mouth about video games. He shars my love of old school games like Dragon Age, although me makes it clear that I'm not a man since I don't play on anything past Casual. It's nice to talk to someone where you don't have to say "Know what I mean?" to every time you're explaining the intricacies of a game, because he learns it all from first-hand experience!

MahsterC ~ I'm still not quite sure if you have internet. Eventually I will buy CivRev for 360 and we'll play sometime.

I know I missed alot of awesome people. But Like I said I did this off the top of my head. Since I did miss alot of you, if/when you read this and feel like you should habve been mentioned, tell me, and I'll write up a mention for you. Becaus eit's not you, it's me.

And those of you who have been mentioned, feel free to quote your mention and say something about it. Or don't.

And so ends my 20k. May The Maker turn his gaze upon you. May the Nine watch over you. Shadow hide you. Atrast nal Tunsha -- May you always find your way in the dark. Thanks for listening, children! And...

[link=]May The Force be with you.[/link]
Jul 24, 2010
You didnt say what your favourite mode in BF2 was.Mine is galactic conquest or story mode.There actually isnt alot to be honest


Mar 7, 2007
Corn grits!

I wouldn't ask for a mention, but... if you wanted to give me one, I wouldn't say no.[face_whistling]

And if I had some advice for what to do before culinary school, I'd say if you can't find some kind of apprenticeship/whatever else you were looking for, don't be afraid to just get a job as a dishwasher. A lot of chefs (and roughly every line cook) got their start that way, and it would at least give you a practical understanding of how a kitchen works.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 30, 2003
Congrats dude! [face_applause]

Thanks for the most kind words, and for not telling 'em what I'm REALLY like lol!


No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005
SDMCFizzzzle said:
Corn grits!

I wouldn't ask for a mention, but... if you wanted to give me one, I wouldn't say no.[face_whistling]

And if I had some advice for what to do before culinary school, I'd say if you can't find some kind of apprenticeship/whatever else you were looking for, don't be afraid to just get a job as a dishwasher. A lot of chefs (and roughly every line cook) got their start that way, and it would at least give you a practical understanding of how a kitchen works.

Getting a job cooking at a bakery/deli/caterer soon.

And you certainly do get a mention.

Fizz ~ Don't rdink and play bxox.
Aug 30, 2010
Robbie922004 said:
Radgeta (Who is most certainly not TheFallenShadow) ~ Another great user. He shouldn't have been banned for something so stupid, especially with a perfect record. One day we will exact revenge before going crazy and throwing confetti through the streets. You just strike me as a type of guy who would do that, ya know? [face_mischief]

One day we shall rise and defeat the powers that be with INTERPRETIVE DANCE!

I don't get why you have to be mentioning this Radgeta guy when that mention should have been mine! [face_tongue]

Congratulations on the 20k! May there be many more milestones in your future!


No Longer a Noob
Oct 8, 2005
Grats on the 20k. Thanks for the mention.
And board awards will be only once a year. Mark my words.


No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005
TheFallenShadow said:
Robbie922004 said:
Radgeta (Who is most certainly not TheFallenShadow) ~ Another great user. He shouldn't have been banned for something so stupid, especially with a perfect record. One day we will exact revenge before going crazy and throwing confetti through the streets. You just strike me as a type of guy who would do that, ya know? [face_mischief]

One day we shall rise and defeat the powers that be with INTERPRETIVE DANCE!

I don't get why you have to be mentioning this Radgeta guy when that mention should have been mine! [face_tongue]

Congratulations on the 20k! May there be many more milestones in your future!

I actually knew your name, but managed to type it wrong [face_silly]


The Cougar Viking Hunter ^_^
Dec 15, 2006

By far one of my favourite users of all time. You're way mature for your age, impressively so! I think you're awesome. Clearly. I made you the mw2 crown!!!

<3 you big time, bromerican! xxxx


No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005
Lord_Conflict said:
Not top mention.

brb whilst I jump off a skyscraper. Hopefully hell has an internet connection so I can tell you all how that turns out for me.

OMG post pics!


No Longer a Noob
Oct 8, 2005
Lord_Conflict said:
Not top mention.

brb whilst I jump off a skyscraper. Hopefully hell has an internet connection so I can tell you all how that turns out for me.
It was ordered?


Draymod Green
Oct 3, 2005
*looks for mention*

*cries in disappointment*

lol, jk.

Congrats bro! One of my favorite users [face_hugs]


No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005
Rossie94 said:
Lord_Conflict said:
Not top mention.

brb whilst I jump off a skyscraper. Hopefully hell has an internet connection so I can tell you all how that turns out for me.
It was ordered?

No. Just whatever came to thte top of my head first.

He just mad.


No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005
kongming_rulz ~After a long break hes finally back. One of the coolest posters on IGN and one who I'm glad to see make a post or two.


Prime Minister of Shuuuuuu
May 16, 2005
[blockquote]Robbie922004 posted:
kongming_rulz ~After a long break hes finally back. One of the coolest posters on IGN and one who I'm glad to see make a post or two.


No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005
LordNergal said:
Thanks for the mention [face_mischief]

I forgot to repost this when you came back.

Me and Kag were originally going to do a dual-celebration thread, but the hectorbans pretty much ruined that. Did I tell you Homer overturned my hectorban? lol.


Cuius testiculos habes, habeas cardia et cerebellu
May 24, 2008
Robbie922004 said:
LordNergal said:
Thanks for the mention [face_mischief]

I forgot to repost this when you came back.

Me and Kag were originally going to do a dual-celebration thread, but the hectorbans pretty much ruined that. Did I tell you Homer overturned my hectorban? lol.

what a useless gesture. 'Oh, you already served the time, but we struck it from your record.'


No Data Available
Apr 19, 2005
LordNergal said:
Robbie922004 said:
LordNergal said:
Thanks for the mention [face_mischief]

I forgot to repost this when you came back.

Me and Kag were originally going to do a dual-celebration thread, but the hectorbans pretty much ruined that. Did I tell you Homer overturned my hectorban? lol.

what a useless gesture. 'Oh, you already served the time, but we struck it from your record.'

I asked for it. My extrmely minor history was marred by a week-long ban for doing nothing, so yeah, I wanted it gone.
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