Sep 17, 2010
Jesus christ lord O'mighty father in heaven, who thought of this boss fight scenario? Its freaking hilarious and ridiculous. Its the utmost confusing moment in this game, generating many LOLWTF!?

You start the fight, with your augs screwed, so your HUD is going haywire. You got stuff flickering all over the screen 2 crosshairs in the way even if you iron sight, red green and white triangles all over your radar and you cant activate any augs and the passives are shut down.....beautiful.

Then you realize that Namir, god of awesome thinks he can flip his gun up from the ground to his hand well we cant let that happen can we? BLAM POW BOOM!!!?!

The hell? is probably the phrase that you first utter, as you were completely blown away. Howd you die? what killed you? Those questions perplexed me as well apparently with a jump, a twist, and a flick of the wrist Namir can litter the area with EVERY GRENADE TYPE IN THE GAME. He also has the first plasma rifle(has an AoE) in the game so chances are that killed you while you were blind, scrambled and choking. Did i mention he can turn invisible? yea he can do that and he has this odd habit of walking through his chaos so that you have to strain to see him.......brilliant.

But seriously, to win all you do is walk around the room in a big square with your revolver out and wait till you see his shadow, or when he jumps over a wall...hes not hard to beat just very surprising and you slipping up is worse then the other fights here since that P.Rifle will drop you in short order and he can put shots down range really fast.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
Friendly turret (throw it out of the elevator before the auto-save), explosive revolver rounds (and EM mines), or heavy firepower.

I also never upgrade anything, except the augmentations I already have.

Learn to read into the TYM & e-correspondence about the conspiracy. You do realize this is the Illuminati from the first game pulling your strings ....


Previously hardcore_resi_fan
Aug 9, 2010
I never visited a LIMB clinic when asked to, because I saw straight through that. So instantly, through that, the fight was ok for me.

I simply tossed an EMP grenade, then unloaded my grenade launcher. Simple.
Sep 17, 2010
sng-ign said:
Friendly turret (throw it out of the elevator before the auto-save), explosive revolver rounds (and EM mines), or heavy firepower.

I also never upgrade anything, except the augmentations I already have.

Learn to read into the TYM & e-correspondence about the conspiracy. You do realize this is the Illuminati from the first game pulling your strings ....

I usually completely ignore turrets, but thats sounds like a truly hilarious tactic; however, like use boss fights to empty my inventory or the ammo ive been carrying. I also dislike mines. last sentence sounds a little condescending.....just because i willingly got the biochip up grade doesnt mean i was unaware that it might bite me in the ass later. They throw the story and plot twists in the air and its not hard to see it coming, so why not make the game challenging? I wanted to see what would happen.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
Timothy.Marshall said:
I never visited a LIMB clinic when asked to, because I saw straight through that. So instantly, through that, the fight was ok for me. I simply tossed an EMP grenade, then unloaded my grenade launcher. Simple.
Some players may not have access to the grenade launcher, as that is pre-order content.

DarkBladex96 said:
I usually completely ignore turrets, but thats sounds like a truly hilarious tactic; however, like use boss fights to empty my inventory or the ammo ive been carrying. I also dislike mines.
Mines are better due to the space-saving issue (you get three devices for two inventory spaces).

Apart from the sticky-nature of the mines, they behave exactly like grenades, and their rules for detonation (motion proximity) are better in terms of reliability than timed fuses.
Sep 17, 2010
Whats good for you might not be good for me. The things you mentioned about mines are why i hate them and one is barely relevant.

The space argument is nearly pointless. You save 1 cell/3 mines in comparison to using 3 cells/3 grenades. It doesnt even matter unless you start lugging around more then 9 explosives and are trying to pack your inventory to the brink.

I dont like that mines stick, proximity explosives have their use but id rather not rely on them for anything other then traps. Their throw range is horrendous and a 2-2.5 second fuse is nothing that 1 cant account for in their throws.

Sorry but mines are the inferior explosive device to me.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
DarkBladex96 said:
Whats good for you might not be good for me. The things you mentioned about mines are why i hate them and one is barely relevant.

The space argument is nearly pointless. You save 1 cell/3 mines in comparison to using 3 cells/3 grenades. It doesnt even matter unless you start lugging around more then 9 explosives and are trying to pack your inventory to the brink.

I dont like that mines stick, proximity explosives have their use but id rather not rely on them for anything other then traps. Their throw range is horrendous and a 2-2.5 second fuse is nothing that 1 cant account for in their throws.

Sorry but mines are the inferior explosive device to me.
The throw distance is about the same (you can also blind throw from cover).

With EM mines and Gas Mines, having the EM Dermal augmentation and Implanted Re-breather (the I AM BATMAN approach) solves splash damage from those devices.


Sep 12, 2011
The most offputting thing about the Namir fight was that it does look a lot like Robbie William's Rock DJ video. [shivers]


Sep 12, 2011

Do yourselves a favour - put in on mute and watch from 3 minutes in to see what I'm trying to get at.