
No Longer a Noob
Dec 2, 2003
If anyone is still around from the Paper Mario Board from around 05-08, give a brother a holla. I miss all of you and that Board was the coolest experience I've ever had chatting with people on the internet. R.I.P.

Notable users:
Cowcowmoomoo I miss you
Axemblue You were always the O.G.
Wizo O.G. as well
SteelMario Skies of Arcadia is amazing
vikings You the man


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 20, 2004
I was on the Paper Mario board from around December 2004 to June 2011. From what I remember, I don't imagine I have many friends from 05-08; I was six in 2005, so yeah. I still lurk around IGN very occasionally, but have mostly moved on to other sites.
Sep 27, 2014
I say we start a revolution to avenge the boards that were missing.

Paper Mario and Luigi's Mansion preferably.


John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies


John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies
Why'd CanCollecter get banned?
I think it was for being a "repeated offender". He was banned like 40 times, but as far as I remember, they were mostly for minor offenses like spam or minor troll posts ("Xbox sucks"). He finally got permabanned around the end of '05 or beginning of '06.
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John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies
The old Mario CT had great times as well:

Here are mentions for @TheCanCollecter and [URL='']@v-rod47[/URL] in case they're ever unbanned somehow. Actually, v-rod should be able to come back, since the board shift in early 2012. TheCanCollecter already tried that, though, and got permabanned again.

Years after 2005, the three of us were given the title of the Golden Age villains in Mario Bros. MU historical overviews.
The height of civilization on the Mario Bros. Board! It was almost a renaissance time for the board, quality fanfics scattering the board, specifically Jovelo and kevpod's masterpiece. Regular MUs, Award Shows, Quizes, Contests and still a steady stream of users coming in, and quality posters at that. Yet no board is perfect, and with great civilizations comes great problems as well. It was in this generation that so called villains struck the board, the likes of v-rod47, TheCanCollector, and axemblue4 tormented some users, yet it only added to the character of the board in the end.

v-rod had been permabanned within one month of registering in summer 2004. TheCanCollecter survived a little longer, but was finally permabanned in December 2005.

I am the only surviving villain. [face_rose]


John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 24, 2012
Alas, alas...

Oh, I remember that thread. Big moment for you...(and an interesting read regardless).

This board's theme song lately's been:


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 24, 2012
I figured, though I'd never seen anything confirming the denial (that makes sense, I think...ish).

Eh, I see it as entertainment, rather than something to get uppity about... I've changed my online personality enough times to enjoy others doing it. But it's too bad the anger's lasted.


John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies
I figured, though I'd never seen anything confirming the denial (that makes sense, I think...ish).

Eh, I see it as entertainment, rather than something to get uppity about... I've changed my online personality enough times to enjoy others doing it. But it's too bad the anger's lasted.

Yeah. I've done this sort of thing before, in fact, alternating personas.

I never particulary liked axem, either. He pretends to be a computer. [face_plain]

^ I dug this up from the old Paper Mario Community Chat a few days ago. People always hatin'


John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies


Feb 27, 2002
Axem, I never blew you off [face_talk_hand] I just responded saying that I wondered how many people would actually show up to an anniversary reunion. As cool of an idea as it sounds, I just don't think it's a very realistic thing to plan for, sadly. A lot of the classic Mario Bros. board vets don't even go on IGN anymore. Also, if we were to get some of the old vets here, what exactly would we do? Would we just reminisce about old times, or would something more be going on?


Simply DaBest
Jun 23, 2001
The fact that you think it would be a good thing for V-Rod or CanCollector to come back is reason enough not to go to a "reunion" - they are probably in my top 5 worst users in my IGN Career.

Also last year would of been closer to a 12 or 13 year reunion for the Mario Bros Board..... the CT itself was around since 9/11/2001.
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John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies
Axem, I never blew you off [face_talk_hand] I just responded saying that I wondered how many people would actually show up to an anniversary reunion. As cool of an idea as it sounds, I just don't think it's a very realistic thing to plan for, sadly. A lot of the classic Mario Bros. board vets don't even go on IGN anymore. Also, if we were to get some of the old vets here, what exactly would we do? Would we just reminisce about old times, or would something more be going on?
Oh, who knows. What happens at any reunion special? Usually there's a host who interviews all of the attendees in some sort of public discussion, asking questions, getting clarifications, about things long past as well as their lives now.

Also, how hard can it really be to get back old users just for a brief visit? I thought you guys were all a big community, and talked to each other on instant messengers and e-mails. Instant messenger conversations were getting posted every hour in the old CT. Surely some people who are still here are still in contact with some veterans long gone?

The fact that you think it would be a good thing for V-Rod or CanCollector to come back is reason enough not to go to a "reunion" - they are probably in my top 5 worst users in my IGN Career.

Also last year would of been closer to a 12 or 13 year reunion for the Mario Bros Board..... the CT itself was around since 9/11/2001.
I'm mainly addressing the "Golden Age" era from that Mario Bros. historical overview thing. 2005 was the year that a lot of the definitive stuff of that era happened, it was just about the board's last year before it basically died. Also, it's the diversity of colorful personalities that gave the boards such a memorable cast. Those controversies only further added to the timelessness of that time period. (Besides, TCC and v-rod both like almost 30 now, I doubt they'd be starting flame wars about video games and minor name-calling or whatever other controversies they were involved in as teens.)
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Feb 27, 2002
"Also, how hard can it really be to get back old users just for a brief visit? I thought you guys were all a big community, and talked to each other on instant messengers and e-mails. Instant messenger conversations were getting posted every hour in the old CT. Surely some people who are still here are still in contact with some veterans long gone?"

Hahaha, maybe a decade ago we all talked through IM together constantly [face_tongue] Most of us have grown apart though. I'm facebook friends with a couple people, and deathcom I've known IRL since before we started posting at the Mario Bros. board, but in general we all don't really have much contact with each other today. I highly doubt any of them would be interested in coming back to participate in a reunion, especially if v-rod and TheCanCollector come back for it.


John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies
I don't think v-rod or TCC would be coming back anyway. One hasn't logged in since 2004 and is beyond all contact as far as I know, and the other has gotten banned every time he tried to create a new account. I think you guys give them a bad rap, though. I know TCC, at least, has tended to poke fun at himself and had a good laugh about things long past. In any case, would their coming back really be so off-putting? I was on the lowest of terms with most of the community myself back in the old days with no reconciliation ever established, but that doesn't dissuade me from a reunion. I actually would have thought that I would have been considered a more repellant user than v-rod and TCC.

Anyway, I don't think you guys experienced enough legit internet melodrama to know what's really bad. [face_skull] I don't know how you all survived. [face_talk_hand]

Like I said tho, I'm just talking here. I didn't really have any expectations of this happening.
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Feb 25, 2007
I think I was between the decline and dark ages in that one history thing.

Only made a few posts from time to time in the PM board til a few years ago though. Now all the Mario Boards are merged. Sports,Paper Mario,Luigi's Mansion, Mario Party,etc. I do when people used to write fics on boards, and when game boards were active. I have wanted to show a friend who likes to read fics, some of the fics on the Nintendo boards, but so many are cut off.

The older days of the boards had a mix of good and bad memories. There are things that I miss,but also things I don't really miss.


Crush them all!
Apr 4, 2008
Where the wind flows
I think I was between the decline and dark ages in that one history thing.

Only made a few posts from time to time in the PM board til a few years ago though. Now all the Mario Boards are merged. Sports,Paper Mario,Luigi's Mansion, Mario Party,etc. I do when people used to write fics on boards, and when game boards were active. I have wanted to show a friend who likes to read fics, some of the fics on the Nintendo boards, but so many are cut off.

The older days of the boards had a mix of good and bad memories. There are things that I miss,but also things I don't really miss.
I hate this so much. Sometimes I want to look back and find some old posts that were made in the Mario Party days, but they seem to be gone and forgotten :(


No Longer a Noob
Dec 2, 2003
I use to frequent the Mario Party boards back in the GCN days. Loved the threads of creating your own mini games!


John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies
To all the posters ITT who said "TheCanCollecter was one of the worst posters ever, I will never post on a board that he's on today", I would just like to point out, that he was one of the best posters ever.

Case in point:

Internet Archive thread:

He made a great point here about the fact that Nintendo was straying too far from the core Mario genres and veering off into lame sports games nobody asked for.

One of the first responses to that he got was from Mario Bros board posterchild Kevpod, and I quote:

kevpod said:
You dumbass. Sports games are side games to where the real fun is.

God, you never cease to amaze me with your stupidity.

Not 4 months later, Kevpod co-wrote "Jovelo and Kevpod Go To Nintendo", a fan-fic all about the decline in Nintendo's quality and estrangement from its original core greatness, making too many lame gimmicks and lame sports spinoffs for its core franchises.

So ultimately Kevpod validated and agreed with the point he berated TheCanCollecter for.

My point here is simply that TheCanCollecter wrote a lot of quality posts and had a lot of intelligent points to make that he has not received credit for.
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John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies
Everyone is basically dead from that era, blue. They were good times, but they are dead [face_rose]
I know, I know.

I just wanted to say something, because someone posted this in here:

The fact that you think it would be a good thing for V-Rod or CanCollector to come back is reason enough not to go to a "reunion" - they are probably in my top 5 worst users in my IGN Career.

And 2 people liked that post.
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John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies
You know, in truth, there were a lot of fun times on these two boards. Users like myself, TheCanCollecter, v-rod, most of the Paper Mario Board community, and the outlying Mario Bros regulars, we pretty much always got along well enough with each other, and even when differences and conflicts came up, we eventually set them aside. Even if there was a certain crowd we never got along with, all the rest of us coexisted and prospered in our participation of the boards. And I suppose that's what really matters.


John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies
It's interesting taking a look back through old Board projects. Here are some I was involved with.

From the Paper Mario Board:

Paper Mario 2 RPG

Paper Mario Smash Fanfic
Paper Mario Smash Fanfic 1.5: Return of an old Villain
Paper Mario Marriage Madness(Fanfic)

~~Paper Mario Boardie Awards: Fall, Voting Thread~~
The Paper Mario Boardie Awards 2005 Spring
~~Paper Mario Boardie Awards: Winter '06~~

From the Mario Bros. Board:

My RPG (Development Phase) Levels/Story
My RPG (Development Phase) Bosses
My RPG (Development Phase) Enemies
After a year in Development, it's finally here! Mario RPG 4: Wario's Quest For Greed!!!

jameszap2's old Wario RPG board game development. It took a whole year to finish it. Good times. It's a shame he cancelled the actual game one world in.

Mario and Luigi 3, the Return of Cackletta!!! (RPG) - I wasn't really in this one but I was supposed to be. I kept checking in to see how far through the game they had gotten. Eventually it died out.

The Gadd Freak: A Disturbing Story


That lurker guy
Oct 22, 2007
Wow, a lot of nostalgia vibes and old users popping up in this thread. While I was not on the Paper Mario board during that time, I did join in '07 and frequented the regular Mario Bros board, but I digress. It's a shame no one comes on the boards anymore to speak of. Aside from the obvious people-getting-older-and-moving-onto-important-real-life-stuff reasons for lack of users, it probably doesn't help the message boards that IGN doesn't publicize their existence as much as they used to (back in my day they had links to the relevant forums at the end of every game review or article). Ah well, such is life. [face_rose]


Respect my fresh
Aug 8, 2002
Holy shit I remember that board, and I remember this board...

... So sad seeing these these things I used to love that held so many of my memories now dying a slow, bitter, painful death.

(I'm here cuz it's my fucking 15th anniversary, BTW... how the holy living fuck did I stick around this place for so long)