Jun 27, 2010
Hi, there. I've been an avid player of Tony Hawk games for quite some time; that is, until Project 8 came around. It's all gone downhill from there, and I haven't played anything too extensively past P8. It's safe to say that my favorite game is THUG1, so I had been thinking about this idea for a while; how tough would it be to create some of my own pieces for THUG1's park editor? What software would I need to use? I would assume the very same software that Neversoft and Activision used to create the game, but I could be wrong. Also, would anyone here happen to know how I'd be able to put the memory meter to it's well-deserved rest? I envision creating, say, Tokyo from THPS3 for THUG using the park editor. Just take the park editor, and turn it into the most comprehensive, captain insano monster that I could.

But, starting with the basics, what software would I need? Any idea?
Jan 19, 2005
I have no real experience with this stuff but I have experience with downloading mods, checking progress on mods, reading about the process and stuff like that (I was a big BF1942 nerd and waited so long for all those future mods and whatnot) so everything I will say should be taken with a fistful of salt

It would be VERY HARD for someone without programming/modeling experience to do something like this alone. You didn't really tell us how experienced you are but I would start with something small

However, there may be some software available (sometimes the developers themselves release help for modders) that can make the process easier and maybe even a few guides aimed at this game. If you're looking to get into modding in general I wish you good luck and try to go on small scale first and move on up
Oct 21, 2010
that sounds awesome!! i would think 2 go to activision.com and you no sometimes they say stuff like tht on there website but idk i have no idea on how to do tht stuff i would like to no how to but i dont if my life depended on me doing something like tht i would be like ok heres the gun!!!!!!!!!!LOL JUST KIDDING XD i would call up my friend im sure he nos all about tht stuff i think i could ask him if you havent found out ur answer yet just reply on here if you havent or have found out ur answer yet
Oct 21, 2010
i have been a finatic about tony hawk games ever since i got one for christmas one year i loved it i think tony hawk is awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!