Jan 25, 2013
Recently played, beat, and fell in love with The Last of Us and I think it is safe to say that this game has one of my favorite boss fights in gaming: The stalk-out Ellie has with David in the cabin resort. I first beat it on normal difficulty and absolutely loved the tension that built up as I ducked Ellie behind kitchen equipment, booths, and restaurant tables trying to get to Davids back for the kill, and then I came back on Survivor mode and that horse is a whole different color without the listen mode. While my play through that time didn't have as much tension as it could've been (got really lucky with the AI I guess) I watched a friend of mine play the same part and it was one of the most nerve racking experiences we've had playing a game. At one point he was holed up behind a door for 10 minutes listening to plates breaking and the creepiest dialogue ever (Run little rabbit, run!) Sadly, we don't know how to upload videos from the PS3 to youtube so I want you guys, if you can, to post your (or someone elses) best, most tense nail-biting David boss fight on Survivor mode.

Since I couldn't post my own, here is one that someone put on youtube.

*NOTE: This video is not mine. It was uploaded by a youtuber by the name of MasterLL.



Almost Not a Noob
Jul 1, 2011
I remember I couldn't figure out what to do when I walked in the first time, I saw the broken plates and thought some clickers would be in here but after like 5 minutes walking around I finally got to the door. Then I just ran from David like a retard trying to find a window to escape from, after dying numerous times I realized I had to stab him and such.
Mar 17, 2013
I got really freaked out, my hands were shaking and I didn't really know what to do for a while so I mostly ran around a bit.
But I did die several times and screamed when he said "There you are" and charged after me. Eventually I just watched him and snuck up behind him.


Jun 27, 2013
The first time I played I was confused about the broken plates too and eventually tried the door. Then I saw the only thing I had was the knife and remembered the plates and I was like "crap... I know how this is going to go down." I just finished that part on survivor, I was a little intimidated by that part the whole game without the listen mode. Let's just say I got a few machetes. But I was so relieved when I finished him off. Between that and trying to get there as Joel with like two bullets, my hands were all shaky, too.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 13, 2010
Don't like seeing Ellie die even though there are continues and no game over. Wanted to get it right first time and did. And it was brilliant.


Oct 2, 2012
Don't like seeing Ellie die even though there are continues and no game over. Wanted to get it right first time and did. And it was brilliant.

The first time I played that level I just kept running around expecting Joel to burst in and save me. Then I got angry and thought I would try and sneak up on him. When he didn't die the first time I shanked him I thought he couldn't be killed in open play and I thought that he would only die in a set piece so I continued to run. I tried again and stabbed him a second time and he got more pissed which scared me so I ran some more. Believing that he was invincible I gave up and went online only discover that I only had to stab him one more time. If he had showed signs of weakening after I stabbed him like most bosses I would have known I could kill him. "If he bleeds you can kill it."-Arnold Schwarzenegger in Predator


No Longer a Noob
Mar 29, 2012
Don't like seeing Ellie die even though there are continues and no game over. Wanted to get it right first time and did. And it was brilliant.

The first time I played that level I just kept running around expecting Joel to burst in and save me. Then I got angry and thought I would try and sneak up on him. When he didn't die the first time I shanked him I thought he couldn't be killed in open play and I thought that he would only die in a set piece so I continued to run. I tried again and stabbed him a second time and he got more pissed which scared me so I ran some more. Believing that he was invincible I gave up and went online only discover that I only had to stab him one more time. If he had showed signs of weakening after I stabbed him like most bosses I would have known I could kill him. "If he bleeds you can kill it."-Arnold Schwarzenegger in Predator

I dunno, I thought the fact that you could actually stab him if you sneaked up (as opposed to getting instakilled if you approached from the front) was enough of a clue that he could be killed.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 12, 2013
die Staaten
Haven't played in a while, haven't even beaten my survivor play-through yet since i took a break. But on my normal playthrough, I pretty much automatically knew i had to stealth kill him once i saw Ellie crouch down. It just made sense that a fully grown man would easily overpower a teen girl. The 3rd time you had to stab him made me tense since he's run to a spot, and just camp there. So i just sat around in listening mode, waiting for him to move so that i knew where he went. The problem was i still wouldn't know what direction he was facing when he camped, so i just took a chance and was lucky enough that he was facing the other way. I try to remain in the dining area because he's pretty easy to see walking around in there, and the kitchen area was too cramped and enclosed.


May 18, 2013
I didn't even know that if u step on the broken plates he will find out where you are. I just beat him by running to the kitchen and hiding there until he comes and stab him. I didn't now about the broken plates until now.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 25, 2002
Its not even a boss fight more like "How to be a paedophile for dummies guide". I found that whole scene upsetting


A guy.
May 23, 2003
^^^What?!? It's a boss fight with a really fucked up person. The Last of Us is full of bad people. It's the point of the game. LOL at teaching to be a pedophile. That makes no sense. If anything it's showing how disgusting those people are.

I just beat him on Survivor and damn what a rush. Though I still have yet to ever use "Listen Mode" as I've turned it off on every play. Pussies. [face_tongue]
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Almost Not a Noob
Jan 12, 2013
die Staaten
^^^What?!? It's a boss fight with a really fucked up person. The Last of Us is full of bad people. It's the point of the game. LOL at teaching to be a pedophile. That makes no sense. If anything it's showing how disgusting those people are.

I just beat him on Survivor and damn what a rush. Though I still have yet to ever use "Listen Mode" as I've turned it off on every play. Pussies. [face_tongue]

It's automatically off on Survivor mode, anyways. So that shit's gonna be tough when i get back to it....
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A guy.
May 23, 2003
^^^What?!? It's a boss fight with a really fucked up person. The Last of Us is full of bad people. It's the point of the game. LOL at teaching to be a pedophile. That makes no sense. If anything it's showing how disgusting those people are.

I just beat him on Survivor and damn what a rush. Though I still have yet to ever use "Listen Mode" as I've turned it off on every play. Pussies. [face_tongue]

It's automatically off on Survivor mode, anyways. So that shit's gonna be tough when i get back to it....
Yes. I know. That's why it didn't bother me. Never used it on Normal or Hard either. Actually my first play was on Hard with everything turned off. I love the idea of minimal prompts.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 24, 2002
When playing as Ellie when the horse gets killed, right up to the part where you kill David, it's frightening as hell. And then it gets worse - the tunnel with all the infected before the hospital. Playing that on Easy when I completed the game first, I was terrified and finally got it. It's a great feeling knowing that all the 'big' stuff is finished so you have nothing much to worry about after.


Jan 17, 2015
Killing David in 1 minute on grounded mode, in all his prefered path variables, on both PS3 and PS4. (He changes behaviour somewhat on remastered)

