Aug 19, 2002
Is there a list anywhere of all possible personalities for both puppies and kittens in Nintendogs + Cats? I've been looking around and haven't been able to find anything.
Aug 19, 2002
I did find a personality guide at , but even after translating the page with the Microsoft translator on IE, I still found it difficult to understand. Obviously a direct translation from Japanese is going to be hard to read due to grammar differences and such. The way it sounds is the personalities come in two parts that can combine into various combinations (ex. curious + loves to play with everyone) and this can dictate it's behaviour and likes/dislikes.

I've been playing around in the kennel and I'm starting to wonder if some personalities are more likely to show up for certain breeds. I mostly used the Chihuahua and some of the personalities, ones I found on other breeds, don't seem to be showing up. Either these are rare for chi-chis or I dunno what.