Jan 8, 2023
Getting a Disneyland season passes - presently called "Magic Key pass"- for Disneyland is probably the greatest decision a Disney voyager can face.

You're taking a gander at $400 to $1500 a year first thing, in addition to for non-local individuals the cost of the trips you'll have to plan to get regard out of the pass.

Here, we audit the significant kinds of Disneyland annual passes, talk about whether a Disneyland Magic Key annual pass is "worth it", and examine all of the various advantages you want to realize while thinking about a Disneyland season pass.

In any case, we'll examine the significant kinds of Disneyland season passes (as of now called "Magic Keys"). This is just to acquaint you with the decisions. We'll cover settling on them next.

Dream Key

The Dream Key annual pass is the broadest Disneyland annual pass accessible. You get:

1. Reservation-based admittance to both amusement parks all year long

2. The capacity to hold up to six park reservations all on the double

3. 15% rebate on select eating and 20% markdown on select product

4. Free standard amusement park parking