
Radioactive Lizard
May 17, 2012
Monster Island
I'm surprisingly still interested in Diablo 3, even though I'm usually not into playing the same game over again on a higher difficulty right after I finish it the first time. I'm only in act 2 though, so we'll see if my interest holds out.


Ayatollah of Krzeblechistan
Nov 11, 2011
I've went back to Gran Turismo 5. Driving ths same Honda accord I own in real life.


Sleep enthusiast
Jan 26, 2003
Mt. Perdition, Gallifrey
I finally did it. What? Since my Target card was paid-off, I took the plunge, and I have a Wii on its way to me. I ordered the package with NSMB included as pack-in game. Think this is a good time or a bad time to buy a Wii? I figured I'd go ahead and get a Wii, now, because:

- My GameCube is slowly dying. I want to continue playing my games.
- The price is quite reasonable.
- The Wii U looks pretty lackluster, so I wanna cash in on the winner.
- I would like something with motion controls, but the console I bought...Kinect is s***. Bottom line.

Although I don't see myself buying Wii Sports or any of those games that require wide-range movement, I do acknowledge there are many I will be able to play in my nook. Still, the VC and GC legacy support are probably the biggest reasons why I went ahead and ordered one. Also, found out on Nintendo's website that the Wii does have the security...thingies...to connect to my encrypted wireless router.

Here's what I've thought about for Wii games, so far:

Animal Crossing: City Folk
No More Heroes
Metroid Prime 3
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Paper Mario

What else should I add to my list? Any nice, bloody House-of-the-Dead-style on-rail shooters that harken back to the golden age of the arcade?


Sep 30, 2010
Oregon, not Portland
I finally did it. What? Since my Target card was paid-off, I took the plunge, and I have a Wii on its way to me. I ordered the package with NSMB included as pack-in game. Think this is a good time or a bad time to buy a Wii? I figured I'd go ahead and get a Wii, now, because:

- My GameCube is slowly dying. I want to continue playing my games.
- The price is quite reasonable.
- The Wii U looks pretty lackluster, so I wanna cash in on the winner.
- I would like something with motion controls, but the console I bought...Kinect is s***. Bottom line.

Although I don't see myself buying Wii Sports or any of those games that require wide-range movement, I do acknowledge there are many I will be able to play in my nook. Still, the VC and GC legacy support are probably the biggest reasons why I went ahead and ordered one. Also, found out on Nintendo's website that the Wii does have the security...thingies...to connect to my encrypted wireless router.

Here's what I've thought about for Wii games, so far:

Animal Crossing: City Folk
No More Heroes
Metroid Prime 3
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Paper Mario

What else should I add to my list? Any nice, bloody House-of-the-Dead-style on-rail shooters that harken back to the golden age of the arcade?

I certainly never expected you to get a Wii.
So now that you have a Wii do you not want my gamecube anymore?


Nov 29, 2002
I wish I knew you were in the market for a Wii. I have a new one (less than ten hours of play time) just sitting here, I could have sold it to you for cheap! ;)


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
So, I was going to download Diablo III. It's a damn good thing I actually looked at Gamespy for once. I read the article about the three day limit Blizzard put on new digital copies.

I think I may hold of on Diablo a while longer.


Sleep enthusiast
Jan 26, 2003
Mt. Perdition, Gallifrey
I certainly never expected you to get a Wii.
So now that you have a Wii do you not want my gamecube anymore?

I'm surprised, myself, by what my habits turned out like. As for the whole GameCube thing, if you're up to the task, what I really want is a refurbished Xbox (classic). There are too many games I love that aren't forwards-compatible with the 360. Among them are three critical favorites of mine: Bloodwake, Rallisport Challenge 2, and Voodoo Vince.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
New digital copies (not physical) of Diablo III limit the player level to 13 and restricts AH use.

It's essentially like an MMO trial. They did it to combat fraud. So, the always online gimmick is a failure.


Prime Member
Nov 11, 2011
I've enjoyed my time spent with the Wii.... more than my 360 in fact, although that system has had its highlights certainly.

Then again I'm a Nintendo fan 4 life, so that conclusion was probably already forgone.

The nice thing about getting the Wii now with the WiiU so close on the horizon is that stuff is getting blown out pretty cheap. Most of the top titles for the system (other than absolutely brand new stuff) hover around the $20-30 USD mark. Along with the titles you mentioned, I would look into:

1. House of the Dead 2&3 Return - since you specifically mentioned the "golden age of arcade", I think you'll truly appreciate their reappearance on the Wii. 2 is essentially the Dreamcast port from that systems launch in 1999. 3 is in effect the console version that appeared on Xbox about 3 years later. Do yourself a favor and pickup the Wii Zapper though... it makes both games incredibly more playable than trying to aim the Wii remote on its own.

2. On that note, there was also a "grindhouse" entry in the HotD franchise released called "Overkill." I didn't play that one, but remember hearing good things about it. Might be worth a look. There were also a couple of on-rails Resident Evil games that came fairly highly rated if I remember correctly. Their names escape me at the moment though.

3. Punch Out - It certainly took long enough for this to come out on the Wii, but its time in development was well spent. It manages to capture all of the charm from the original game, but upgrades the graphics and sounds to bring form the boxers characters even more than the old NES game did. It's more of a re-imagining of 8-bit Punch Out rather than a sequel. It's still fun as all get out though. You can even use the balance board to duck/dodge, but it's accuracy isn't the best and you get to a certain point in the game where it is nearly impossible to win when using it. Other than that, Punch Out is a fantastic title that truly showcases the Wii's motion control abilities.

4. Super Mario All-Stars - For the 25th anniversary of Super Mario Brothers last year, Nintendo re-released the SNES Mario All-stars onto the Wii. It wasn't in any way enhanced for the newer system, but is still a fun joyride through 16-bit updates of the first four 8-bit Mario titles (1, 2, 3, and Japanese Super Mario 2 / Lost Levels). Unfortunately, Super Mario World is not present on this collection.

There's also tons of great games on the Virtual Console from the NES, SNES, Genesis, TG-16, Neo-Geo, and even some old arcade, C64, and Master System stuff.
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Puny Avenger
Nov 10, 2011
New digital copies (not physical) of Diablo III limit the player level to 13 and restricts AH use.

It's essentially like an MMO trial. They did it to combat fraud. So, the always online gimmick is a failure.
I see. Well they didn't do that to me. Maybe I'll login later and see if it actually has cut down on the fraud and gold-sell-spam.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
New digital copies (not physical) of Diablo III limit the player level to 13 and restricts AH use.

It's essentially like an MMO trial. They did it to combat fraud. So, the always online gimmick is a failure.
I see. Well they didn't do that to me. Maybe I'll login later and see if it actually has cut down on the fraud and gold-sell-spam.
It just started in the last few days.

I would have been pissed. I will still get a physical at some point, though.


Prime Member
Nov 11, 2011
I saw an article claiming that the whole thing was a mistake and the Level 13 cap for 72 hours was the product of other security protocols gone awry.

ADDED: Ah, it was teh Gamespy
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Sleep enthusiast
Jan 26, 2003
Mt. Perdition, Gallifrey
I had no idea that the Wii included in the NSMB bundle is NOT compatible with GameCube games and accessories. What a pile of **** this is! [face_angry]

The primary reason for me buying a Wii was to replace my old GameCube. The firmware on the system states that my Wii is B/C with Cube games! If this were GSF, oh, the words I would use...


Sleep enthusiast
Jan 26, 2003
Mt. Perdition, Gallifrey
Yeah, I know I'd like to get a refurb Xbox, but I'm certain it wouldn't get as much usage as a GameCube. What'll make life easier is if I get a new A/V switchbox. They're not too much in price, and I could probably get one...anywhere that sells electronic-type stuff.

Though, I don't see myself returning this Wii. I know B/C was a major thing for me, but the VC was also quite important. I'll need to get a VC controller (if they're compatible) and an SD card.

I've enjoyed my time spent with the Wii.... more than my 360 in fact, although that system has had its highlights certainly.

Then again I'm a Nintendo fan 4 life, so that conclusion was probably already forgone.

The nice thing about getting the Wii now with the WiiU so close on the horizon is that stuff is getting blown out pretty cheap. Most of the top titles for the system (other than absolutely brand new stuff) hover around the $20-30 USD mark.

That's where my concern comes in. I can't help but to think, "did I just waste money on a Wii when the Wii U is nearing release?" I've trudged through the "dead console world" before, and it's not fun. In fact, it's quite depressing. Then, when I finally joined the modern age, I'm making statements other people made 5 years ago...


Master of Ugly Name Coloring
Jul 17, 2002
Well, Bonemeal, let me just tell you that with a Wii, you basically don't need a new Gamecube, considering it's backwards compatible.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if it was basically the same hardware under the hood.


Puny Avenger
Nov 10, 2011
Apparently the Wii Family Edition is not backwards compatible, nor is the South Korean Wii. All other Wiis appear to be, however.


Sleep enthusiast
Jan 26, 2003
Mt. Perdition, Gallifrey
Perhaps this is why the bundle was so cheap. I always thought that the Wii was a GameCube, but with added hardware. This might just prove not to be the case. Then again, it's also possible that they made it incompatible, so people wouldn't be under that impression...or more likely, they knew I would be drawn to the NSMB bundle, so they purposely made the RVL-101 to spite me. Yeah, that's it!

One thing that's aggravating me is the way my controller has almost become over-sensitive since yesterday. I noticed the rumble sets off the gyro-stuff. I make Mario do the ground pound, and immediately after, he does the spin jump that comes from shaking the controller. I said to hell with it, and I turned the rumble off. Still, it annoys me...

In spite of all this woe, I'm putting together quite a list of Wii games to get, and VC games to download. I see there is a VC controller that plugs into the Wiimote, so I guess that's the one I will have to get, as this Wii has no controller sockets on it.

Though, I have to sink $20 into Xbox points. I only recently discovered Sine Mora. I thought I played it before, but if I did, it didn't make any impact at that point. I think I might've downloaded it and just not played it. I don't see how this game would not leave any impact.


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
The Wii is just about done. There is still one or two big JRPGs left to come out for it, but, other than that, it is done. With that said, there have been a lot of great games for it. In total, I know of roughly 25-30 games I would like to own for the Wii. Also, given your classic gaming kick, the VC should be right up your alley. I suspect you will enjoy it a great deal. I am sorry that you bought the one version that isn't backward compatible with your Gamecube, though.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Does the new Wii have a release date?

And, is it possable Sony won't make a ps4?


Original poster
Diablo 3 1.0.3a patch notes:

-Fixed several game and service crashes for Mac and PC users.

-Added game and service crash of manual computer restart for Catfish users.


Sleep enthusiast
Jan 26, 2003
Mt. Perdition, Gallifrey
I refined my GF Game Q. I think I should be expecting different games, soon. Dropped both Dead Island and Mirror's Edge in the mail. Glad I didn't buy either of them. I want to get an SD card, since the VC is my main thing as far as the Wii goes. The only thing that bugs me about buying a Wii "too late," is that I don't want a situation where I've got this console, and suddenly, there are no games or support for it. I feel myself scratching away to download everything I could possibly want, because knowing Nintendo, the day the Wii U is released, the Wii-C will die. I saw a preview of a Kirby collection coming out. I hope it's the regular Wii and doesn't get switched to the Wii U. I remember Super Paper Mario was suppose to come to the GameCube, then, it was announced for the Wii, as well. Suddenly, the GameCube version was scrapped in favor of making SPM a Wii-exclusive.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I watch the PS2 classic section like a hawk.

Mark of Kri

.... Something else. Okami?


Prime Member
Jun 14, 2012
@Doc: Yeah. It's just the orig. PS version.

As far as PSN goes:
Ico/SC collection
Infamous: Festival of Blood
All of the Uncharteds are on there now
The Walking Dead games are surprisingly good.


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Journey, yeah I forgot about that game. Flower was interesting so I'll check that out. Are the Uncharteds on sale? Which is the best one if you were only going to play one?


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I hope they just let us stay here even though there are barely any of us.

I don't even check the other boards. There are some good posters but I get the sense ps3 game threads will be met with hate should they be any less then ass kissery. Not by all, or even most, I just lost the urge to rage.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Journey, yeah I forgot about that game. Flower was interesting so I'll check that out. Are the Uncharteds on sale? Which is the best one if you were only going to play one?
I love Journey. It's a little cliché, from story to music, but beautifully done. I like the music a lot but it's pretty dopey simplistic. Give me a sad violin, good sir! I bought the soundtrack and figured it out, though.

It's just ... It's wierd. You could not like it but a must try.
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Sleep enthusiast
Jan 26, 2003
Mt. Perdition, Gallifrey
Found a new reason to break the TV with the Wii-mote: "FAST," which is a poorly-executed futuristic racing game. The graphics, control, and overall feel wouldn't be so bad if not for the wretchedly-infallible AI that never makes mistakes, but will capitalize on and exploit yours. I wish IGN had user-submitted reviews for games they, themselves, didn't review. I'd definitely blow this game into the 9th circle of Hell - Treachery! At least it's over a year old, and seen as no one has heard of it, it's gone ignored just as it deserves.

I know it may sound like I'm really f***ing hating the Wii, but I'm not. Overall, I'm lovin' it more than McDonald's. The VC is just so...ahh...I've ordered an SD card so I can store-away the games I'm not currently playing vs. having to redownload them.


Toejam & Earl (Genesis)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Master System)
Splatter House (TG-16)
Splatter House 2 (Genesis)
Kirby's Adventure (NES)
Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)

Only reason I don't have any SNES or N64 titles is that I don't have the VC controller, but that will change, Tuesday, when my Amazon order arrives. There are a couple Wii-Ware titles I like, too. The remake of Alien Crush is awesomesauce, and I will admit to liking a Pokemon game. In fact, this is the first Pokemon game I've ever owned! In my Amazon order with the VC controller and SanDisk 2GB SD card, I also managed to find..."the rot," is what I guess I would call it. I figured the Wii would be all sunshine and rainbows until I came across a title that scored a 9 from IGN, and reviewer comments included reference to sodomizing someone with a spike. Yeah. I can dig that.

Also got notifications from GameFly that House of the Dead 2&3 and Super Mario Galaxy have shipped out. Cool beans.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Pretty sure I will never buy another PC. The next computer I get would likely be a MacBook or just a tablet. I hate PC's a lot.

I wish they would hurry up with the next console generation. I'm worried if it takes too long they will get scrapped for whatever comes next; or that they will be digital only already. If it's all PC gaming I would need a new hobby. It's a shame consoles get such shit games, too. You could make a game like Sins of a Solar Empire work. Instead we will get another third person/first person shooter with a zombie mode.

X-Com is my only real hope this year. That or keep playing out dated turned based JRPG's.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
TellTale needs to bring some adventure gamers to the IPhone. Walked Dead on the latest iPhone could good.

I'm going to try Infinity Blade but phones aren't great. I bet it's better on an iPad.
Nov 10, 2011
I just bought World in Conflict and the expansion pack as well as EndWar for 9.99

When I'm done rebooting my computer I'm gonna install and it play. I haven't played a RTS since Red Alert 3.


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
Pretty sure I will never buy another PC. The next computer I get would likely be a MacBook or just a tablet. I hate PC's a lot.

Out of curiosity, why is that? I ask because I've been very happy with Windows 7, and thus I'm pretty bullish on PC gaming in the near term.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
For both practical and personnel reasons I don't want another PC.

Unreliable-I don't have time to learn my PC. If I have free time I want to game. If you can't properly take care of your PC problems come about frequently.

Space-I like minimal use of space and PC need their own chair; desk; outlet. It becomes it's own room of the house. Bullshit you can fit your PC into your living room naturally. If I'm going to use a control pad half the reason to PC game is moot.

Dishonest-I feel like the 360 and ps3 buy me dinner first. The PC us all about underhanded DRM and secret profits.

PC gamers-not you guys but most are straight up their own ass. I multiplayer game, as you all know, a lot. Nobody ever talks and there is no text chat in a ps3 shooter.

Cost- I don't need 4 dollar sales on games I'm never going to finish. Buying something I don't need or ever wanted for 5 dollars is not saving me money.
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Puny Avenger
Nov 10, 2011
I wonder what they're going to do about the power issue. My last PC in 2008 had a 700 watt power supply. It was getting kind of ridiculous. It wasn't that far behind my refrigerator.
So far what they're doing about the power issue is selling kilowatt+ PSUs. If nothing else they need to mandate smarter PSUs, even fully shut down computers are drawing way too much from the wall while plugged in.


Sep 30, 2010
Oregon, not Portland
Pretty sure I will never buy another PC. The next computer I get would likely be a MacBook or just a tablet. I hate PC's a lot.

Same here windows 8 looks like a mess with some bad DRM, but although mac is more stable it's still got stuff that restricts what you can do with it and it has a notable absence of freeware, and the machines are retardedly expensive.
Linux is where it's at, I'd be using it now but the text is too fuzzy there's supposed to be ways to improve it but I just don't have the time to mess with it right now.