Aug 12, 2012
I just want to play through this game for the story, and I would like to know if there is anything you miss out on, either in gear, or in story, for playing on easy. I have tried to play the game before on harder difficulties, but it is too frustrating for me with how slow it is on the 360.

Also before it happens, no I won't be switching to PC, so any ELITISTS (you nice PC guys are fine:), I don't mind you guys, just those guys who give you guys a bad name.) please leave my choice of platform be.


Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
I'm not aware of any differences in story or gear because of difficulty level and can't imagine why there would be. Obviously the game itself might have more enemies on the screen or what enemies there are would be much more damaging to you and harder to kill for them, but that would be it.

I only played the game(s) on regular and never suffered for it. Some people like playing on nightmare and crazy hard difficulties. More power to you, but I just play on regular. Good luck w/ the game. It's a great game and I always encourage people to play it if they haven't. [face_peace]


The Knight of Zero
Jun 2, 2009
There isn't any difference on difficulty aside from getting trophies/achievements on a specific difficulty.

But for level up purposes you will have to do some of the side quests to get to the necessary levels and to be able to enter the story missions as you need a certain amount of inquisition power/influence to start the story missions as the game goes. So you have to complete some of the side quests to get the needed amounts. Aside from that no you don't miss anything for difficulty. But you get the best equipments and stuff in some side quests and various drops.

The Best weapon in the game is a sulevin blade for a two handed warrior that you can only get in a side quest.
May 4, 2015
I just want to play through this game for the story, and I would like to know if there is anything you miss out on, either in gear, or in story, for playing on easy. I have tried to play the game before on harder difficulties, but it is too frustrating for me with how slow it is on the 360.

Also before it happens, no I won't be switching to PC, so any ELITISTS (you nice PC guys are fine:), I don't mind you guys, just those guys who give you guys a bad name.) please leave my choice of platform be.

No, you won't miss any gear or story development for your choice of difficulty. Enjoy your experience!


Dec 8, 2010
Veshaille or smt like that.
For Awakening - Vigilance(1h penetr)+Voice of Velvet+Spirit Warrior=Overkill


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
I just want to play through this game for the story, and I would like to know if there is anything you miss out on, either in gear, or in story, for playing on easy. I have tried to play the game before on harder difficulties, but it is too frustrating for me with how slow it is on the 360.

Also before it happens, no I won't be switching to PC, so any ELITISTS (you nice PC guys are fine:), I don't mind you guys, just those guys who give you guys a bad name.) please leave my choice of platform be.

Got a quick question for you, did you install the game to your HDD on the 360, it makes it run much faster. So if by slow you mean load times, etc. this may help. If you feel the combat and such is slow, than this won't help much.
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