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Sep 10, 2007
Southern California
Hello, we've got most of some very basic services arranged for my mom and paid for already. They're charging us $3,700 for basic cremation and burial with no services. She already had a plot paid for with my dad so that was one thing that was taken care of ahead of time. I added on graveside service for $750 so she'd have some kind of a service at least. $800 of that cost is just transporting her body to the mortuary, and another $800 is just having a person to speak to from the mortuary. We have everything but $700 paid off at the moment. I intended to make a gofundme and post it here so you guys could give anything if you wanted to help out, and were able, but it was very difficult for me to come up with something to say. I labored over it for weeks and just couldn't come up and with anything to say about my mom that felt like it really represented who she was, completely. Thinking about her mostly brings me pain at the moment, as she should still be here (and it's hard for me not to include something about that). Instead I'm just going to post the number for the mortuary and you can call to donate directly if you want to or to enquire about the balance. I arranged it so that anyone who wanted to could ask about the balance for transparency. The number for that is Green Acres Mortuary, Bloomington CA, 909-877-2311, her name was Ildefonsa Olivas. We've still got other things to arrange after she's cremated, like getting a priest or doing a mass or having some kind of wake so that there's some actual commemoration of the event. Maybe we can do that potluck I dunno. I am terrible at all of these sorts of things. I was the worst person to foist this upon.

She had life insurance, but it was only accident insurance. She had no will so the house needs to go into probate. We've been completely unprepared for all of this, dealing with getting it uncondemned and the funeral all at once is a lot for me. I'm not equipped for this.

My mom's side of the family is going to organize their donation tomorrow, so there may not be anything left to pay (the mortuary at least). But if you guys want to contribute and are able to, you can. If you want to help out in any other way let me know. If you've got ideas or expertise about this sort of thing, I could probably use any advice you might have.

Thank you.
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Almost Not a Noob
Nov 15, 2023
Fast food jobs pay $20 an hour in California now. Sign up for one, then apply for a credit card. They give you a temporary number, use this credit card to pay them. Pay off the credit card when you get your first paycheck, in a couple weeks there will be no interest accrued by that time.


Jes' fine
Jun 4, 2012
The next requirement is an architectural plan for whatever rehab work they have to do on their house. This is going to cost at least a few thousand dollars at the going rate. If anyone knows an architect who might be willing to draw one up for less, that could really help them out.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 15, 2023
I sent them more supplies again today. For some reason I feel weird about sending money but I’ve sent camping gear, food, and clothes a few times. Akimbo is applying for jobs like crazy now he tells me. At least the burial is covered now, and yeah they gotta get jobs and work more on the house when they can afford to. Right now they can’t even afford gas to get around tho.