
Oct 9, 2006
I am a blind gamer who tends to play video games. Sounds weird? I know, it does to me as well. But honestly, it's not hard. Have you
ever just tried relying
on the sounds from character voices and weapon sounds, and various attacks to determine what's going on? That's basically how I do it. If you want more
about it or have any other blindness questions in general you can just ask me. I'm okay with it.
Now onto my questions.
1. IS there a specific way to know when you have absorbed orbs, other than a visual cue?
2. When you pick up weapons like shurikens and bombs, how do you get into the treasure chests? Do you just walk up to them? Or do you have to do something
3. Once you have an orb, how do you equip it?
4. Last but not least, if this isn't too much trouble for anyone, could you provide me with the order in which the options appear in the main menu, as well
as the default character list on the character selection screen?
If someone could give me all that information, I would appreciate it a lot. It's hard to find someone who's willing to take the time to do stuff like this.
However, I hope one person at least can. I'd appreciate it and it would make playing it a heck of a lot easier. lol. Oh, one more question. Is there a soundfor
when you
pick the items on the field such asbombs? Or am I just going to have to hold r1, hit square, and hope something other than a stab happens? =)
Thanks very much in Advance,


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
this sounds like a job for Douglas. I'll see if he can do this for you and I'll get it typed up.

I'm in the middle of a move--this may take time, but I'll do my best to get it to you.

Question: Is a straight list format best or is a grid OK? The characters appear in a grid for sure.


Oct 9, 2006
A grid would be fine. Just do it like this. Using the MK: deception screen as an example.

Jade kenshi scorpion milena Baraka sub0 Sindel Havic

Just basically type it out the way the names come up on the screen. That example was just one row. Just do the same for all of the rows. Thanks. Hope someone can answer these other questions too.



Oct 9, 2006
K. Well, looks like that's all the help I'll be getting. Thanks to the person who did help. Though I was expecting a bit more assistance. lol. Some of the questions were answered a bit vaguely on gamefaqs, so I was hoping I could get more clear answers. Looks like a no though.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Clement, be patient. I'm in the middle of moving 4,000 miles. I haven't had a chance to play in weeks and probably won't till we get to Houston. ;)


Oct 9, 2006
No worries, Lisa. I'm kidding. Just when it comes to things like this I like opinions from as many people as possible so I can see what works best. As a blind gamer it takes a lot to experiment with games like this, and to find out what works and what doesn't.
May 24, 2004
clement14 said:
I am a blind gamer who tends to play video games. Sounds weird? I know, it does to me as well. But honestly, it's not hard. Have you
ever just tried relying
on the sounds from character voices and weapon sounds, and various attacks to determine what's going on? That's basically how I do it. If you want more
about it or have any other blindness questions in general you can just ask me. I'm okay with it.
Now onto my questions.
1. IS there a specific way to know when you have absorbed orbs, other than a visual cue? Nope just that, the colored in orb next to your health bar.
2. When you pick up weapons like shurikens and bombs, how do you get into the treasure chests? Do you just walk up to them? Or do you have to do something
else? I believe you have to hit them.
3. Once you have an orb, how do you equip it? It's already eqquiped you just have to hit the magic button.
4. Last but not least, if this isn't too much trouble for anyone, could you provide me with the order in which the options appear in the main menu, as well
as the default character list on the character selection screen?
If someone could give me all that information, I would appreciate it a lot. It's hard to find someone who's willing to take the time to do stuff like this. |Get back to you on that later, I'm not feeling like digging out my PS2 right now.

Hope that helped a little Clement. I may get back to on the last question, but it will be later.

Blind gamer huh? What a true gamer you are. [face_applause]


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Hello, Clement. I shall make effort to answer your questions.

''1. IS there a specific way to know when you have absorbed orbs, other than a visual cue?''

Yes, to a degree. A sort of whooshing sound occurs. When an enemy is slain and their death cry occurs, press and hold circle to draw in the soul. Once it reaches your hand the sound effect shall play. However, occasionally you are molested by foes and some have the ability to challenge you for the soul, thus, they too, may draw it in and use it against you.

''2. When you pick up weapons like shurikens and bombs, how do you get into the treasure chests? Do you just walk up to them? Or do you have to do something

To open treasure chests you simply have to hit them with the square button. Some characters can do this standing, some have to crouch and sweep. I usually just crouch and sweep (down and square) to avoid a beating.

''3. Once you have an orb, how do you equip it?''

Well, some Orbs are self equipping; that is, status based orbs. Which may boost or deplete your strength/speed etc. But the magic souls you have no real say in. Sometimes they appear after an enemy has been slain, or from chests.

Unfortunately there is no real way of knowing through sound whether or not you have a magic soul, upgrade soul or health soul. But upgrade souls, which are obtained after every slay, grant you the ability to power up your character after each chapter is completed.

There are also victory souls, which can be difficult to obtain. They move extremely slowly when drawn in and may take a while before you consume it (which can be troublesome as you are defenceless when drawing in souls.) There are certain chapters which have quotas such as: slay all enemies in under two minutes, draw in ten victory souls in four minutes etc. Which can be difficult should an enemy choose to challenge you for it. Which more or less means the soul shall move extremely slowly; eventually being drawn in to the character who is nearest or stronger overall. With upgrades, you should win just about every challenge with a minion (provided they are not closer to the soul than you) aside from that of a boss.

Victory souls are used to purchase from the moth man (an Onimusha main-stay) who appears every so often in between chapters, and he allows you to purchase weapons, medicines and such in exchange for a certain amount of victory souls. He can also take you to the Phantom realm if you can get far enough without using any continues. But the Phantom realm can become extremely tough at times.

''4. Last but not least, if this isn't too much trouble for anyone, could you provide me with the order in which the options appear in the main menu, as well
as the default character list on the character selection screen?''

Menu List: The cursor starts on Versus Mode.

Up once and you reach the top of the menu: Story mode.

Down once from Versus mode and you are on Custom Versus; which is just the same as versus, but upgraded characters, unlocked items and weapons may be used.

One down from that, and you highlight tutorial. Self Explanatory really, though I personally never bothered with it.

Down from that: Options: Sound, Music Volume, Sound Effects/Voice volume, Adjust Screen, Default Settings, Exit settings. Start button to return to main menu.

Bottom of the list: Bonus, this is just the intro from Onimusha 3.

OK, the Character select screen. I shall attempt to do this grid-like. The cursor starts on Samanosuke of Onimusha 1 and 3. The four characters on the right of Oyu and Kotaro are all among the Genma.

TOP LINE: Samanosuke. Kaede. Jubei Yagyu. Oyu. Marcellus. Three Eyes.

BOTTOM: Keijiro. Grunt. Ekei. Kotaro. Jujudorma. Zombie.

There are also more unlock-able characters, but that shall have to do for now.

''Oh, one more question. Is there a sound for when you pick up the items on the field such as bombs? Or am I just going to have to hold r1, hit square, and hope something other than a stab happens?''

Heh, unfortunately not. But the majority of the items from chests are nigh on useless. Only the magic discs and bombs are helpful, and they are not too common. Nothing you need risk yourself for at any rate. But in order to pick one up: you simply need to be over, or next to, it and hit square then use square again (preferably with R1) and hope it connects.

Well, I hope some of that is somewhat helpful and is of use to you (even if it is rather late.) Feel free to give another shout if you have any more questions.


Oct 9, 2006
Thanks all who answered, that helped a lot, especially the most recent response. I'm extremely greatful. Though in watching the onimusha BW videos, I've noticed that every now and then two sounds play. One sound is a kind of buzz, which sounds like the sound used in onimusha 2 that signals the using of an urb. Like, if you selected an urb in the items list, it would play that sound once you've used it. And a second sound plays, which I'm not sure about. A sound that's similar to the sound in Onimusha 2 when you obtain an item. An example of this sound playing is after the scene with Takajo in Onimusha 2, and obtain one of the five orbs.

Good to know what order the menus were in too, that is the options menu. And I probably won't bother with the tutorial mode either, but could someone tell me how exactly tha works and whether the tasks come in a certain order? Or does the order of tasks change? Thanks again for all the help I'm getting.


Oct 9, 2006
Okay, a bit of a problem. Am attempting to start a fresh game here in story mode in BW. The Character selection screen seems to resemble the way the screens in Capcom VS. SNK works, like a cursor thing. I'm only judging this by the fact that when I use the Dpad to navigate, sometimes I hear the sound for navigation through the screen, sometimes I don't.

Second, can someone tell me what order screens go in, after I choose a character? I somehow managed to find my way to choosing a character, but there seem to be an infinite amount of screens that follow. And to my disappointment, plain shifting isn't acompanied by any audibiel cue. But hopefully I can get this sorted out. For a side-scrolling fighter, this is proving to be more of a problem than I anticipated. lol.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Heh, well I shall attempt to clarify on some of these. I know this may be a bit of bother, but could you link me to a specific video and approximately say time wise where the noises appear? That way I could clear up some of those issue. It may be the use of a magic disc, or even a critical strike. So I shall try to help if you have a specific video in mind.

As to the Story mode character selection. Yes, it is a cursor of sorts. It is Sam's gauntlet that moves over the characters. The sound indicates when you move onto a new character. However, a firm D pad press should really be enough. It appears to be difficult to overshoot lest you hold it down or merely tap it lightly. But bear in mind there is a large border around the entire character list for unlock able characters. Also, I ought to have noted that once saved and quit out, when you next return to the character select screen-- the cursor shall start over the last character you used. You also have a create save data or load save data before actually accessing the character select screen, incase that was throwing you off.

Once you have highlighted a character and pressed X and there shall then be the option of Continue (top) or Start (bottom). Continue is self explanatory, Start resets that character to Level 1. After you have selected one of those two, you shall move on to a line for your choice of difficulty. Beginner being to the far left, followed by Easy, then Normal-- which is where the cursor starts, but on following playthroughs it shall be on your last choice for that specific character. For instance, if you chose Kaede on Normal difficulty and finished her story. When continuing her tale-- it would start or normal; whereas were you to start a new tale with say Sam but on beginner, the when you next returned to him it would still be on that difficulty. Of course, it can be changed mid story after selecting continue. So if you wanted to change Sam from beginner to Normal half way through, then you could. Anyway, to the right of Normal is Hard and finally Expert is to the far right. The cursor starts on the Normal setting when you begin. After that you have a rather lengthy loading screen. Then you arrive at the character upgrade screen which has a total of five tabs.

Starting from the top and working down: Enhance-- use collected orbs to power up your character. When this tab is highlighted and X is pressed it shall start on Attack; one below that and you reach Defence; another below that and you reach Magic. Each area can be upgraded to a max level of four. But this takes a few story completions with that specific character in order to Max them out. To upgrade highlight any of those 3 and then hold X to power up. The usual Onimusha upgrade sound shall play, the sort of high pitched whistle, that you shall no doubt be familiar with.

One down from the Enhance tab: Weapons-- these can be obtained by completing certain objectives (such as completing the phantom realms, buying from the merchant for a high number of Victory souls or locating them within the two secret cache's that are in two of the stages.

One down from the Weapons tab: Items-- Meds and special equipment is stored here. You shall start on the Equip section and can scroll down with the D pad, pressing right on the D pad shall take you to the items section. Equip is an area for special accessories that assist your characters. Such as a necklace that can prevent you from being disarmed, among others. But these take a while to obtain. The items section contains Medicines, Power Jewels etc that you have earned. Which you can use to heal your character, unfortunately only after a stage has been completed, not mid battle.

Next down is the Save tab. Simply press X and then you shall have YES and NO. Pretty self explanatory. You shall have the usual press X to overwrite, triangle to quit and so on.

Finally, you reach the Next tab. This is basically continue on with the tale and move onto the next chapter. This is the only one you need to bother with after beginning a Story with a new character, considering you have no souls, items, weapon and such when starting out. So you can basically push up once from the start of the menu to go from the top to bottom. After this is clicked you shall hear a noise which merely displays the stage screen. Once that occurs you shall encounter a small scene portraying what the characters are up to. One seems to happen every four stages or so. Heh, unfortunately a lot of the voice acting is rather embarrassing (similar to much of Onimusha 2 in that respect.) Anyway, after this scene a small loading screen shall appear and then your character will begin the stage with an often cheesy line, which signals your time to fight.

Now, the Tutorial I am none too sure as to what you gain from it overall. There seems to be a point system on how quickly you finish each section. Which may mean earning an item or two by getting a certain score. Heh, it is lengthy so here it is in full.

There are four tabs. R1 and L1 cycle between them, starting on one obviously and hitting R1 to move to two. After selecting each section and choosing a request your eceive a small demo. Press X to try it yourself.

One is as follows, from top to bottom:
Move, hold the D Pad either left or right; Change Levels, tap up on the D pad twice; Jump, tap X or hold up on the D pad; Dash, double tap left or right on the D pad; Ready, hold R1 for the usual Onimusha lock on battle stance; Circle, circle your foe. Lock on with R1 and press either right or left on the D pad.

Tab two:
Attack, hit square to damage your foe; Combo attack, hit square repeatedly and swiftly for a combo; Block, usual Onimusha fare here, simply hold L1. Charge, same as Onimusha 2 and 3, hold the square button to charge your weapon for an attack boost; Kick, press triangle.

Tab three:
Hadoken, same as the charge but it throws it across the screen. Simply hold forward on the D Pad while holding square, release square to send this attack off; Shoryuken, press square and up for an upwards slash; Criticals, these are a damn bitch to pull off in this game. All about timing, not much advice I can give here there is a timer that starts on 3 and works down. I have only managed it once in the tutorial, despite being rather good with them in the other Onimusha's; Critical Counter, essentially the deflect critical. Tap L1 to parry an attack --with precise timing-- and then hit square. These are easier, but not by much.

Finally, Tab four:
Absorb Souls, pretty self explanatory- hold circle; Critical dodge, helpful for when your being harassed. Your character emits a shield that repels your enemies for a second or two giving you breathing space, press L1 and triangle; Use magic orbs, hold circle to absorb a magic orb and then use R1 and triangle to perform a magic attack. This may help familiarize yourself with the sound magic orbs make once absorbed; Get items, pick up an item with square, use R2 to discard it; Use items, press square to use it instead of discarding it; Leg Chopper, press down and square to trip your opponent; Disarm, while locked on with R1 press triangle (when you have no magic orb) and you shall disarm your opponent; Finisher, jump and press down and square mid air to perform a downwards stab on a downed foe.

A rather large post there, my apologies. Hopefully it shall have the main bases covered and I can help you with the smaller details. Feel free to give me a shout if your require any more assistance~ Mask


Oct 9, 2006
Right. As a for a specific video where the sound places... there's one on the ign movie page for obw. Three, actually. The ones called fight to the finish. The second one is where both sounds play, after the first time I think it's Ekei gets killed.

Ah. Good to know about the rest of that. Thanks for the dibs on tutorial. I might work on it just to mess with it a bit. As for story mode, I found my way in alright, but now I'm having a problemwith locating archers. lol. I kill al the enemies, and discover I only have archers left to deal with, but can't find them. That's the nly obstacle keeping from finishing chapter 3 of sam's story.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Ah, well in Part 3 there are a few sounds at the 20 second mark. Kotaro scores a critical hit against Jubei, and in doing so-- causes a lot of souls to be sent airborne. Thus, among the noises made are the absorption of a magic soul and victory soul. The magic soul being the rather loud whooshing (heh, I have no idea how to describe that noise) and the victory soul being the last noise made; the same noise made when you receive an item after opening a chest in the previous Onimusha's.

Heh, the archers are a nuisance. What's worse is that they often flee or jump levels when you chase them down. Heh, I spent ages trying to unlock Magoichi from Onimusha 2 as he is a personal favourite of mine-- his gun also made archer's antics tolerable. Nevertheless, troublesome to say the least. Using items is probably your best bet. So if you pick up a throwing knife or bomb-- both of which are relatively common from chests-- then holding R1 and throwing them should help.


Oct 9, 2006
My questions are going to be seemingly endless. So it might be easier to talk on msn or something. If you have it you can add my address:
It would make asking questions easier. lol. But in the meantime, here's one more. Can you only have one orb at a time? Because I find that if I absorb more than one or two orbs, I can only use one orb before it goes back to being a disarm. So can I have more than two orbs symoltaniously? If so, how do I switch from orb to orb?


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
No, unfortunately not, only one magic orb can be held at any one time. Heh, do not worry-- I shall be happy to answer them here. I never really use any messenger services and when I do-- it is for close friends and family... that probably sounds a lot harsher than it was intended to be.[face_tongue]

But I check this board fairly regularly when I am around to do so, so you shan't have too long a wait.


Oct 9, 2006
Ever since I found this game I thought capcom should redo it after onimusha: DOD. I want to see Jubei against his own granddaughter... that's an interesting image, or Soki against Nobunaga.

Ah, okay. Good to know only one orb can be held at a time, though disappointing. It's good though. Still being pestered by gunners on chapter 5 in Samanosuke's story mode, still can't find them. Might atempt the throwing knife thing, or I might just charge, shift levels and fire. I don't know yet. Pity the gunner effects didn't pann from left to right so I would at least know where they were in terms of direction. Oh well. Gotta live with it. On the last fight for Kotaro's story though. Nobunaga is being a pain in the neck. This game wasn't as easy as people made it sound. It's playable, no question about that. Now the problem is just trying to work around beating nobunaga. People in faqs always made it sound so easy. As for the messenger service, don't worry about it. I do more or less the same thing but I figure it might be more convenient.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Yes, Nobunaga certainly is rather challenging at times. He can give you a beating if you are not careful; his magic attacks are extremely painful aswell. But overall the game can be quite challenging, a new version would be great provided they could flesh out the stories a bit. It does not really compared to the actual Onimusha games, but it is nice to have more of the Onimusha tale and characters therein.


Oct 9, 2006
You can say that again. The stage probably wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the hazards. It's dang near impossible to tell when the statues are breathing fire so as to get out of the way. And that life bar of his... not to mention his sword. I got sick of having my life taken every time he inflicted damage. I used like six orbs on him, all of which hit but barely seem to graze him.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
clement14 said:
Right. Maybe using Kotaro was a bad idea. Now I'm using Jubei and hopefully have better luck. lol.

Heh, we can only hope. I can not say I have personally used Kotaro of late. I finished it years ago with just about everyone, but then deleted the data. I only picked it up again around 6 months ago-- and then bought some better games. [face_tongue]


Oct 9, 2006
Ah but you see, better games for us blind people are so hard to come by... there are so many games that involve visual cues, in fact probably every one of the current video games for the ps2 involves something visual. So it's hard to tell when things are happening at times, if the game is crazy enough. Like a shooter, for instance. Do you think for one moment I spend time playing things like Red Faction? Heck no. The shooting mechanic makes it completely impossible. The only games playable are fighting games like this, and they're either few or very hard to find because of how old they are.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Heh, that is perfectly understandable. We can only hope more things shall arise in the future. I trust you are familiar with the Soul Calibur Series? That is probably my favourite fighting game of all time; none too sure how well it would perform audibly though.[face_thinking]


Oct 9, 2006
Ah yes. Soul calibur... my favorite as well. Aside from the weapon master mode I think everything is playable. The only complaint I have though. Have you noticed that in all these sword fighting games like onimusha and soul calibur, there's always this anime sound to the swords? When they slash flesh or block, it all sounds a bit.. cheesy. lol. They're good, I just wish games would have more authentic sounding swords. I mean look at heavenly sword for the ps3. Now that has good sounds for swords...


Oct 9, 2006
While I'm at it, I'm not sure why they had to use new sounds for blocking in BW. The blocking sounds from the first two games were really good. More realistic than the ones they had in there now, anyway.

Continuing on wth the topic of the game, I have reached the final stage with a total of three characters now. I've been working on it for two hours today, and I still haven't beaten him with anyone yet. The closest I came was with Jubei, when I took out about 1 and a half bars of life. That's what I was told anyway.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Heh, pleased to hear you have embraced Soul Calibur. I do know what you mean about the sword sounds though. I think it is namely just to grant the game a more epic/exciiting feel to the overall gameplay. That and recording real sword clashes is no doubt quite difficult.

Yes, in Blade Warriors they have ditched the usual parry sound. You develop a sort of shoddy green magic shield when blocking, it also consumes some energy when blocking.

Sorry to hear Nobunaga is giving you grief. It is a rather annoying stage considering there is no real room to fight. You have the starting platform and that is about it. The bottom line gradually pushes you towards the center-- where there is a poison pit that slowly drains your health-- and the top ledges have the fire statues. What is worse is you have demons to deal with on top of Nobunaga.


Oct 9, 2006
Well, I managed it somehow. I just beat him with Samanosuke, then proceeed to beat Megaman soundly. So I unlocked my first character after having a week of the game. lol.

Ah, so that's why. The shield. I was wondering why the blocking sounded so weird. My next goal is to see how far I can get in the phantom realm, if I can beat Chapter four without using continues. That should be an interesting challenge... Let me add though, that Megaman has the most annoying voice I have ever heard in a fighting game...


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
clement14 said:
Well, I managed it somehow. I just beat him with Samanosuke, then proceeed to beat Megaman soundly. So I unlocked my first character after having a week of the game. lol.

Ah, so that's why. The shield. I was wondering why the blocking sounded so weird. My next goal is to see how far I can get in the phantom realm, if I can beat Chapter four without using continues. That should be an interesting challenge... Let me add though, that Megaman has the most annoying voice I have ever heard in a fighting game...

Congratulations! One down, ten to go. Heh, I have only unlocked around four or five myself.

Heh, that he does. There are some worse cheesy American accents within though.

The phantom realm can be a nightmare. The first one is not too bad (compared to the second anyway.) All the best with that, and be sure to let me know how you get on.


Oct 9, 2006
I certainly will let you know how I do. I'm probably going to use Megaman, just for the best results. Darned archers. Let's see how my gun handles them.

As for cheesy accents? Yeah, you can say that again. Ekei, Nobunaga, and gogandantes, to name one of many. Jubei is probably the only one who sounds decent, apart from Samanosuke, anyway. I just wish you didn't have to get buraiden to get the japanese voice acting. I've heard it, and it sounds a lot better than this import. lol. And yes, definitely one down, now to beat it with all the other characters who are at that stage. Namely Jubei and Kotaro.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Heh, perhaps to our ears the Japanese sounds lilted and pleasant; but for all we know-- it could be just as hammy as the English version. ;P Magoichi's is rather appalling as well, which is slightly irritating considering he is one of my favourites and most used.

Well, good luck with downing Nobonuaga. Hopefully your experience of slaying him once may be enough to assist you with the other characters. I have begun to continue my previously unfinished game, so hopefully I shall be able to offer some finer tips once I find my feet again.

I also read in another topic you had not played Onimusha 3, might I enquire as to why this is? It is something special (it is the favourite of both Lisa and myself) and the voice acting is not that bad either. Of course, the first few segments you have to listen to the jazzy Frenchman, Jean Reno, in his native tongue; but it soon switches to yet another hammy American-- for better or worse. Heh, I am beginning to wonder whether or not the series shall ever escape bad voice overs.


Oct 9, 2006
Well, the french wouldn't be so bad. I might understand half of it.. being in Canada, french is a must in school for at least a year. lol. As to why I haven't played three... probably because the adventure aspect would be hard. There aren't a lot of people who've had time lately to help with moving me around and solving puzzles. I played one two and four because at that point there were people around. But people are a bit busy these days either with work, school or other crap like that.

Mogoichi has bad voice-acting? Pity... considering I wanted to probably have him as my top character. lol.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Ah, I see, that is understandable. Should definitely try it out when/if you get the opportunity to do so.

Heh, I am afraid so-- it is rather ''American'' shall we say.[face_tongue] He certainly shall make life easier for you, being able to deal with Archers with ease.


Oct 9, 2006
Yeah, that should be a plus. Although I am glad to note that all archers and gunners I have encountered stay on the top two plains no matter what. So I'm not worried.

Ekei's sounds bad enough. Are you saying mogoichi sounds worse? His onimusha 2 voice was decent.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
clement14 said:
Yeah, that should be a plus. Although I am glad to note that all archers and gunners I have encountered stay on the top two plains no matter what. So I'm not worried.

Ekei's sounds bad enough. Are you saying mogoichi sounds worse? His onimusha 2 voice was decent.

Heh, they are probably on par. I too was rather fond of Magoichi's voice actor, but he is not to be heard in Blade Warriors. It would certainly appear as though three voice actors were hired to do all the characters.[face_tongue]


Oct 9, 2006
Heh. Yeah, well, it certainly seems that way. Kaede and Oyu have no difference in their voices whatsoever, that I can tell. They sound pretty similar. Although I still can't believe megaman has that bad of a voice. You think they would rename him to like megakid or something.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
clement14 said:
Heh. Yeah, well, it certainly seems that way. Kaede and Oyu have no difference in their voices whatsoever, that I can tell. They sound pretty similar. Although I still can't believe megaman has that bad of a voice. You think they would rename him to like megakid or something.

Heh, his voice is rather dismally young; he sounds younger than Astro boy.


Oct 9, 2006
And speaking of our friend Megaman, his first story mode stage is giving me problems. The electricity fields are constantly on, it seems, and I can't figure out how to get out of them.


Oct 9, 2006
Oh yeah. Just got into the phantom Realm with Samanosuke today. And I need the screens for stuff like what happens before you go into the pR, when the gate keeper appears, as well as the screens after you leave. Because I can't figure out how to make sure I don't leave the PR when I want to.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
clement14 said:
Oh yeah. Just got into the phantom Realm with Samanosuke today. And I need the screens for stuff like what happens before you go into the pR, when the gate keeper appears, as well as the screens after you leave. Because I can't figure out how to make sure I don't leave the PR when I want to.

I have not tackled Megaman's stage of late, and nor am I likely to do so anytime soon. Studies etcetera.

As for the Phantom Realm: The merchant shall appear after Chapter 4 and ask you if you would like to enter; press X for yes (maybe twice), triangle for no. After answering this you shall proceed forth to the usual upgrade/save screen, but the next chapter shall turn in to the phantom realm instead of the standard stage.

To proceed to the next level: You need to jump to bottom level after slaying all enemies (a noise shall occur once you have, which is the beacon of light triggering) and this platform is the one that takes you to the next phantom realm stage. So jumping down each level you shall eventually arrive on a very small platform-- the beacon of light is in the center, walk in to it and press x to enter, triangle to cancel. You do need to be roughly in the center of the screen to access the bottom level/platform though, as the platform is rather small. So if you are off to the side you shall not be able to move down.

To leave the phantom realm: There are little teleport beacons through the stages. Walking into one of these during a fight shall teleport either you, or your foe onto one of the levels (it is random) and out of harms way. Heh, I often Shuriken my foes into these beacons of light which teleports the downed enemy onto another level which means I have to chase him down. The beacons/teleporters are located to the far left and right of the stage, on every level aside from the bottom.

There are a total of ten stages in the first phantom realm. On level five you encounter the boss-- Jujudormah, as well as two zombies (the tougher minions) on top of standard enemies. On level 8 you shall encounter yet another 2 boosted minions of the tougher 3 eye type, aswell as the usual minions. The final level, level 10, you shall encounter Marcellus and yet another 2 tough enemies after, you have slain the standard minions-- Marcellus and his compatriots shall warp in.


Oct 9, 2006
Ah, thanks. Though I have to say it gets annoying when you get to the fifth level of the phantom realm and then get warped out because you stepped on the wrong platform. my bad. lol. Also, a question about the weapons tab, which I believe is one down from enhance. When I click it, how do I know if I've sucessfully equipped a weapon or not? Because I think I've gotten the murumasa blade with megaman and the thunder sword for Samanosuke. I just don't know how to make sure I can equip them. lol. but boy, is this game ever fun! I only wish there were more games like this.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
clement14 said:
Ah, thanks. Though I have to say it gets annoying when you get to the fifth level of the phantom realm and then get warped out because you stepped on the wrong platform. my bad. lol. Also, a question about the weapons tab, which I believe is one down from enhance. When I click it, how do I know if I've sucessfully equipped a weapon or not? Because I think I've gotten the murumasa blade with megaman and the thunder sword for Samanosuke. I just don't know how to make sure I can equip them. lol. but boy, is this game ever fun! I only wish there were more games like this.

Once on the weapons tab, simply scroll down one and press X twice and it should equip it. X once to select the weapon and X again to equip it.

Heh, and I am pleased to hear you are enjoying it.


Oct 9, 2006
Ah right. Yes, I am enjoying it, apart from the voice-acting. I don't know whether I'll ever get over that... lol. Going to atempt the pr again and hope I don't leave prematurely. lol. If I get to level nine and finish it then get out on the wrong platform...


Oct 9, 2006
Here's a multiplayer question...

I was trying to play a 3-player game yesterday, and it didn't work. I had the first player in the first slot, then the multitap went into the second slot with the players on 2a and 2b. And then I set the game to three players. But only first player is being detected. Yet my multitap works with other games fine.


Oct 9, 2006
Hmm. I'm assuming noone has an answer to that... ah well. For some reason I still can't get it to work. Yet the multitap works fine with all other games.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I have been a bit busy of late I am afraid. But for a four player battle- simply hookup the multitap and select versus: you shall be taken on to a game config screen automatically. Push down once and you shall be taken on to the participants bracket: Push right once for 2p, once more for 3p and once again for 4p. The menu also has team option, soul count, timer etc. Unfortunately I lack the time to enter that at the moment. But hopefully one of your friends can be of help.

Anyway, pressing start shall take you on to the character select screen. 2p, 3p, and 4p's cursors shall automatically start on a bracket that says 'Computer (CPU)' as they are still currently registering as a computer opponents. They simply need to press x once, which shall then change computer to player; then they choose their characters and they are good to go.

I can go in to this at a later date if need be; but it may be some way off as I am rather busy over the next couple of months.


Oct 9, 2006
Ah gotcha. However, I'm still a bit new at working the multitap... I assume the multitap goes into the first player slot, and the controllers go into a, b and c?


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
clement14 said:
Ah gotcha. However, I'm still a bit new at working the multitap... I assume the multitap goes into the first player slot, and the controllers go into a, b and c?

Yes. The multi-tap goes into slot 1 and push the lock in place. Then simply put controller 1 in A, 2-B, 3-C and 4-D. Memory cards go in the slots above these sockets.


Oct 9, 2006
Now is this ever odd. I tried to play a three-player game yesterday. First, I plugged the multitap in slot one until I felt it lock securely. Then I slipped the memory cards in slots 1 and 2. Then I plugged in controllers to a, b and c. Yet when I turned on the game nothing happened. It didn't even accknowledge first player.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
clement14 said:
Now is this ever odd. I tried to play a three-player game yesterday. First, I plugged the multitap in slot one until I felt it lock securely. Then I slipped the memory cards in slots 1 and 2. Then I plugged in controllers to a, b and c. Yet when I turned on the game nothing happened. It didn't even accknowledge first player.

It is a PS2 multi-tap, right? Sony being the wench that it is-- PS1 multi-taps do not work with the PS2. The memory card needs to be placed in Slot A aswell, above the control port on the multi-tap; rather than in its usual slot upon the console itself.

The interface is essentially the same as the front of your PS2; but with more of them.


Oct 9, 2006
Yeah, it's a ps2 multitap because it works fine with all the other multiplayer games I have. The Bouncer, and Urban Reign, to be specific.


Oct 9, 2006
Alright. Levelling question. If it says get a character to a certain level, does it mean all stats or just one stat? Like, if I wanted to get megaman's bug style, would I have to upgrade all his stats to level two, or would I just have to upgrade say, his attack stats? And while we're on the matter, I assume that when you advance a level, it plays the same sound as when you get an item from one of the treasure houses?