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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Pushing Wonder Woman[/link]
by Scott Collura

Nicolas Winding Refn, the helmer of such gritty foreign-made wonders as The Pusher Trilogy and Bronson, wants to shoot a comic-book film, specifically Wonder Woman. And he knows exactly how he'd do it, too. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Apr 10, 2010
I've always wondered how all those people can live on that island when there's only women on it. I mean, how is anybody born? Oh, wait... heh heh heh. Gay Wonder Woman anybody?

Anyway, I think that creating new villains is cool. That way the actor can take all the liberty he/she can get with it. I just hope that this, and Green Lantern, and Flash, and the Superman reboot, are good. If they are to make a Justice League movie, they need to go Marvel style and hire a-list talent, and make a living, breathing universe.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 10, 2009
Wonder Woman will prolly remain to be the most difficult major comic hero to adapt to film, there are too many issues surrounding it. From casting, (who really fits the part, really?) to an appropriate story (read: not just for comic fans) it is a tough nut to crack.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Seriously, no villains? as Bloodhound mentioned, Ares and Circe? What about the Cheetah, Artemis (when she's bad), Giganta? If this hasn't read the comics, maybe he should watch the amazing DC Original Animated Wonder Woman movie, or Justice League & Justice League Unlimited at the very least???
May 12, 2008
I'm not generally a reader of DC comics yet I'm familiar with most if not all of Batman's major villians. In fact I can't remember a time when I didn't know who the Joker or Catwoman or the Penquin were. Whereas, I'd never even heard of DC's Ares or Circe or Giganta before watching The Justice League and it's sequel series a couple of weeks ago.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 10, 2009
Aitrus233Ping said:
Dear Nicolas Winding Refn,


Ares would be a hard sell for a comic movie as odd as that may sound, he's too "fantastic" a character. Think about it now, how do you justify (in a movie) a mortal fighting with the god of war?

I worked very well in the animated film, and that would be a great template to follow, but you gotta remember everything doesn't translate well to film. That is one of the biggest reasons that Nolans Batman is so limited (compared to his DC counterpart) yet equally so succesful.


Oct 15, 2009
mankind are the villains for ww invading the island/trying to take thier resources/ waging war on the island/led by ww's father ares as others said in amovie ares would be ww's main villain for sure but im not sure how they would tie it in to batman cause that series is just too grounded in reality and you know they want to copy the marvel route and interconnect all thier movies from now on so there is no reason to "create" any vilains when there's such a rich pool of villains in the dcu
Oct 1, 2005
My theory:

Anyone passionate enough about Wonder Woman should get the character. Why not? She's not going anywhere. Give him a shot; what's the worst that can happen.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 5, 2007
"She doesn't have great villains against her," he says. "O.K., so you create some."

If Thor does well I predict they focus more on the Greek Pantheon aspects of the character than they would have otherwise. I could see them using either Hades or Ares as a villain. A mysoginistic Dr. Psycho would be a good counter for the director's ideas about female empowerment and whatnot. Even Cheetah if they made her a credible threat. Creating new villains isn't really necessary.
Jul 17, 2003
Why is it that the film makers who crop up around Wonder Woman seem to have a cool idea of what to do with it - i.e. Joss Whedon's version also, and now this guy -, yet Warner Bros. just never gets behind this thing? Is it because "superhero movies starring women don't sell; just look at Catwoman, Elektra and whatnot".

Oh well.

How come no female directors have seemed interested in this movie, btw? Seems a tad weird to me...
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Prime Member
Aug 16, 2007
I think they have to do it similar to the animated movie. That had the perfect premise. You could easily expand that movie by making the tournament longer, have some more god scenes, explain the invisible jet, and expand the scenes of hades. I don't think wonder woman needs a new villain I think the God Of War would be more they suffice. It seems to be working with thor vs the god of mischief Loki and Greek gods are even more popular than norse, seriously the material is there but all the filmmakers are scared


Original poster
They had her fight Ares in the old Justice League cartoon and 'The God of War' is an instantly recognisable character.
Apr 14, 2009
The problem w/ Wonder Woman is that even though a lot of her story and origins revolve around myth... it doesn't actually take place in any 'mythical realm'. Thor is EASY cause its ASGARD. What's Wonder Woman? An island full of hot but kick-ass ladies on Earth, hidden from the rest of the world. Its not like that tiny island has hydras and golems or gods running around on it. To do the WW movie means you HAVE to reinvent something about her origin. IMO, they just need to rip off Avatar/LOST... have it so the island has some amazing resource that the rest of the world would do anything for. Once WW's home is discovered (because of the pilot that crashes there, like in the original origins), the Amazonians would have to defend it from the forces sent to 'negotiate' for uh... 'unobtanium' (LMFAO). In the end, after some bloodshed, Princess Diana is sent out by her mother to be an ambassador of peace to prevent such a thing again. I think that would start WW off pretty good if you think about it, and it won't be so cheesy.
Mar 1, 2009
or just adapt Wonder Woman and do it justice. lots of people are talking about it being impossible because of the fantasy elements...she's a superhero! of course it has fantasy elements. it's needless to change anything [which they always do], all they need to do is put enough effort into it as Marvel has with their characters, it's not rocket science...sorry if i'm coming across as a dick, it's just Wonder Woman is one of my favourite superheroes


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 10, 2009
k.k.slider25 said:
"She doesn't have great villains against her," he says. "O.K., so you create some."

If Thor does well I predict they focus more on the Greek Pantheon aspects of the character than they would have otherwise. I could see them using either Hades or Ares as a villain. A mysoginistic Dr. Psycho would be a good counter for the director's ideas about female empowerment and whatnot. Even Cheetah if they made her a credible threat. Creating new villains isn't really necessary.

That is a pretty good point, but I still think Wonder Woman would be a tough sell, she just doesn't have the appeal to make regular movie goers hit the theatres. The animated feature handled action, comedy, and romance extremely well, but a live action film will be limited by an almost ensured PG13 rating, and runs a big possibility as being loaded down with feminest trumpet blowing.


Original poster
The closest actress I can think of who could look like wonder woman is Gemma Arterton. If she worked at the role, she could make a kickass wonder woman.


Apr 10, 2010
@ Icecreamkilla

Maybe, but she isn't who I picture when I see Wonder Woman. I would personally like Anne Hathaway, she'd smokin' hot and since she was being considered for Spider-Man 4 that would mean she's considering a comic boom role, right? Plus she's well known and she could hold her own with a mainly male cast if there were to be a Justice League film. But I guess Arterton's okay, better than Kate Beckinsale. I mean, I don't hate her, but she Beckinsale doesn't need a movie like this.


Original poster
Well I say arterton for two reasons.

1. She can pull off that Greek look. She nailed it in clash of the titans.

2. She has meat on her bones. If she worked out for the role she could be cut just like wonder woman.

Also Yustman wouldn't be bad either. But she'd need to pack on the pounds first.


Mar 4, 2010
So basically his entire pitch to do a Wonder Woman movie is she is stronger than a man who comes from a land of women stronger than men and fights villains with qualities similar to those of Batman and theres action too.
Call me crazy, Im not sold.


Apr 9, 2009
I'm sorry but his views on WW are tough to swallow.

I wouldn't boil down the concept to Wonder Woman to "What if women were more powerful then men?"

To me that just seems like a weak tagline that actually doesn't have much relevance or importance to our society where it is in fact very common that women are more powerful than men. I'm sure someone will correct me with the stats to point out that the world is still very gender biased, and I'd agree with that, but I still argue that you wouldn't have to imagine some alternate reality to believe that a woman could be more powerful than a man.

Secondly, what is his problem with WW villains? It makes me feel like he actually has no knowledge of the character. People don't know her villains as well as they know the Joker or Lex Luthor, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.

Cheetah is an excellent allegory for new vs. old feminism. Or more specifically women obtaining power through sex and objectifying themselves rather than being strong and powerful individuals that are true to themselves in a man's world. Both new and old feminism have flaws, and that is why it's a compelling argument. Cheetah could accomplish more than an Amazonian could, but would she do it the right way?

Similarly, Gail Simone's villain creation "The Circle" was a beautiful idea. What if there were a group of Amazon's who believed that a virgin birthed amazonian child was a sign of doom for their race, and would stop at nothing to kill her.

Then you have all those amazing gods like Ares and Hades for Diana to go toe to toe with.

I'm sorry but I've read a few articles that all herald this guy as the best thing that could happen to a Wonder Woman movie, and call it a crime that he hasn't gotten the gig. But his pitch sounds extremely weak.

I'd rather they make no Wonder Woman movie than do it wrong. The character has a lot of potential and is ready to move upward instead of be ignored. Basically if they make a movie like "Catwoman" - something that this guy mentioned, smartly, as a wrong direction, Wonder Woman will continue to be ignored and misrepresented. Not cool.


Mar 22, 2003
"Alas, Refn is probably too smart and talented to actually get this gig."

Looks like someone's got a hard-on for this Refn guy. His notion about creating a villain equal to Wonder Woman is spot on, but it certainly is a very difficult task. My idea, as an apsiring filmaker, is to have her taking on pretty much her entire rogues gallery. But I won't go any further than that.


Original poster
They could always use genocide. She was more than powerful enough for wonder woman. She has villains who can take it to her. There is no reason to make up new ones.
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