Oct 20, 2012
Greetings Pilots,
X-Wing vs. TIE-Fighter and X-Wing Alliance are the pinnacles of Star Wars' multiplayer space combat. These old games are still played and I do believe we should hold on to these games and not let it die until LucasArts comes out with a sequal to them. The Star Wars Galaxies combat upgrade, Jump to Lightspeed, was a great idea in theory, but inevitably failed because it introduced a player's skill with a joystick into a world governed by a player's character level and equipment.
As you may or may not know, the MSN Gaming Zone has abandoned XvT and XWA. Long gone are the days of harassing +Members in the help chatrooms and getting one hour or 24 hour bans. ^_^ Voobly Gaming has picked up the game and match making is done there for BSC events. They also have a Balance of Power and an X-Wing Alliance lobby. Voobly Gaming is almost identical to the old Zone.
There are issues getting XvT and XWA to hook on Vista and 7 because they are older games. An installer has been created for 64 bit systems. Also, dream of dogfighting X-Wings and TIE-Interceptors in rated combat? Check out BattleStats.Com where these two games have been chronicled for over a decade. So grab a copy of XvT or XWA, use the new installer, create an account on Voobly Gaming and I'll see you there!

XvT Page at Voobly Gaming: http://www.voobly.com/games/view/44
XWA, XvT and BoP 64 bit installer: http://www.markusegger.at/Software/Games/Default.aspx
BSC XvT Page (log in to see the forums at the bottum): http://www.battlestats.com/games/?xvt
