
Dec 19, 2011
I just finished playing U3 on normal and can't wait to jump back in on crushing to get my plat trophy. I played U2 on normal and want to buy the dual pack to get the platinum trophy as. I want to see how it all started but is Uncharted 1 too dated compared to the sequels? To those who've played all 3 what do you think?


Original poster
I did a U1 plat run after playing U2. (I had played U1 before). The game felt a little dated compared to U2 for things like having to use the sixaxis to aim your grenades but it is still a very enjoyable experience and the story is pretty good. I would say play it especially as the dual pack is pretty cheap now.
Feb 7, 2011
The mechanics are more or less identical between all three games and while Drakes Fortune does inevitably look somewhat dated compared to it's sequels it is still equal or even superior to quite a few other current games in my opinion.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA
Aside from the SIXAXIS grenades and a few melee controls, the gameplay is pretty much identical to the next two, if a tiny bit less refined. It's still an A-list game, though, and the graphics were so good when they came out, they haven't aged badly.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 30, 2002
to fully get that emotional experience ffrom the characters and story you needed to play part 1. Dunno if it would still hit you now that you've jumped the gun. Amazing game though, well worth the purchase.
Apr 10, 2009
The story and adventure is worth it if thats why you like these games. If you play Uncharted for the combat, body count, and skip all the movies then no sense purchase #1. Its basically a more raw version of the other 2, gameplay wise and graphics wise. I enjoyed each games adventure it had to offer, I am already waiting for #4.


Dec 19, 2011
Enfeeblement said:
The story and adventure is worth it if thats why you like these games. If you play Uncharted for the combat, body count, and skip all the movies then no sense purchase #1. Its basically a more raw version of the other 2, gameplay wise and graphics wise. I enjoyed each games adventure it had to offer, I am already waiting for #4.

Thanks everyone for your input! I'll go and revisit the series from the beginning. As for what ^ said, i enjoy really enjoy the single player for the story, as well as the gameplay so i don't skip the movies. But I want to get the platinum trophy in all 3 so i think I'll get the dual pack. Thanks again everyone


No Longer a Noob
Nov 2, 2005
Uncharted 1 was a really, really, good game, only thing outdated about it as mentioned before is the sixaxis thing. Other than that the graphics aren't quite as good as U2 or U3 but they are still decent graphics in there own right. Story is fun and has awesome moments that are down just right fun to play. I'd recommend giving it a shot for sure especially if you enjoyed the other 2 so much .


May 17, 2004
Uncharted 1 may feel outdated now that you have played 2 and 3. But it is still a fantastic game with memorable cutscenes, characters and story.


Aug 14, 2009
Uncharted 1 was a fantastic game - I played it after Uncharted 2, so I may not have experienced the depth of the characters the way others have. However, I think Uncharted 1 is the hardest of the three; even on Normal difficulty there were times where I felt ammo-starved because there seem to be a lot more enemies. Also, the climbing sections in Uncharted 1 felt less fluid than in the other two. Also, a tip if you're going for trophies: when I played through, I got no trophies and just figured there weren't any. However, after I finished the game I synced my trophies from my PS3 and saw Uncharted had added in trophy support later, but I didn't unlock any of them. I think you have to start the game, then sync trophies, then go back to the game to unlock them all.
Feb 21, 2011
Uncharted 1 was a fantastic game - I played it after Uncharted 2, so I may not have experienced the depth of the characters the way others have. However, I think Uncharted 1 is the hardest of the three; even on Normal difficulty there were times where I felt ammo-starved because there seem to be a lot more enemies. Also, the climbing sections in Uncharted 1 felt less fluid than in the other two. Also, a tip if you're going for trophies: when I played through, I got no trophies and just figured there weren't any. However, after I finished the game I synced my trophies from my PS3 and saw Uncharted had added in trophy support later, but I didn't unlock any of them. I think you have to start the game, then sync trophies, then go back to the game to unlock them all.

On the issue of trophies, if you played the game prior to the patch that added them you had/have to play through it again unfortunately. Fortunately for me, I played a bit of 2 got hooked and a friend of mine lent me the entire trilogy which made me almost fall over lol. Anyway, I'm playing 1 now and it is still really good and still manages to impress, however it's almost like playing a less polished version of 2 graphically and gameplay wise. The story is still great though and totally worth playing through, however I can say, that sometimes the combat can be a bit frustrating even on normal due to the enemy to ammo ratio.


Jul 24, 2005
of course. I played it and platinumed it around the time it came out. The story is priceless and introduces you to the series.


Sep 17, 2011
I just bought the dual pack as well as U3 (I never played them so it is my first time). I am planning to play through all 3 in order to get the full effect of the story. So far I am greatly enjoying U1.