
No Longer a Noob
Feb 9, 2010

So, Wooden award finalists have been announced. McDermott is the clear favorite to win the award, but the award hasn't been handed out just yet. My questions are: Who should be considered the favorite to challenge McDermott? Who was robbed of a spot on the list of finalists?

I honestly believe Napier, Kilpatrick, Parker, and Stauskas could have cases for winning the award over McDermott. If I had to pick a #2, I would personally pick Kilpatrick. His combination of offense, defense and what he means to Cincinnati makes him one of the best players in college basketball. His efficiency numbers are actually better than McDermott's overall with 124.1 offensive rating and 95.6 defensive rating (lower is better on defensive rating) for Kilptrick and 126.5 offensive and 103.7 defensive for McDermott although I don't put too much into those numbers to be honest.

I think that Xavier Thames, Cameron Bairstow and TJ. Warren all should have been on the Wooden Award Finalist list.

Anyway, what does everyone here think? I'm new to this particular part of IGN's boards, so I don't know if this has been discussed anywhere else.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 9, 2010
No one has a case for POTY other than McDermott

There are plenty with a case, but none who have an honest chance of actually winning the award over McDermott. He basically had the award rapped up two weeks ago.