
Rock Band Board Minister of Foreign Affairs
Apr 1, 2007

For those to lazy to click, here's a rundown of the features:

- EASHL is back

- OTP is back to being 6 vs. 6 and you can do private sessions

- Online couch co-op is back

- Player morale plays a factor in Be A GM for both NHL and AHL players. There can be trade demands, team relationship issues, and you can also call team meetings.

- Simming to your next shift is back for Be a Pro

- Apparently HUT's interface is updated and you can now do single player seasons on it aka offline seasons

- There's now on-ice visual training, which teaches you about shooting/passing lanes/etc.

- Updated skating

- Smoother puck pickup transitions

- Each arena will feel different, including chants, mascots, celebrations, and props

- Same commentary team, but allegedly it's improved

- Enhanced facial features for the leagues top players

- More player customization from custom laces and tape to visors and more



Jun 15, 2006
Hope the players morale will be good! Look good at first... They need to put contract negociation in the season! Can see it in the near futur with this feature!