
Mar 13, 2008
when are they going to make a new lok game? cus judging by the ending of defiance they have more to do in the story before its done right? anyone else think so? because raziel gets absorbed into the sword and kain uses the sword to kill the elder god, but, the pillars are still unrestored and the enemies that have started to show up i forget what they were called.


Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003

You bastard! Thanks for spoiling the end of Defiance for me! I am playing that game for the first time in my life, ever. I hate you and hope your first born has seven legs.

Oh, and no, I heard Eidos will not be making another game because there were too many gamers that post spoilers on message boards and it pissed the creators off. Or something. That, and the last game didn't make enough money.


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
Yeah since Amy Hennig left it's pretty much a dead series. She just got done working on Uncharted. Hopefully they won't let another team take over. That's why Blood Omen II ended up with so many wierd problems.


Mar 13, 2008
sorry about the spoiling... but i guess they are justing going to leave the series hanging then just like the spawn movie that never got a sequel.


Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
Yeah... I was joking.

And they never made a Spawn sequel because it deviated too much from the awesome comic book and they figured, "why make another shi*** movie when we've got a great comic book?" Either that, or Todd pulled his head out of his ass and realized that Spawn should have never been placed on the big screen anyway. At least, that's my theory.



Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
It's supposedly been in production since 1999. At this point, I'll believe it when I see it. Personally, I hope they don't put another one out. That movie was a disgrace to the comic.


Mar 13, 2008
i liked the movie cus the stuff in it was pretty cool. but i never was one to read comics so...
Jan 3, 2008
but i never was one to read ...
Yea, we could tell from your sig "Student at Devry" that you weren't much on reading. We all knew you couldn't be that bright.
You must have had some really bad SAT scores to have to resort to that wanna be school. They will take anyone as long as you pay them.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
Actually it was in the gaming news a couple of weeks ago that Amy Henning covinced Naughty Dog Games to buy the rights of LoK from Eidos so that they could make the next game and she could work on it.

For all of you who aren't familiar with her, she's the creator and chief architect of the series. It pretty much died when she left Crystal Dynamics (Cystal Dynamics is owned by Eidos) for Naughty Dog.

Here is some info in the article (I'll try to find and post a link)re the story. I'll black it out in case people are worried about spoilers.

[hl=black]lol, I made this all up!!

...or did I???

(yes, I did)[/hl]

What's up NC? Haven't seen you for a while.


Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
Drew, you asshole! I actually believed you.


Man, it's good to see an old face here. It's weird that you happened to post out of the blue today. I just sent embla a pm last night. I haven't seen or talked to either of you in about two years.

Are you still living in New Orleans?


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
negativecreep7 said:
Drew, you asshole! I actually believed you.


Man, it's good to see an old face here. It's weird that you happened to post out of the blue today. I just sent embla a pm last night. I haven't seen or talked to either of you in about two years.

Are you still living in New Orleans?

Ha ha! I'm cruel! [face_devil]

Seriously though, it's a good idea huh? Naughty Dog buys the property and a new LoK game gets made w/Amy Henning at the helm. I think she was the lead on Uncharted which was a really fun PS3 game, but I'd still much rather get some closure on the LoK series. Oh well, I can dream anyway.

Good to see you too. Yeah, I still live in N.O. You're doing ok, I hope?

How's Embla? TEll her hi if you talk to her.



Leaky Lifeboat.
Nov 25, 2003
Andrew0824 said:
negativecreep7 said:
Drew, you asshole! I actually believed you.


Man, it's good to see an old face here. It's weird that you happened to post out of the blue today. I just sent embla a pm last night. I haven't seen or talked to either of you in about two years.

Are you still living in New Orleans?

Ha ha! I'm cruel! [face_devil]

Seriously though, it's a good idea huh? Naughty Dog buys the property and a new LoK game gets made w/Amy Henning at the helm. I think she was the lead on Uncharted which was a really fun PS3 game, but I'd still much rather get some closure on the LoK series. Oh well, I can dream anyway.

Good to see you too. Yeah, I still live in N.O. You're doing ok, I hope?

How's Embla? TEll her hi if you talk to her.

It would be great, but, you and I both know that that's not going to happen, my friend. I gave up on the infamous 'Lok: The Final Installment,' years ago.

Anyway, thanks for asking... yes, I'm doing fine. S'funny, whenever I hear anything about New Orleans, I still think about you, and if you're there. Myself, I had been living in East Lansing, MI over the past few years, (home of Michigan State University) until the last few months. I moved from there because of a business opportunity, and I still miss E.L.

Embla seems to be doing good. Although, she did tell me that she's spending entirely too much time on message boards, as of late. She said that she's trying to basically "ween" herself off from them. [face_tongue] Good luck, embs. My reason for messaging her, was to give her notice than Ben Lincoln gave her a shout out on his Lost Worlds website. To my surprise, she didn't know anything about it.

[link=http://www.thelostworlds.net/BO2/Chakan_and_Sirens.html]Some time later, IGN forum member Embla discovered an even older unreleased Steve Ross project - Sirens. A 1997-era PlanetQuake page (no longer online) was dedicated to a proof-of-concept that Ross and Joshua Gordon had created using the engine from the original Quake. This page included screenshots and concept art which are similar to both Chakan and Blood Omen 2. It also described part of the planned storyline:[/link]

Ah... I've talked your ear off enough. Stop in from time to time and say hello. It's been far too long since we've had some fun here.


EDIT: Ha! I finally took you over in post count. I remember that for years we were only a couple of hundred posts apart most of the time. [face_tongue]


May 6, 2005
"Actually it was in the gaming news a couple of weeks ago that Amy Henning covinced Naughty Dog Games to buy the rights of LoK from Eidos so that they could make the next game and she could work on it.

For all of you who aren't familiar with her, she's the creator and chief architect of the series. It pretty much died when she left Crystal Dynamics (Cystal Dynamics is owned by Eidos) for Naughty Dog.

Here is some info in the article (I'll try to find and post a link)re the story. I'll black it out in case people are worried about spoilers."

If I based people solely on first impressions, you would be a fail.


May 6, 2005
I don't need to be asked. Fabricating information on a new LOK game for the sole purpose of tricking people by itself is means to speak up and harshly judge a person. [face_mischief]

Anyway, welcome back though I've never met you before.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 17, 2003
Cloud2234 said:
"Actually it was in the gaming news a couple of weeks ago that Amy Henning covinced Naughty Dog Games to buy the rights of LoK from Eidos so that they could make the next game and she could work on it.

For all of you who aren't familiar with her, she's the creator and chief architect of the series. It pretty much died when she left Crystal Dynamics (Cystal Dynamics is owned by Eidos) for Naughty Dog.

Here is some info in the article (I'll try to find and post a link)re the story. I'll black it out in case people are worried about spoilers."

If I based people solely on first impressions, you would be a fail.

Wow man, that's pretty harsh. I mean I was just making a little joke, you know? Now you have really hurt my feelings. Sure, I'm a man, but I'm man enough to admit that your cruelty made my cry a little bit. Go ahead, laugh at me. I know you probably already are. Bastard.

I'm actually a nice and forgiving person, but if it were up to me, people like you would be lined up against a wall and shot. Just saying.

Oh, nice to meet you too! :)

NC, glad to hear you're doing well. And Embla too. Yeah, I pretty much only post on the Deus Ex board now and that's just b/c me and two other guys trade games and use it as our own personal board since no one else posts there. It's funny you mentioned blinc since I just checked out his site the other day for like the first time in 2 years. He's still posting stuff to it. That's dedication since nothing much new has really happened since the last game. You never know about sequels though. Sometimes games will go 10 years and then some company will buy the rights and make another game. I guess LoK never had the kind of sales to where that would happen though. Oh well, at least it ended at kind of a logical point. IMO it's still got the best story and acting of any video game series.

Just finished playing Fallout 3. If you haven't played it yet, it's a fanstastic game. Lot's of fun and a really hilarious black sense of humor. [link=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwVDgTxr7fM&feature=related]Here's a kind of funny video some guy made of it.[/link]

Take care!



Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
It's really a shame that they probably won't continue with this series. Even though I think Defiance was not quite as good a game as the previous games, good game but just a little lackin compared to the others IMO, the LOK series and especially the Soul Reaver series is hands down one of my favorite games of all time. The game play is great and the story is phenomenal. Why they can make 100 Final Fantasies and 20 Dynasty Warriors and yet not continue makin an amazing series like the Legacy of Kain series is beyond me.