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MODerately Terrifying
β˜… MOD
May 15, 2009
Gentlemen of the Pro Wrestling Board, I formally invite you to join me on this journey as we recognize and honor the legends who have made this board what it is today. It is not only my mission to honor these individuals for everything they've accomplished, but to also preserve this board's incredible history so its legacy can live on forever.

PWB Hall of Fame
Ah, the PWB Hall of Fame. First introduced in the 2010 PWB Spammy Awards by its founder, melbourne_victory, the illustrious Hall of Fame ceremony is held once a year to recognize the board's biggest contributors and most respected users. The users inducted into the Hall of Fame are voted on by the PWB Universeβ„’ and will forever be in annals of PWB history, for better or worse.

Class of 2010

Class of 2011

Class of 2012

Class of 2013

Class of 2014

Class of 2015


Class of 2016

Class of 2017

Class of 2020



Class of 2023


The Hall of Fame is one of the more prestigious honors offered here on the Pro Wrestling Board to our users, but the PWB has a long, rich history full of unforgettable moments, threads, and contests that deserve recognition as well. In the section below, you'll have the chance to relive, or even discover for the first time, some of board's most cherished memories. Call us a hive mind, or even a bunch of egotistical assholes, but damn it, we know how to have a good time.

Pro Wrestling Board's Annual Spammy Awards (2009 - 2020)
Founder: melbourne_victory
Current Host: TrailBlazerDude

The PWB Spammy Awards Ceremony recognizes the best users, threads, moments, and overall excellence displayed over the course of the year. A nomination and voting period is held in December where the members of the community help decide the winners. The PWB Hall of Fame also takes place on this night. Due to a lack of activity across the board, the annual award ceremony was cancelled in 2016. Four years later, TrailBlazerDude re-introduced the awards in a "decade of celebration" ceremony.

2009 (Hosted by: melbourne_victory)
2010 (Hosted by: melbourne_victory)
2011 (Hosted by: melbourne_victory)
2012 (Hosted by: melbourne_victory)
2013 (Hosted by: Capcom.boy & JuiceBox96)
2014 (Hosted by: Capcom.boy & JuiceBox96)
2015 (Hosted by: Capcom.boy & JuiceBox96)
2016 (Hosted by: Capcom.boy & JuiceBox96)

2020 (Hosted by: TrailBlazerDude)


PWB's "Best of the Year" Wrestling Awards (2010 - 2018)
Founder: moazzam23
Current Host: n/a

Much like the Spammy Awards, the "Best of the Year" Wrestling Awards is an annual award ceremony that recognizes the best wrestlers, feuds, matches, moments, and much more over the course of the year. Users take part in a nomination period before voting on the winners for over twenty categories. 2018 marked the first and only year where the winners were crowned in a special Hurt N' Heal event. The awards were put on hold indefinitely in 2019 due to low activity.

2010 (Hosted by: moazzam23)
2011 (Hosted by: moazzam23)
2012 (Hosted by: reostzombie13)
2013 (Hosted by: TrailBlazerDude)
2014 (Hosted by: TrailBlazerDude)
2015 (Hosted by: TrailBlazerDude)
2016 (Hosted by: TrailBlazerDude)
2017 (Hosted by: TrailBlazerDude)

2018 (Hosted by: TrailBlazerDude)


Titan Championship League (2010 - 2020)
Founder: melbourne_victory
Final GM: Serpent.222
Former GM(s): sportsdude21, TrailBlazerDude
Former Assistant(s): Icee_Freeze, Ksquall1, jpmegami

TCL is a competitive internet debate league introduced as this board's answer to ISB (IGN Smackdown Board). Since its inception, there have been several different authority figures, including the current general manager, Serpent.222. The league is entirely made up of wrestling topics, except for matches being contested in the Roulette Division (users are able to choose from a variety of non-wrestling topics there). While the ultimate goal should be to become the TCL World Heavyweight Champion, users (dubbed Titans) have the opportunity to compete for tag team titles if they choose to take that path.

The league started off with a single roster before expanding into two separate brands, Revolution and Warzone (each having its own GM, roster, and championship belts). Not long after, TCL NXT was introduced to welcome new rookies into the mix. Eventually, the brands would once again merge with a single GM running the league, making TCL one of the longest running contests this board has to offer. Below is an official list of every TCL event card ever produced including PPV, NXT, and brand specific events.

The brand finally ended with its last event at TCL 116: Closure in early 2020 after 10 years. The final undisputed TCL World Champion was decided in an open invitational, which was won by staple_gun, marking his first world title victory ever.

1.1, 1.2 , 1.3, 1.4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 36, 43, 50, 55, 60, 67, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79,
80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99,
100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110
, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116
'Warzone' Brand Exclusive:
29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 44, 46, 48, 51, 53, 56, 58, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72
'Revolution' Brand Exclusive:
28, 30, 32, 34, 38, 40, 42, 45, 47, 49, 52, 54, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 69, 71, 73
TCL NXT (Developmental Brand):
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

TCL Undisputed Championship:
The most prestigious and longest existing title in TCL's history.

rocknrollsisyphus (2)
rocknrollsisyphus (3)

TCL World Heavyweight Championship:
This title was introduced as the main title on the Warzone brand. It was merged with the TCL Championship once the brand split ended, effectively making it the TCL Undisputed Championship.


TCL Atlantic Championship:
Originally known as the Blaze Championship, the title was later renamed to the TCL Atlantic Championship.

Workerbeez (2)

TCL People's Championship:
Exclusive to the Revolution brand.


TCL Roulette Championship:
The only non-wrestling championship in TCL. Originally a Warzone exclusive, it later became a mainstay on the main brand.

jpmegami (2)

TCL Lightweight Championship:
500 words or less - that was the stipulation for this gem of a title.

Delirious619 (2)

TCL Tag Team Championships:
Grab a partner and go to war; this title takes two to tangle.

Arsenic Outlaws
Yakuza Syndicate (Dan & Reost)
True Lads (Kennedy & Mav)
The Order (Mel, Gen & Punk)
Cap & Tits
Karmacode (TBD & Astus)
Dark Resistance
Karmacode (2)
Byrd & Tobster
Staple & Cutter
Makon & Haas

TCL Hardcore Championship:
This title was introduced in TCL NXT and was short-lived, but not without first making a wild impact on the roster.

thespider1 (2)
makoncrayley (2)
wweboo (2)
makoncrayley (3)

TCL Money in the Bank:
The winner of this match won a briefcase containing a contract for a World Championship match at any time.


TCL Royal Rumble:
The winner of this grueling contest earned a world title shot in the main event of Clash of the Titans.


TCL King of the Titans Tournament:
A tournament to crown the very best in TCL.



Pro Wrestling Board Fantasy League (2010 - Present)
Founder: melbourne_victory
Current Host: TrailBlazerDude

The board does indeed have a fantasy league that operates like any other major sports fantasy league you've seen before. The league runs in seasons with a draft held prior to each new season. A scoring rubric is used to determine which actions score points, so the idea is to draft and maintain the best scoring roster possible in order to make the PWBFL playoffs at the end of the season. TrailBlazerDude is the current host of the league while longtime host AWSMan continues to assist in a supporting role. As of Season 24, the league has moved to Discord full-time.

Season 1: Blue Division, Green Division, Red Division, Playoffs (Winner: hitmonshark)
Season 2: Omega Red Conference, Joker Conference, Playoffs (Winner: manup733)
Season 3: Evolved Ministry Conference, TrailBlazer Victory Conference, nWo Conference, Playoffs (Winner: diamondtime)
Season 4: Arctic Conference, Magma Conference, Playoffs (Winner: Capcom.boy)
Season 5: Nitro Conference, Thunder Conference, Playoffs (Winner: Delirious619)
Season 6: DC Conference, Marvel Conference, Playoffs (Winner: hitmonshark)
Season 7: Kanto Conference, Johto Conference, Playoffs (Winner: salvador238)
Season 8: Face Conference, Heel Conference, Playoffs (Winner: buckeyenomatterwhat)
Season 9: Empire Conference, Rebel Conference, Playoffs (Winner: AWSMan)
Season 10: North Conference, South Conference, Playoffs (Winner: Random_Hero_Scog)
Season 11: Forces of Sauron Conference, Middle Earth Conference, Playoffs (Winner: zr-tts)
Season 12: Vidya Games Regular Season, Playoffs (Winner: Random_Hero_Scog)
Season 13: Face_Nerd Regular Season, Playoffs (Winner: wwerulzht)
Season 14: Futbol Regular Season, Playoffs (Winner: wweboo)
Season 15: Anime Regular Season and Playoffs (Winner: Matticious)
Season 16: Marvel Cinematic Universe Regular Season and Playoffs (Winner: TrailBlazerDude)
Season 17: Horror Movies Regular Season and Playoffs (Winner: TrailBlazerDude)
Season 18: Don't Cross The Streams Regular Season and Playoffs (Winner: Buffy_1997)
Season 19:
TV/Cinema Characters Regular Season and Playoffs (Winner: AWSMan)
Season 20:
Parks and Recreation Regular Season and Playoffs (Winner: TrailBlazerDude)
Season 21:
Stranger Things Regular Season and Playoffs (Winner: TrailBlazerDude)
Season 22:
Rock n' Rumble Season and Playoffs (Winner: TrailBlazerDude)
Season 23: Jurassic Jamboree Regular Season and Playoffs (Winner: sH0Tz)
Season 24: Discord Mifflin Regular Season and Playoffs (Winner: TBA)


All Star Wrestling Draft (2010 - Present)
Founded by: TrailBlazerDude
Current Hosts: Various Users

In what started off as a unique alternative to the usual offerings on the PWB, the All Star Wrestling Draft became an immensely popular contest that led to numerous editions and even several spinoffs, including the Dream Draft Tournament and Great ASWD Bash Tour. Since the original, various users have taken turns hosting the drafts with each edition having a special twist added to freshen things up. As of 2022, All Star Wrestling Draft is the longest running contest on the Pro Wrestling Board.

All Star Wrestling Draft 1: The Original (Winner: AWSMan)
All Star Wrestling Draft 2: Dream Matches (Winner: dxfan555)
All Star Wrestling Draft 3: Partner Drafting (Winner: FamousAmos17 & Icee_Freeze)
All Star Wrestling Draft 4A: Nothin' Special (Winner: kennedykennedy)
All Star Wrestling Draft 4B: Nothin' Special
(Winner: TrailBlazerDude)
All Star Wrestling Draft 4C: All-Star Edition (Winner: FamousAmos17)
All Star Wrestling Draft 5A: 2000s (Winner: lildeew)
All Star Wrestling Draft 5B: 1990s (Winner: Delirious619)
All Star Wrestling Draft 6: Current Generation (Winner: lildeew)
All Star Wrestling Draft 7A: IWC's Wet Dream (Winner: lildeew)
All Star Wrestling Draft 7B: Wrestlemania (Winner: Icee_Freeze)
All Star Wrestling Draft 7C: Current Stars (Winner: Punkonator12)
All Star Wrestling Draft 7.5: International Wrestlers (Winner: lildeew)
All Star Wrestling Draft 8A: WWEntertainment (Winner: TrailBlazerDude)
All Star Wrestling Draft 8B: South Wrasslin' (Winner: lildeew)
All Star Wrestling Draft 8C: Extremely Hardcore Garbage (Winner: Charlemagne2012)
All Star Wrestling Draft 8.1: WWE vs. The World (Winner: zr-tts)
All Star Wrestling Draft: All Puroresu (Winner: AWSMan)
All Star Wrestling Draft 9: Tag Team Warfare (Winner: Generation.Now & hitmonshark)
All Star Wrestling Draft 9.5A: Random All Star Wrestling Draft (Winner: TrailBlazerDude)
All Star Wrestling Draft 9.5B: The NON-Star Wrestling Draft (Winner: hitmonshark)
All Star Wrestling Draft: All Puroresu 2 (Winner: lildeew)
All Star Wrestling Draft 10: 10th Anniversary Edition (Winner: Charlemagne2012)
All Star Wrestling Draft 10.5A: Random All Star Wrestling Draft II (Winner: JuiceBox96)
All Star Wrestling Draft 10.5B: Random All Star Wrestling Draft II (Winner: Punkonator12)
All Star Wrestling Draft 11A: Random All Star Wrestling Draft III (Winner: AliRock)
All Star Wrestling Draft 11B: Random All Star Wrestling Draft III (Winner: sH0Tz)
All Star Wrestling Draft 12: Generation Now (Winner: rocknrollsisyphus & SHUGGZY)
All Star Wrestling Draft 13: The NON-Star Wrestling Draft II (Winner: Serpent.222)
All Star Wrestling Draft: All Puroresu 3 (Winner: Generation.Now)
All Star Wrestling Draft 14A: All In (Winner: AliRock & makoncrayley)
All Star Wrestling Draft 14B: Evolution (Winner: SyKDeMoN)
All Star Wrestling Draft 15A: Juniors (Winner: TrailBlazerDude)
All Star Wrestling Draft 15B: Big Lads Only (Winner: AliRock & Charlemagne2012)

All Star Wrestling Draft 16: Random Era Roulette Edition (Winner: rocknrollsisyphus & Sawyerson)
All Star Wrestling Draft 17: We're Going to Regionals (Winner: AliRock)
All Star Wrestling Draft 18: Just Draft It (Winner: AliRock)
All Star Wrestling Draft 19: The Alpha Draft (Winner: Serpent.222)
All Star Wrestling Draft 20: Generally Managed (Winner: JuiceBox96)


Dream Draft Tournament (2013 - 2017)
Founded by: lildeew
Current Host: Various Users

Inspired by the All Star Wrestling draft is the innovative Dream Draft Tournament. This annual contest is very similar to ASWD, however, users take part in a tournament post-draft to determine the greatest overall roster. With a new card being posted each round, DDT has proven to be one of the most challenging, yet enjoyable contests on the board.

Dream Draft Tournament 2013 (Winner: lildeew; Runner-Up: TrailBlazerDude)
Dream Draft Tournament 2014 (Winner: AWSMan; Runner-Up: TrailBlazerDude)
Dream Draft Tournament 2015 (Winner: reostzombie13; Runner-Up: Icee_Freeze)
Dream Draft Tournament 2016 (Winner: Charlemagne2012; Runner-Up: staple_gun)
Dream Draft Tournament 2017 (Winner: rocknrollsisyphus; Runner-Up: TrailBlazerDude)


The Great ASWD Bash Tour (2015 - 2018)
Founded by: reostzombie13
Current Host: Various Users

Introduced as another alternative to the All Star Wrestling Draft contest is The Great ASWD Bash Tour. The concept is just as it sounds--participants in this draft take their drafted rosters on tour across the world. The user to produce the greatest tour, made up of three separate cards, is crowned the winner. Stupid sexy Joos has won all three editions of the draft so far. If another edition ever takes place, we may need to rename this one to The Juicy ASWD Bash Tour.

The Great ASWD Bash Tour (Winner: JuiceBox96; Runner-Up: That90sguy)
The Great ASWD Bash Tour II: Journey to Valhalla (Winner: JuiceBox96; Runner-Up: TrailBlazerDude)
The Great ASWD Bash Tour III (Winner: JuiceBox96; Runner-Up: AliRock)


All Star Fiction Draft (2015 - Present)
Founded by: staple_gun
Current Host: Various Users

The All Star Fiction Draft is the board's first non-wrestling draft. The goal in this draft is relatively the same, however--to put together the best "super fight" card possible with your drafted picks. The first edition was limited to Marvel and DC comics, but the second edition gave users the option to draft any fictional character with no limitations.

All Star Fiction Draft: Comics Edition (Winner: RKO-Cutter)
All Star Fiction Draft II: Full Fiction (Winner: Serpent.222)
All Star Fiction Draft III: Random Edition (Winner: Serpent.222 and rocknrollsisyphus)
All Star Fiction Draft IV: Assigned Mediums (Winner: No Contest)
All Star Fiction Draft V: Another Random Edition (Winner: Charlemagne2012)
All Star Fiction Draft VI: Undraftables (Winner: SHUGGZY and Serpent.222)

All Star Fiction Draft VII: Three Times the Randomness (Winner: Charlemagne2012)
All Star Fiction Draft VIII: Legends Collide (Winner: RKO-Cutter)
All Star Fiction Draft IX: Embrace the Chaos >< (Winner: Charlemagne2012)

All Star Fiction Draft X: The Big Brain Am Winning Again (Winner: Serpent.222)


All Star Movie Draft (2017 - 2018)
Founded by: Punkonator12
Current Host: Punkonator12

After the PWB comic and full-fiction drafts proved to be successful, user Punkonator12 introduced the second non-wrestling draft contest to the board--the All Star Movie Draft. For the first time in any of the drafts, participants aren't looking to build a "fight card", but instead, are drafting directors, producers, actors, and various other elements and crew members that will later be used to create an original movie. The first edition was limited to active talents, but future editions will certainty open the pool to feature all-time talents, as well.

All Star Movie Draft | Awards Ceremony
All Star Movie Draft II: Superhero Edition | Awards Ceremony

All Star TV Draft


PWB Ranks (2011 - Present)
Founded by: dxfan555
Current Hosts: Various Users

There's something undeniably fun about making lists and the PWB has made a ton of them over the years. The PWB Ranks threads were first introduced to the boards by dxfan555 in 2011 and they quietly became one of our most favorite time-wasting activities over the next decade. From ranking the best champions to the baddest bitches, there was fun to be had for everyone.

PWB Ranks: WWE Champions
PWB Ranks II: Intercontinental Champions
PWB Ranks III: The Big Gold Belt
PWB Ranks IV: Royal Rumble Winners
PWB Ranks V: Modern WWE Superstars
PWB Ranks Reloaded: WWE Champions
PWB Ranks Reloaded II: TNA World Champions
PWB Ranks Reloaded III: World Heavyweight Champions
PWB Ranks Reloaded IV: United States Champions
PWB Ranks Returns: Baddest Bitches
PWB Ranks Reloaded V: Best Promos
PWB Ranks Revived: 50 Greatest Women Superstars


PWB Mafia (2014 - Present)
Founded by: AWSMan
Current Hosts: Various Users

Arguably the most popular game on the board since the All Star Wrestling Draft is PWB Mafia -- a game in which the Town must root out and lynch the members of the Mafia, while the Mafia try to remain hidden and dwindle the Town's numbers until they have the numbers advantage, at which point they win. It's a play off of the popular real-life party game, but it's become a staple (no pun intended) on the boards and continues to be a huge favorite. In early 2019, Punkonator12 introduced a variation of the game called Secret Russo.

PWB Mafia: First Edition (Winner: The Mafia)
PWB Mafia: Part Deux (Winner: The Town)
PWB Mafia: Three Times the Fun (Winner: The Mafia)
PWB Mafia IV: A New Hope (Winner: The Town)
PWB Mafia V: San Andreas (Winner: The Mafia)
PWB Mafia VI: Mil Muertes and the Temple of Doom (Winner: The Town)
PWB Mafia VII: Halloween Havoc (Winner: The Town)
PWB Mafia VIII: The Mafia Awakens (Winner: The Town)
PWB Mafia IX: The Voice (Winner: The Mafia)
PWB Mafia X: Blood on the Sand (Winner: The Mafia)
PWB Mafia XI: The Cruiserweight Classic (Winner: The Town)
PWB Mafia XII: No Gimmicks Required (Winner: The Mafia)

PWB Mafia XIII: All Elite Mafia (Winner: The Town)

PWB Secret Russo (Winner: The Bookers)
PWB Secret Russo II (Winner: The Bookers)


Fantasy Open World Simulations (2016 - Present)
Founder: Serpent.222
Current Host: Serpent.222

2015 Hall of Fame inductee, Serpent.222, introduced the board to its first open world fantasy simulation with the debut of the Australian and Asian editions of the PWB's Horrific Vacation. These threads allowed participants to control their very own fate by making real-time decisions based on the events happening around them. The PWB Fantasy World was later introduced giving way to a whole new world full of characters with unique backgrounds, abilities, and of course, adventures. It may not have a lot to do with wrestling, but it's what keeps us coming back.

PWB's Horrific Vacation: Australian Edition
PWB's Horrific Vacation: Asian Edition
It Doesn't Matter What The Game Is: The PWB's Fantasy World
PWB Fantasy Game: Chapter 2
PWB Horror Series 2: Halloween Edition
The PWB Gang Saves The World
PWB's Horrific Vacation: Back from the Dead


Survival of the Fittest

The PWB is home to many elimination based contests influenced by some of the most popular reality shows on TV today. Whether it's Survivor, Big Brother, or even The Challenge, there's a little bit of something for everyone here on the boards. These games have created some of the most hilarious (and sometimes embarrassing) moments that we all love to revisit, and because of it, we've grown closer as a community. It's all about outplaying, outwitting, and outlasting your fellow users, but more importantly, it comes down to having a good time and that's exactly what we do .. even if 90% of the time we never finish a game successfully.

Big Brother:
I: PWB Big Brother 2014
(Winner: Capcom.boy; Runner-Up: TrailBlazerDude)

I: Kings of Old School v. Power Rangers
(Winner: No Contest)
II: Pro Wrestling Board v. Smackdown! Board [Merged Thread] (Winner: No Contest)
III: House Lannister v. House Stark [Merged Thread] (Winner: AliRock; Runner-Up: Capcom.boy)
IV: Gryffindor House v. Ravenclaw House v. Slytherin House [Merged Thread: Hufflepuff House] (Winner: Astus_01; Runner-Up: sH0Tz)

The Challenge:
I: Pro Wrestling Board v. Smackdown! Board
(Winner: No Contest)
II: The PWB Challenge: Rivals (Winners: TrailBlazerDude & JuiceBox96; Runner-Ups: AWSMan & WorkerBeez)


PWB Tournaments
Founder: lildeew
Current Hosts: Various Users

We love our tournaments here on the PWB. These threads always have their fair share of controversy, but hey, that's what keeps it interesting, right?

Ultimate All-Time Tag Team Tourney (Winner: Steiner Brothers)
Ultimate Junior Tourney (Winner: Jushin 'Thunder' Liger)
Ultimate Big Men & Powerhouses Tourney 1 (Winner: Brock Lesnar)
Ultimate Ring Technicians Tourney (Winner: Chris Benoit)
Ultimate Mic Workers Tourney (Winner: Ric Flair)
Ultimate Entrance Themes Tourney 1 (Winner: CM Punk's "Cult of Personality")
Ultimate Finishers Tourney (Winner: Steiner Screwdriver)
Ultimate Big Men & Powerhouses Tourney 2 (Winner: Big Van Vader)
Ultimate Wrestlemania Match Tourney (Winner: Austin vs. Bret @ WM13)
Ultimate Favorite Tourney (Winner: Kurt Angle)
Ultimate Entrance Themes Tourney 2 (Winner: The Ministry)
Ultimate All-Time Tag Team Tourney 2 (Winner: British Bulldogs)
Ultimate All-Time Gimmicks Tourney (Winner: The Great Muta)
Ultimate Junior Tourney 2 (Winner: Ultimo Dragon)
Ultimate Entrance Theme Tourney: Licensed Music (Winner: Drew McIntyre's "Broken Dreams")
Ultimate Wrestling Tournament: Best of the Royal Rumble (Winner: Chris Jericho v. Chris Benoit - RR '01)

Best AEW Theme Song Tournament (Winner: Darby Allin)


March Madness (2009 - Present)
Founder: thespider1
Current Host: TrailBlazerDude

In this annual tournament, users vote to determine who the best active wrestler is in the world today. Usually, there's a criteria set to vote on a wrestler's success in the past calendar year, but users are welcome to vote however they wish. PWB March Madness works just like it does in basketball -- with several rounds leading into the Sweet Sixteen, Elite Eight, and Final Four respectively before the ultimate championship match. March Madness remains the biggest tournament on the PWB today.

2009 (Winner: Chris Jericho)
Opening Rounds
Elite 8: Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho
Elite 8: AJ Styles vs. Sting
Elite 8: Edge vs. MVP
Elite 8: Christian vs. Rob Van Dam
Final Four: Rob Van Dam vs. AJ Styles
Finals: Chris Jericho vs. AJ Styles
Bonus Round: Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam

(Winner: CM Punk)
Opening Rounds
Elite 8: AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle
Elite 8: Shawn Michaels vs. Christian
Elite 8: Edge vs. CM Punk
Elite 8: Jeff Hardy vs. Tajiri
Final Four: Christian vs. Kurt Angle
Final Four: CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy
Finals: CM Punk vs. Kurt Angle

(Winner: Christian)
Opening Rounds
Elite 8: CM Punk vs. John Morrison
Elite 8: Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian
Elite 8: Sting vs. Kurt Angle
Elite 8: Shelton Benjamin vs. Tajiri
Final Four: CM Punk vs. Kurt Angle
Final Four: Christian vs. Tajiri
Finals: Kurt Angle vs. Christian

(Winner: CM Punk)
Complete Tournament

(Winner: Austin Aries)
Complete Tournament

(Winner: Kazuchika Okada)
Complete Tournament

(Winner: Brock Lesnar)
Complete Tournament

(Winner: AJ Styles)
Complete Tournament

(Winner: Kazuchika Okada)
Complete Tournament

(Winner: Kazuchika Okada)
Complete Tournament

(Winner: WALTER)

Complete Tournament

(Winner: Kento Miyahara)
Complete Tournament

2021 (Winner: Go Shiozaki)
Complete Tournament

2022 (Winner: Katsuhiko Nakajima)
Complete Tournament

2023 (Winner: The Steiner Brothers)
Complete Tournament


Women's Revolution Tournament (2015 - 2018)
Founder: TrailBlazerDude
Current Host: n/a

Serving as a prelude to the PWB's "Best of the Year" wrestling awards is the annual Women's Revolution Tournament. It also serves as the female equivalent to PWB March Madness, which recognizes the best male wrestlers over the course of the past year. Only WWE talents were being represented in this tournament. Following the success of the women's revolution in WWE, and throughout the world, the tournament ended after a four year run as the women were being featured prominently enough in March Madness.

Women's Revolution Tournament 2015 (Winner: Sasha Banks; Runner-Up: Asuka)
Women's Revolution Tournament 2016 (Winner: Charlotte Flair; Runner-Up: Asuka)
Women's Revolution Tournament 2017 (Winner: Asuka; Runner-Up: Charlotte Flair)
Women's Revolution Tournament 2018 - Hurt N' Heal Edition (Winner: Becky Lynch, Runner-Up: Asuka)


While the entire board's purpose is to discuss professional wrestling, it has developed into something much more than that over the years. To keep things more organized and easier to follow, we've created official discussion threads for every aspect of wrestling to better your experience here on the PWB. The official threads are below and this section will constantly be updated as new ones are created over time.

Active Discussion Threads
PWB Family-Oriented Community Thread

Der WrestleRing General Discussion Thread
The General Video Games Discussion Thread
The GENeral Puroresu Discussion Thread
All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread
Classic/Old School Wrestling Discussion Thread
Lucha Libre Discussion Thread
Spoilers Discussion Thread
Workout and Fitness Discussion Thread

Voting Threads

Match of the Week Thread
Superstar Evaluation 2.0 Thread
Match Evaluation 2.0 Thread

Promo of the Week Thread
Monthly Wrestler Rankings

League Threads
Fantasy League Home Thread
PS4 WWE 2k16 League Thread
Xbox One WWE 2k16 League Thread

Reference Threads
All-Time Mat Classics/Must See Matches Thread

Official Titans of the Roundtable Thread

The PWB Presents: Better Known a Wrestler Thread

Helpful Threads
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Thread
Wrestling Icon Request Thread
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