Jul 21, 2006
k....that was really random, I think I'd say Kane. That's only because he's easyer to use when u have to fight. Well, when my friend plays as him that is. I guess you just have to be fast n that's it.
Jan 23, 2007
Raziel is so much cooler than Kain. Maybe because i first played SR1 of all LOK games. But, in any case, he is better than Kain. If Kain were a D&D character, he would be a Chaotic Evil, while Raziel would be Chaotic Good. He has morals and principles, although he ends up doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. Kain does the right thing for the wrong reasons. Also, while Kain is always the puppet master, Raziel fights against his own destiny for himself. You have more sympathy for the slave than for the master. And Raziel is shorter, and im quite short as well. His weapon, the Spiritual Soul Reaver is much better looking than the Material one. And, finally, Raziel embodies the very concept of Revenge and Self-determinism.
Definitely, Raziel is better than Kain.


Jul 28, 2007
I would have to say Kain. I don't know i'm just drawn to want to play as Kain over Raziel. Also i would of liked to play as Raziel when he was a lieutenant of Kain's. In fact why couldn't they go back to that. Raziel said he served Kain for a millenium. i would of liked one of the series to be so that i get to play as Raziel when he wakes up from Kain first turning them and maybe a choice between Kain and the 6 lieutenants might be nice. Then i think my choice would probably fall with Raziel over Kain but I'm not sure i would have to play it. and i would like him to gain the wings and let you fly about before Kain destroys them. but as it stands now i would have to say Kain.


Aug 8, 2007
He's hawter.
He's got, in a way, a much better advantage.
He's got a groovy scarf.
He's purple.


Dec 31, 2007
Both of them are awesome, as stated above, however I find Kain to be awesome. I admit, The Material Soul Reaver isn't all that great, but just the arrogance and the cold heart he holds is very appealing to me. He is a true vampire I believe, and I would always play Kain over Raziel, not just because I really suck at Puzzles, but because.. well I think Kain is just more dirty and gruesome in a fight then Raziel (from what I've seen) However, we are all biased in our opinion. They are both really good characters with nice stories.

I also enjoy Kain because he sets his mind on something, and carries it out, with no mercy. Raziel is the Fallen Angel of the game, and Kain.. is that heartless badass. Not to mention, Kains voice pwns Raziels, I could listen to that voice all the time. Though Raziels scarf is definatly a big booster for Raziel [face_tongue].


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
I guess I'll finally through in my vote for Raziel. Kain just always gets on my nerves.


The Game Collector
Apr 26, 2004
Ok to answer, I love Kain a lot! I mean like gay love! :^O sorry I had to say it! LOOOOOOOOOL!

I like both characters a lot, and Kain I think wins my vote only by 0.00000000000001%
Aug 6, 2007
I don't know if you people have played LOK Defiance, because then you know the game series always revolved around the pillar of ballance(Kain). Raziel is cool in his own way, but being the sole survivor of an extict race, Kain is the coolest. He builds his empire from ruines, and stays on top for millenia, how cool is that?

Plus he doesn't die eventhough his heart is ripped out his chest, Raziel's purpose becomes clear at the end of the game, which I think says it all: He sacrifices himself(in contrast to Kain, who refused to take his own life at the end of Blood Omen).

Rumor has it that Cristal Dynamics is working on a new installment of Legacy of Kain, and I for 1 can't wait!!!


Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
DisturbedRay said:
I don't know if you people have played LOK Defiance, because then you know the game series always revolved around the pillar of ballance(Kain). Raziel is cool in his own way, but being the sole survivor of an extict race, Kain is the coolest. He builds his empire from ruines, and stays on top for millenia, how cool is that?

Plus he doesn't die eventhough his heart is ripped out his chest, Raziel's purpose becomes clear at the end of the game, which I think says it all: He sacrifices himself(in contrast to Kain, who refused to take his own life at the end of Blood Omen).

Rumor has it that Cristal Dynamics is working on a new installment of Legacy of Kain, and I for 1 can't wait!!!

Who the hell is this dope ass?


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
I just hope all the problems with that post are because he's new. I don't know though he does sound disturbed so I wouldn't start anything if I was you. If you want to have some fun with someone I know a Jr.mod you could vent on.