
Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
In order to stop clogging the Videogames Thread, I'm taking the advice given.

Now then, some overview

What is ToWN?
In the simplist of terms it's me simulating matches of WWE 2k18's Universe move and posting them on here. The catch: The roster is you. All CAW's, either made by you or made by me with your blessing.

What do you post?
For the most part, 90% of it will be the PPV's. I may post some details of the weekly shows (results of Number one contender matches, matches for stakes at the next PPV, etc) but other than that some surprises. Maybe a champion that lost the title at a PPV invokes their rematch clause the next night, maybe a new debut of a person/team is happening on a weekly show, who's to say

What's the Schedule?
There is no schedule, basically whenever i have free time and think people are up for it, I do a PPV. If I think people have had their fill, I'll hold off for a bit. If people are hyped for the next show, maybe I'll do one a couple days later. I read the room.

I'm not on the Roster, but I'd like to be. How can I?
Well there's two options. The first is simple: If you have a PS4 and WWE2K18, just make a CAW of yourself and upload it to community creations with the tag IGNPWB. I upload, add you to the roster

If you don't have a PS4 or 2K18, then there's a bit of a process. Fill the following and send it to me:

Hometown (or state/Country):
Pictures of you or pictures of another created character of you (previous WWE games, UFC, Grand Theft Auto Online, any 'create a character' mode from any game) or name a celebrity you want to be modeled after (I'd rather that than a wrestler, Blake is semi-Idris Elba inspired, rulz is Black Jesus, deew is a cross between Afro Samurai and Homey the Clown etc.)

Moveset: No, I'm not asking you to make your full moveset. But what I do need is Sigs, Finisher, and any moves you want to make sure are in there. Conversely just name a wrestler and I'll C/P theirs

I AM on the Roster. What involvement do I have, if any?
Well if you just want to sit back and do nothing, that's fine. But if you want to take a more active role here's some things you can do:

-Request to form/break up a tag team
-Request to feud with someone (unless they're already in a feud/a champion you're not in contention to face)
-Request a particular match type for your next PPV match
-Request a title match (If you are high enough in the rankings)
-Upload companions (tag partner/underlings/managers/etc) Note: I will not make additional people for you. Zander got Ravie Davie because that was as simple as duplicating Zander and putting a hat on him. Staple's underlings in The Fellowship were his own creations
-Request a rematch (to take place the following night) note: If you're a champion who lost their title, you can invoke your rematch clause. If you're a challenger that lost, you can have a rematch but it will be non title. BUT if you win that can only help.

Any other questions, feel free to PM them or post them here.

Now then:

The ToWN (Titans of Wrestling Nation) Roster Update
ToWN Championship
Champion: Insomnia
Defeated: Blake Gen
Champion since: Royal Rumble

ToWN Tag Team Championships
Champions: Them Fightin' N.C. Boys (AWS Man & Cody Tobster)
Defeated: Here There Be Tygers
Champions since: Royal Rumble

ToWN United Kingdom Championship
Champion: Jack Finney
Defeated: Vice
Champion since: Hell in a Call


Royal Rumble

2018: T.D. Hart

Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Money in the Bank

King of the Ring

Main Roster

Ali Rock ([URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/alirock.4313250/'][URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/alirock.4313250/']@AliRock[/URL][/URL])

Sigs: Rock Bottom, Discus Fivearm
Finishers: Bedrock (Fire Thunder Driver), Rockslide (Diving Moonsault)

AWS Man ([URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/awsman.4121356/'][URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/awsman.4121356/']@AWSMan[/URL][/URL])
Sigs: Chokeslam, The Last Ride
Finishers: Jumping Tombstone, Hells Gate

Blake Gen (@Generation.Now)
Sigs: Dragon Slayer, Diving Foot Stomp
Finishers: Black Mass, Cattle Mutilation

Sigs: Spine Correction (STF), Last Chapter (Tiger Bomb)
Finishers: Cover to Cover (Destino + Salida Del Sol)

Cody Tobster ([URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/tobster9000.2569688/'][URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/tobster9000.2569688/']@tobster9000[/URL][/URL])
Sigs: Savate Kick, Cross Armbar
Finisher: Anaconda Vise, Shining Wizard

Domenic Sisyphus([URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/rocknrollsisyphus.4122076/'][URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/rocknrollsisyphus.4122076/']@rocknrollsisyphus[/URL][/URL])
Sigs: Chokeslam, Bam Bam Sault
Finishers: Judgment Slam, the Verdict

E.T. Vega([URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/vega-0021.4122469/'][URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/vega-0021.4122469/']@Vega-0021[/URL][/URL])
Sigs: Capture Suplex, Half Nelson Suplex
Finishers: Half Nelson Choke Suplex, Coquina Clutch

Insomnia (@Serpent.222)
Sigs: Altered State (twist of fate), Sleep Paralysis (Snap dragon Suplex)
Finishers: Blackout (Black Mass) Sleep Deprivation (Air raid Neckbreaker)

J.P. Megami ([URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/jpmegami.1743269/'][URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/jpmegami.1743269/']@jpmegami[/URL][/URL])
Sigs: The Pounce, Slingshot Crossbody
Finishers: Regal-Plex, Diving Corkscrew Senton

Jack Finney ([URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/charlemagne2012.4351701/'][URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/charlemagne2012.4351701/']@Charlemagne2012[/URL][/URL])
Sigs: Grace's Secret (Pumphandle Death Valley Driver), Dangerous (Running Corner Dropkick)
Finishers: Curb Stomp, Final Cut

Lil' Deew ([URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/lildeew.841118/'][URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/lildeew.841118/']@lildeew[/URL][/URL])
Sigs: Sling Blade, Cloverleaf
Finishers: DeewBuster (Dudebuster), Do the Deew (Handspring Cutter)

Ryan Cutter (Myself)
Sigs: Eclipse, Worcester Crab (Single Leg Boston Crab)
Finishers: Claymore, Worcester Tornado (Gourdbuster GTS)

Reverend S. Mark Kayfabien ([URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/staple_gun.4124380/'][URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/staple_gun.4124380/']@staple_gun[/URL][/URL])
Sigs: Running Front Chop Block, Knee Drop Ankle Breaker
Finishers: Lucky 13, Shin Breaker/Dragon Screw Combo


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
T.D. Hart ([URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/trailblazerdude.2975167/'][URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/trailblazerdude.2975167/']@TrailBlazerDude[/URL][/URL])
Sigs: Blockbuster, Dungeon Lock
Finishers: Swinging Fisherman Neckbreaker, Sharpshooter

Thomas Moore([URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/straightedge-maestro.4265768/'][URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/straightedge-maestro.4265768/']@Straightedge-Maestro[/URL][/URL])
Sigs: B.F.T, Straightedge Lock (Arm Trap Crossface)
Finishers: Coup De Grace, Fireman's Carry Side Slam

Tiger Andrews ([URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/sawyerson.1964759/'][URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/sawyerson.1964759/']@Sawyerson[/URL][/URL])
Sigs: Tiger Bomb, Phoenix Splash
Finishers: Orange Crush, Dragon Slayer

Vice ([URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/makoncrayley.2455307/'][URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/makoncrayley.2455307/']@makoncrayley[/URL][/URL])
Sigs: Rainmaker, Rope Hung Flatliner
Finishers: The DDT, Makon you Tap (Arm trap Crossface)

Wally Rulz ([URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/wwerulzht.2011373/'][URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/wwerulzht.2011373/']@wwerulzht[/URL][/URL])
Sigs: Suplex City, Multiple Powerbombs
Finishers: F-5, Kimura

Zander ([URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/rko-zander-rko.2626003/'][URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/rko-zander-rko.2626003/']@rko-zander-rko[/URL][/URL])
Sigs: AA Spinebuster, Overhead Belly to Belly
Finishers: Battering Ram Headbutt, Chaos Theory German

Supporting Roster

Sigs: DDT, Forehead Bite
Finishers: Low Blow

Sigs: Leg Drop, Ah Funk It
Finishers: Spear

Ravie Davie
Sigs: Pele Kick, Blockbuster
Finishers: Lionsault, Batterung Ram Headbutt

Tag Teams

The Fellowship

Edd, Frank, w/ Reverend S.Mark Kayfabien
Forced Baptism (Whaterwheel Neckbreaker)

The Govan Team
Zander & Ravie Davie
Meeting in the Middle (Knee smash/Superkick combo)

Here There Be Tygers
Bookman & Tiger Andrews
Shere Khan (Rana Whip Powerbomb)

Sleepless Knights
Insomnia & Ryan Cutter
Knight Terrors (Brainbuster/Frog Splash Combo)

Them Fightin' N.C. Boys
AWS Man & Cody Tobster
The KPD, The Keep Pounding Drum (Powerslam/Vertical Suplex Combo)

Those Actor Guys
Jack Finney & J.P. Megami w/ Thomas Moore
That's a Wrap (Rolling senton/diving senton combo)

Vice & Vitrue
Vice & Ali Rock
Ends Justify the Means (Spike Tombstone)


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008


Oderunt dum Metuant
Oct 7, 2006
Could I change my finisher names please:
Lucky 13 = Revelation 13
Shin Breaker/Dragon Screw combo = Unforgivable Shin


No Longer a Noob
Dec 27, 2017
Thinking about getting in on this...will post again/PM once I have posted my character in CC and give you the details on what to name the Sig's/finishers.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 13, 2011
I've been trying to come up with some great names for the sigs and finishers, but in lieu of me doing that...
BFT - Encore
Coup De Grace - The Spotlight
Fireman's Carry Sideslam - Masterpiece Theatre

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk


No Longer a Noob
Dec 27, 2017
"The Texas Twrror" Angus Lee is coming to ToWN! Funny how that kinda fits; looking forward to seeing his debut and the next show overall!


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
Preview for ToWN Elimination Chamber

Elimination Chamber for the ToWN Championship

Insomnia (c) vs. Blake Gen vs. J.P. Megami vs. Vice vs. Lil' Deew vs. Reverend S. Mark Kayfabien

Wally Rulz vs. Angus Lee

United Kingdom Championship
Jack Finney (c) vs. E.T. Vega vs. Ali Rock

Iron Man Match
Ryan Cutter vs. T.D. Hart

Steel Cage Match for the ToWN Tag Team Championships
Them Fightin' N.C. Boys (c) vs. Here there be Tygers​


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
I got buried by Makon, and now I'm in a title match?

-Those were basically your only losses
-there's a lot of overlap with the rankings for the world/uk titles. Once you take out everybody in the Elimination Chamber, Tag title match, TBD who's already punched his WM ticket, you're actually pretty high up in contention


No Longer "No Longer A Noob"
Sep 30, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Can I request a street fight instead of a cage match? I don't trust tobster in matches we can lose without being pinned/submitted anymore.


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
[URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/wwerulzht.2011373/']@wwerulzht[/URL] vs. [URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/alayton90.96505530/']@ALayton90[/URL]

ToWN Championship
Elimination Chamber
@Serpent.222 vs. [URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/lildeew.841118/']@lildeew[/URL] vs. @Generation.Now vs. [URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/staple_gun.4124380/']@staple_gun[/URL] vs. [URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/jpmegami.1743269/']@jpmegami[/URL] vs. [URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/makoncrayley.2455307/']@makoncrayley[/URL]

Eliminations at:

Quick Results

Here There Be Tygers def. Them Fightin' N.C. Boys (c) to win the ToWN Tag Team Championships
Tiger Andrews pinned AWS after an Orange Crush

Ryan Cutter def. T.D. Hart in an Ironman Match
Cutter def. Hart 6 falls to 3

E.T. Vega def. Jack Finney (c) & Ali Rock to win the ToWN United Kingdom Championship
Vega pinned Ali after a Capture Suplex

Wally Rulz def. Angus Lee
Rules made Lee submit to the Kimura

J.P. Megami def. Insomnia (c), Revererend S. Mark Kayfabien, Blake Gen, Vice, and Lil' Deew to win the ToWN Championship
-Staple submitted Vice with the Revelation 13
-J.P. Megami pinned Blake Gen after an eye rake and a low blow
-Lil' Deew pinned Insomnia after a Deewbuster
-J.P. Megami pinned Lil' Deew after an eye rake and a low blow
-J.P. Megami pinned Kayfabien after a Regal-Plex


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
So, we're building to Mania

ToWN Championship
J.P. Megami (c) vs. T.D. Hart

United Kingdom Championship*
E.T. Vega (c) vs. Jack Finney

ToWN Tag Team Championships
Here There Be Tygers (c) vs. Sleepless Knights


Andre the Giant Memorial battle Royal

And up to two other matches potentially


No Longer a Noob
Dec 27, 2017
Fantasic match for a debuting Lee and awesome show all around; looking forward to seeing what happens next


Oderunt dum Metuant
Oct 7, 2006
I made the former champion tap out, I feel like that should get me something.


GENeral of the PWB
Feb 1, 2012
So, we're building to Mania

ToWN Championship
J.P. Megami (c) vs. T.D. Hart

United Kingdom Championship*
E.T. Vega (c) vs. Jack Finney

ToWN Tag Team Championships
Here There Be Tygers (c) vs. Sleepless Knights


Andre the Giant Memorial battle Royal

And up to two other matches potentially

from the first champion to off the card in several months.

the championship hangover is no joke


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
So, we're building to Mania

ToWN Championship
J.P. Megami (c) vs. T.D. Hart

United Kingdom Championship*
E.T. Vega (c) vs. Jack Finney

ToWN Tag Team Championships
Here There Be Tygers (c) vs. Sleepless Knights


Andre the Giant Memorial battle Royal

And up to two other matches potentially

from the first champion to off the card in several months.

the championship hangover is no joke
I mean, I can put you in a match against Rulz and others in a 'winner faces Undertaker at WM'

Or you could call out someone that's not already occupied

In other news, I'm pleased to announce the ToWN has a new signee


Alpha Slayin ([URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/immaking2010.2080335/']@immaking2010[/URL])

Sigs: GTS, Crossface

Finishers: Ulster Plantation/Electric Chair Driver


Aug 23, 2010
Also, if I'm not grapplefucking Charle into the mat and chucking shoot strikes at him then the match is a bust.


Super Star
Mar 31, 2012
Mere months ago, I hardly had anything to eat. Now, I earn more money and see Vega as a man trying to put me back to that poorer period. That man has to be eliminated.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 16, 2007


Warrior King
Aug 24, 2006
I feel like Staple's the only person I've beaten with my actual finisher.


Oderunt dum Metuant
Oct 7, 2006
I feel like Staple's the only person I've beaten with my actual finisher.
I felt like we had a little story arc in that match. We worked together, turned on each other, worked together again and then you beat me with your finisher(and a stomp) in the final two.


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
[URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/tobster9000.2569688/'][URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/tobster9000.2569688/']@tobster9000[/URL][/URL] Oh, you're just gonna leave me hanging like that and let me get pinned? That's it, the concert is off!
AND Tobster took the pin the next night, costing you two a title match at Wrestlemania

Looks to me like if you two are going to bury the hatchet you need to settle your differences at Wrestlemania in a. . .

Lumberton Street Fight
AWS Man vs. Cody Tobster


No Longer "No Longer A Noob"
Sep 30, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Hey, why is the street fight named after his hick town? I've never even been there! It should be a Raleigh Street Fight, if anything.
Last edited:


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
Hey, why is the street fight named after his hick town? I've never even been there! It should be a Raleigh Street Fight, if anything.
Had no idea he was from there. Literally just googled "most dangerous city in North Carolina."