
Feb 9, 2011
Sorry but a petition will do nothing.

Just buy it on current Gen or not atall, you cannot demand a company re make a game they have been making for last gen just because you want it!!!
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Almost Not a Noob
Aug 13, 2002
Burney Ca.
It's not going to work.. Don't worry though if you don't have an Xbox 360 or PS3 I bet you can find one cheaper then you spent on your Next Gen system.
Feb 23, 2013
eh. Do you realize how much work that would be? You might as well just ask them to start the game over from scratch.

Would it really? Granted I am no programmer, but I would assume the PC version would have the best graphics and framerate couldnt it just port over?


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 13, 2002
Burney Ca.
eh. Do you realize how much work that would be? You might as well just ask them to start the game over from scratch.

Would it really? Granted I am no programmer, but I would assume the PC version would have the best graphics and framerate couldnt it just port over?
They could port it over. But first how about just release it on the consoles everyone still has. If this was 2016 I bet it would not becoming out on the 360 or ps3.
Feb 23, 2013
eh. Do you realize how much work that would be? You might as well just ask them to start the game over from scratch.

Would it really? Granted I am no programmer, but I would assume the PC version would have the best graphics and framerate couldnt it just port over?
They could port it over. But first how about just release it on the consoles everyone still has. If this was 2016 I bet it would not becoming out on the 360 or ps3.

Well I just hope the framerate doesnt go to shit like in blighttown.


Feb 9, 2011
Im not getting next gen for a while. People should learn not to rush into next gen then realise there are no games yet.

Have faith in xbox360 & ps3 still , they are amazing consoles.


Prime Member
Oct 5, 2013
So, they are using the same engine to build Dark Souls 2 as they used for Dark Souls 1, just updating content. To port it to the new gen would require a massive adaptation to the engine. HUGE amount of work. And what for? Like 1% of gamers have purchased a next gen system. 100% of the fanbase has the current gen system. Makes ZERO sense for them to make it for both.


Nov 11, 2011
Would be nice for a next-gen copy, but never going to happen. Last gen still has great potential. People are just being way too picky.
Jul 5, 2011
Im not getting next gen for a while. People should learn not to rush into next gen then realise there are no games yet.

Have faith in xbox360 & ps3 still , they are amazing consoles.

Um, I have my PS3 and PS4 sitting next to each other, and I would buy this game for BOTH consoles.

Besides, you guys realize this is EXACTLY how we got a PC version of the game, right?
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Jan 30, 2014
I just pray they wont screw it up. So many fantastic franchises have been thrown in the trash by their devs. (final fantasy/ninja gaiden/devil may cry/etc) The fact that FS said they're putting more focus on graphics has me very worried. I dont remember a soul complaining about the graphics in dks1, ever. Dont fix what isn't broken. Graphical quality costs time and money, and seeing as its utterly useless to do so in dks2, I can only hope it doesn't go at the cost of something else. Which is usually the case.
Dec 14, 2012
Dark souls 2 is already being released on next gen.....PC as next gen as you can get.
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May 14, 2012
I think that people are too worried about graphics. Dark souls looks amazing on current gen, as it will on PC. Some people are upset that From Software is focusing on the graphics, but things like the new lighting engine serve to increase the atmosphere, which is a huge part of a souls game. And besides, they have confirmed that despite the move away from open world, the actual game space is almost double that of DS1, and the hub world means that they can have more varied locations without contriving a reason why they are all within walking distance. Give the devs some faith, they obviously know what they are doing.
Jan 30, 2014
i sure hope it wont go the way dks1 did at the launch. i pre-ordered the stuff, but a lot of people had already done intensive research on wiki's and stuff and know exactly where to get the best gear. i always got invaded by people with maxed out gear. that wasnt any fun


Sep 14, 2012
No need for next gen release. as Rimdog said it will cost to much. a whole new engine, and for what? A game that wont pay out for a few years till next gen is considered current. People forget there needs to be a marked and right now the market is with current gen. maybe dark souls 3 can release next gen. just be happy you are seeing a new souls game at all.


Sep 23, 2013
Dark souls 2 is already being released on next gen.....PC as next gen as you can get.

This makes no sense and honestly is the main reason I hate being around gamers, they're basically hipsters who have no idea what they're talking about. The development of the game has everything to do with how it turns out not what hardware runs it well it's more like 95% 5%. The only thing that will be better on the PC than ps3 and 360 is load times, graphics, and frame rate.


Jan 14, 2012
Grand Forks, ND
Petitions mean nothing to developers. Money means everything.

From has said that they do not plan to release Dark Souls 2 on next gen because they wanted to focus on a complete game for PS3/360/PC and not have to worry about compatibility or redesigns for PS4/Xbone. I just don't think they will release this on next gen. I DO THINK that Dark Souls 3 or Demon Souls 2 will be on next gen though.
Jul 20, 2013
Just buy it on pc?

@gEiStToG. Dark Souls 2 on the pc wont be a port like how DS1 was. they already said this at the start of feb. I own a ps3, a ps4 and a gaming pc. Even if it did come out on the ps4, i would still buy it for PC.
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Feb 26, 2014
Sorry but a petition will do nothing.

Just buy it on current Gen or not atall, you cannot demand a company re make a game they have been making for last gen just because you want it!!!

Just to note from the latest Ds2 video posted that Tak Miyazoe had stated after asked about the NG consoles that they weren't focusing on these consoles. BUT the last game was ported to PC due to the large fan response and petition!!! SO GET SIGNING THAT MOFO!

----> ...


No Longer a Noob
Feb 9, 2001
Sorry but a petition will do nothing.

Just buy it on current Gen or not atall, you cannot demand a company re make a game they have been making for last gen just because you want it!!!

It worked for the PC version of DS.
May 22, 2014
There's never been any question in my mind it'll go to the new gen consoles. The petition isn't necessary. Some time after they're finished making DLCs for it they'll announce it.

What I hope for is Dark Souls 1 on the new gen. Blighttown is such a great area, it deserves a steady frame rate.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 28, 2002
Surprised this thread didn't get bumped when the news broke that there now a next gen version on the way (not sure why this whole board is so dead?). But anyway, I will be buying this on the PS4 when it comes out, and will probably still be playing Bloodborne too. Good times :)


Super Star
Nov 8, 2006
Petitions mean nothing to developers. Money means everything.

From has said that they do not plan to release Dark Souls 2 on next gen because they wanted to focus on a complete game for PS3/360/PC and not have to worry about compatibility or redesigns for PS4/Xbone. I just don't think they will release this on next gen. I DO THINK that Dark Souls 3 or Demon Souls 2 will be on next gen though.
