
I love me some me!
Mar 17, 2004
I guess I should start by saying that i kinda expected things like this...

-Angel Pagan has a Twins hat on. (he's on the giants and has never played for the twins)
-No Yu Darvish, Cespedes, Manny, or current roster. (the latest roster is from Feb 26th i think) They should have a roster that is current to the day the game is released.
-Player ratings are not accurate in my opionion. (of course they never are though)
-My player mode is ok. I wish we could change the batting camera. (it's the same as the demo)
-Franchise mode seems to be pretty good so far. Trades are fun to try and make.
-The gameplay is solid. I haven't come across any glitches or anything to odd. I did have a game where the computer made at least 6 diving catches though.


Aug 15, 2011
For MyPlayer mode I was in the Braves Minor League Farm system my 2nd year my guy was wear a Twins hat and uni. in the main menus of the mode I didn't get that. It's a solid mode again. No real salaries this year though. My goal is to play my entire career with the Braves. Then go through another one and and ask for trades and all that.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 14, 2012
I rented it earlier today and played one game of mlb today to get the swing of things again then hopped into a online match. Same douchebags that threw crazy amounts of balls to try and get you to chase.

I fell for it early on but got more patient as the game went on. As soon as he went up started throwing balls galore and I kept pitching normally cause I am not a huge douche. Tied the game on a 2 run bomb by Scott Rolen in the 6th felt pretty good until the top of the 8th when Pedroia went deep for the 2nd time in the game to take the lead back. Next inning get a lead off double from Jay Bruce and got to third on a ground out.

Up steps Chris Heisey Kept throwing balls jamming me inside so I decided to wait till one of the cutters drifted over the zone and cranked it into the left field bleachers. The dude just about rage quit there but he stuck around like a champ so over all I like this game.

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Aug 15, 2011
Didn't even know Chris Heisey could hit HRs, If I used the Reds in Franchise I would trade Votto for like 3 big players. Apparently Bryan LaHair is a beast. One of my games I went deep 3 times to go along with 2 doubles 5-5 6rbi i won 16-1. Amazingly I only threw 65 pitches complete game with Drew Pomeranz (traded Marmol and Mike Podell(I think that's a fake name) for Pomeranz and Alex White. Trade Soto and Soriano right off the bat too. Rizzo is a beast too. I am currently hitting a cool .550 with him on limited playing time. 2-3 games a week but I don't want to trade LaHair just yet.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 14, 2012
Didn't even know Chris Heisey could hit HRs, If I used the Reds in Franchise I would trade Votto for like 3 big players. Apparently Bryan LaHair is a beast. One of my games I went deep 3 times to go along with 2 doubles 5-5 6rbi i won 16-1. Amazingly I only threw 65 pitches complete game with Drew Pomeranz (traded Marmol and Mike Podell(I think that's a fake name) for Pomeranz and Alex White. Trade Soto and Soriano right off the bat too. Rizzo is a beast too. I am currently hitting a cool .550 with him on limited playing time. 2-3 games a week but I don't want to trade LaHair just yet.

Yeah the two unlikeliest players got me two 2 run bombs Heisey and Rolen was like WOAH! lol


Aug 15, 2011
Rolen that's a shocker for a HR too. Then again your a Reds fans so really only Bruce, Votto and one other guy are your power threats. The Cubs don't have jack. Whether it's the game or real life they are a bad team. Rizzo will be a beast for them. Until he's ready they are very limited on power.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 14, 2012
Rolen that's a shocker for a HR too. Then again your a Reds fans so really only Bruce, Votto and one other guy are your power threats. The Cubs don't have jack. Whether it's the game or real life they are a bad team. Rizzo will be a beast for them. Until he's ready they are very limited on power.

Bet the cubs use him as a trading chip like the sox and pads kids been bounced around like nothing else.


Aug 15, 2011
Nah they play to keep him long term. They want to see what LaHair can do first and that guys a beast too. He can potentially hit 30hrs for them or someone else. I think They will see if LaHair can cut it then they will trade him to a contender I think he can play the corner outfields too. The Cubs will be out of contention in May again this year. They will call up Rizzo depending on his numbers and if they are any good they will platoon those to or put both of them in the lineup until they trade LaHair. And yes he's been moved around like Edwin Jackson.