
Jun 27, 2008
Blacklist isn't out yet so I can't tell you how much it relies on information from the older games. I CAN tell you though that the series is awesome, so if you have any interest I would strongly recommend playing all of them if you can find them and have the platfroms to play them all on.
Apr 22, 2009
the hd collection just recently came out for ps3. if you want to go back and play older games, you can't go wrong with that. and also, i would recommend playing conviction because even though it's the easiest of the series it's my personal favorite.


Jun 27, 2008
i would recommend playing conviction because even though it's the easiest of the series it's my personal favorite.

Not to mention that its the last entry in the series before Blacklist, so if backstory factors in with Blacklist it will likely be the most important game to play for reference.


Sep 12, 2012
I would recommend Chaos they, double agent and Conviction.

Chaos theory has the best stealth mechanics and is very sneaky.
Double agent has some of the most tense missions in the undercover levels.
Conviction is incredibly fun but less stealthy. Best story by far in the series so If you have to choose just 1 I would make it this one.

nothing wrong with the first 2, play those if you become obsessed lol
Jan 24, 2013
Yea, all three have different dynamics but all were decent. I started playing Splinter Cell because I thought it was going to be like Metal Gear but it is entirely different. The stories in Splinter Cell aren't connected much so I don't think you'll be missing much story wise, but if you want a taste of the possible gameplay types I'd recommend giving all of them a try as Balogne77 stated.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 30, 2007
There IS an underlying story between the games, even though they can be played independantly without missing too much. As someone who can't stand missing entries in a series and as someoen who has loved all the SC games (well, DA was good but I only liked it but I loved the rest) I would say play them all in order. You have time before this one comes out so why not? They are all worth it, especially since they will be cheap at this point.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 30, 2007
CT is something certain friends and I STILL play to this day, same with Pandora Tomorrow. Great games, GREAT games ~o)


Oct 3, 2005
CT is something certain friends and I STILL play to this day, same with Pandora Tomorrow. Great games, GREAT games ~o)
yea well... i missed out on chaos theory but played 1, 2, and conviction... so i missed out on DA also i guess... i so want CT cause i still can remember that thing with the glove and busting lights with it.... ah ....


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 30, 2007
CT is something certain friends and I STILL play to this day, same with Pandora Tomorrow. Great games, GREAT games ~o)
yea well... i missed out on chaos theory but played 1, 2, and conviction... so i missed out on DA also i guess... i so want CT cause i still can remember that thing with the glove and busting lights with it.... ah ....

I'd say that you could probably miss out on DA and not miss anything significant, I liked it but thought it was the least best in the entire series. CT is essential playing though. Its my personal fave of the entire series. Others might feel differently of course, opinions, like milage, may vary :D


Oct 3, 2005
CT is something certain friends and I STILL play to this day, same with Pandora Tomorrow. Great games, GREAT games ~o)
yea well... i missed out on chaos theory but played 1, 2, and conviction... so i missed out on DA also i guess... i so want CT cause i still can remember that thing with the glove and busting lights with it.... ah ....

I'd say that you could probably miss out on DA and not miss anything significant, I liked it but thought it was the least best in the entire series. CT is essential playing though. Its my personal fave of the entire series. Others might feel differently of course, opinions, like milage, may vary :D
yea well i got CT and started playing it even though i have very little time to do so. i really wanna try out the coop on there (pretty much the main reason i wanted it from the start.) with my brother. when he is in town ill have to force it down his throat lol.


Jan 19, 2013
So far I have only played Conviction and 3d. Which is a remake of the 3rd game. 3d is a fun game but it is flawed. However, Conviction is one the greatest 3rd person action games I have ever played. No joke.


Dec 30, 2008
Are you sayign that the remake is flawed, or the original release Choas Theory is flawed? In my opinion Choas Theory is the best of the entire series. I didn't play the 3D remake though, I played the original release on Xbox. I loved Conviction, don't get me wrong ~o) Chaos Theory is just my fave is all.


Aug 21, 2013
were you living under a rock ? lol. Anyway i would recommend chaos theory, conviction is too usual and doesn't do justice to the series. Splinter cell series is known for its stealthiness