May 7, 2007
For those that own (or played) both R6V1 and R6V2: Do you feel that the first game was far superior to its sequel, if not completely, but at least in terms of multiplayer gameplay? The devs made a few changes and removed several "flaws" that were apparently present in the original, and it is because of these changes, that I must say that the devs made the sequel far too forgiving. There's no longer much skill involved in the sequel. The sprinting funtion makes a mockery of firefights. In R6V1, any fight you got yourself into, was a fight to the end, not only because it's really stupid to just turn and walk/run (not sprint) away, but because any half-decent player with basically any automatic (or not) weapon could just fire and spray blindly to kill you. The original game pushes you to end every encounter, which made it a more aggressive and competitive game. Reaction-time was also more important.

But hey, this is just what I think of it...
So does anyone else want to share their opinion?

(This was also posted on the Rainbow Six Vegas board.)


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 21, 2003
The first one had better multiplayer maps. What I don't like about the first one is no sprint button and you only get 1 life in terrorist hunt. Really, that's mostly what I do, terrorist hunt. Too bad they never released any new maps for rsv2. Murdertown dark, calypso casino, and cqb dark doesn't count as new maps and streets and concast event were unlockables. Streets was old news. The first rsv they released new maps twice. My fav gun Mtar21 was stronger in the first one, known as tar21 in rsv2.

Some of the maps on the first one were just so good, wish they will include some of them in the next rainbow six game.

lvu campus, library, that lab one, rooftops, and those 2 yard ones. I had a hell of a time playing 4 player story.


Jun 24, 2009
i prefer vegas 2

it just feels better and it has the m468 :)

i always wanted to use a m4/16 style rifle

but in the first one the closest thing i has was the g3k4???[face_cry]

and i hated how ppl wuld just run around with the mp9 and a tank top and kill everyone :(
Sep 20, 2009
i got thru to the data hub and downloaded the info then died shooting my way out of the theatre. upon retrying, i once again reached the data hub but it wouldnt let me download. have i missed something is there a terrorist hiding in some corner that i have missed and it wont let me pass until he is shot? it is very maddening, as i am rattling around the empty auditorium with nobody to shoot and unable to advance any further. many thanks fellow techno-geeks. voided


Nov 17, 2008
RSV 2 is far superior than RSV 1, l can't get
into the 1st one, the way l enjoy the 2nd version
Nov 11, 2009
Vegas 1 had a better campaign, but Vegas 2 had a better Terrorist Hunt and awesome customization. I was never into this game's MP, but I love playing co op. Even today you can easily find full squads to play with.


Almost Not a Noob
May 16, 2001
Vegas 2 has better mechanics. You can always add maps later, and it's not that great of a multiplayer game in the first place.