May 11, 2018
So after playing this game for the first time in a while, I decide to visit the pond in Lake Hylia as a kid. I had caught the loach numerous times as an adult, but had never gotten it to spawn as a kid before, so I wanted to try. Well, instead of spawning one loach, I ended up with 2: a 16 pound and a 17 pound. I've looked and can't find anyone else whose managed to spawn two at once. Has anyone else seen something like this?
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King of TL;DR
Sep 21, 2005
I thought the first time I saw/got a Loach (which was probably a decade ago by now) there were two of them. But even if so, I never knew for sure it was even possible to get them as a child, so that's really cool to see.
May 11, 2018
I had gotten them as a child, but only after doing the swordless glitch as an adult. Losing the master sword really messes up the rng of that game.