Nov 14, 2012
Please help me out!
I can give foraged items, milk, alpaca wool, yak milk, great milk.
I just need 4 honey!
2 would work, too
Nov 14, 2012
My FC is 4038 6719 4702
What is yours? :D
I'll create a room, and you can join it~
I only need two honey now!
Thank you so much ^_^
Nov 2, 2011
North Georgia
Please help me out!
I can give foraged items, milk, alpaca wool, yak milk, great milk.
I just need 4 honey!
2 would work, too

What season are you in? I built about 6 beehives right before winter. Word of advice: harvest as much honey as possible before winter. What's your friend code, by the way? I need people to trade with as well. I'm 2637-9304-4920. Anyone who wants to barter, add me. Casey.
Aug 16, 2013
Hello ladies & gents ;)
I'm in a bit of a pickle with acquiring 8 more jars of honey for the Town Restoration Plan 2. My way is taking too long and all it ever seems to do is rain in my game...~sigh~ Woe is me.
I was wondering if anyone can help me out? PLEASE! Kinda desperate here...[face_praying] I'm still pretty new to the game but I've collected a lot of foraged items and I have yak milk, alpaca wool, sheep wool, etc etc & so on. Let me know what you need in exchange and I'll see if I have it!
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Nov 25, 2010
Any one still needing to trade for honey? I've got a few Flower Honey around that I could exchange if anyone is interested. Friend code is 1865-0389-0587, if anyone is interested.