
Drizz in my pants
Jul 2, 2001
Long Island, NY
Due to some comments made regarding underage people, it was deemed necessary to restate and make small modifications to the rules in this matter. The current guidelines are as follows:

- Inferring personal interest in sex with/having had sexual actions with, or posting sexualized images of a child under the age of 16 will result in a permanent ban. If the person is 16 or 17, you may be given a single warning (aka "final warning") with the ban, depending on context.

- Inferring another user has interest in sex with/had personal sexual actions with a child will be considered flaming.

- Inferring a non-user has an interest in sex with/had personal sexual actions with a child may be moderated depending on context.

- If a user posts a non-sexualized picture of someone underage with the intention of trying to bait other users into making sexually explicit comments, that user may be subject to a permanent ban, if the intent is clearly to get others to sexualize a child.

- As has always been the case, you are responsible for the content that you post. If you post a sexual image and/or make sexual comments in a joking manner about someone under 18 years of age, you are still subject to discipline. Claiming ignorance/not knowing the person's age is not an acceptable excuse.

- For situations where a user's sexualization of an underage person(s) is deemed an accident, lesser punishment may be discussed on an individual basis.

- These rules extend to and include the handling/treatment of animated/fictional characters. Whether the characters/people are fictional or not, remarks about these characters will be treated as real-life/non-fictional individuals would.

- In the rules above, "child" refers to any person(s) under the age of 16, the lowest age of consent law in the United States. (This distinction & single-offense permanent ban is the primary change to these guidelines.) Please again note that sexual comments about any person under the age of 18 are still not permitted.
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