
Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
"Far from perfect, but still enjoyable by any standards and extremely fun to play."

It's easy to realize right away that Path of the Furon is unpolished, and has some flaws. Lets look at the bad first. The game bares many glitchy scars. Often at times, the player might get stuck in the ground or other inanimate objects, and if the player walks through a destroyed fire hydrant or a fountain, the framerate jumps like a grasshopper that's being electrocuted. The graphics aren't 360 standard, but they are in no way terrible. Some textures look fake, but it isn't a hindering flaw. Sometimes, if there's too much going on screen at once, or you've been playing for a long time and your 360 has gotten hot, there is a slight chance of freezing. Though this issue is annoying, it is a rare occurance and is hardly game-breaking. Often at times, spoken dialogue will either be cut off before finished, or wont be spoken at all. This isn't game breaking, but it can be annoying for those who love reading minds or enjoy the story. Since the game runs on a different engine, it isn't possible to pick up and play with the dead bodies any longer either. This isn't pleasant because of the fun that could have been had by mercilessly slinging around dead bodies. True, there are many flaws, but not game breaking, and they certainly won't keep you from enjoying the game, unless you're a graphics whore, or have no sense of fun.

Now that the bad is out of the way, let's focus on the good. The graphics are slightly better than the originals, and the explosions and building collapses are more realistic. This gives you the sense of immense power as you wreak havoc among the populous. The story is just as good as the first two, and though the humor can be abit stale, there are certainly some points that will make you laugh. The Characters have their original voices, making them sound far better than the cheap knock-offs in Big Willy. The gameplay is definately Path of the Furon's largest strong point. Crypto, his jetpack, his weapons, and his PK all handle much more smoothly and easy, allowing you to get comfortable and be able to cause mass destruction with the press of a button. Temporal fist and PK magnet both add new concepts to the game, and they're pulled off well. It's fun to stop time, mess up the world, and then restart time just to watch all hell break loose. And there are also several new weapons, and the old weapons have been made anew, and there are even new ways to use them. Car Surfing with the dislocator is extremely fun. Feeding you own pet man-eating plant is even more fun. But one of the most entertaining weapons is the superballer. It's fun to watch helpless humans take a bouncy rainbow trip of pain throughout the level. The levels are now much larger as well, and not only have they grown out, but up as well. Traversing them takes alot of time on foot, even with the jetpack. The last level was given alot of detail, and is definately worth playing through the end to see. The game also features a customize option, also new to DAH! The game is definately better than Big Willy in any way, and and definately deserves to be among the first two games in quality.

For fans of the series, it is a definate buy. However, if you didn't enjoy the first two, then you most likely wont enjoy what Path of the Furon has to offer. If you aren't sure, I suggest renting it first, and decide for yourself. Though the game isn't as good as other titles, it's still a good time to be had, though not all people are partial to the type of fun Path of the Furon dishes out.

Reviewer's Score: 7/10
Game Release: Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon (US, 12/01/08)


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 4, 2008
joshsmith16 said:
Crypto_666 said:
1 word.

Yes you are.

Now I have 7 Words for you.

Stupid five year old gay noob **** [face_beatup]

Are you allowed to play M rated games because I think that you haven't played any good games.Have you ever played Bioshock,Gears 2,Mass Effect,Call Of Duty,Orange Box,GTA 4,Left For Dead or Dead space.If you ever played any of them then you've played a real game and not some half made shitty game.I play real games.Call me a noob as much as you want but I'm a real gamer and you are the noob


Local Anomaly
Aug 21, 2006
Stop with all this nonsense and just talk about the game. I thought (so far) that it's pretty good. The graphics are not very next-gen and it looks/feels a bit cheap here and there, so it needs more polish *cough* and trophies *cough*. im glad they kept the conversation options. this game was just what i needed for a good laugh.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Crypto_666 said:
joshsmith16 said:
Crypto_666 said:
1 word.

Yes you are.

Now I have 7 Words for you.

Stupid five year old gay noob **** [face_beatup]

Are you allowed to play M rated games because I think that you haven't played any good games.Have you ever played Bioshock,Gears 2,Mass Effect,Call Of Duty,Orange Box,GTA 4,Left For Dead or Dead space.If you ever played any of them then you've played a real game and not some half made shitty game.I play real games.Call me a noob as much as you want but I'm a real gamer and you are the noob
I'm 18. I can play any game I want to. I have played GTA IV. It was crap. Boring and dull. If GTA IV was a "real" game, then I'm King of England. Also, bragging about being able to play M rated games just goes to show how much of a little kid you are. I haven't played any of those games because I'm living on a budget and can't afford it. FYI, I don't have rich parents who can spoil me by buying me evey single game I want. Playing every game that is good according to critics doesn't make you a gamer. A real gamer plays games for fun. All of you idiots who actually make it your duty to crack all the codes and become the best player at Halo 3 aren't gamers, you're obssessed and net to get out of the house more. Video Games are my passion, my way of unwinding. I play to unwind and have fun. Not to pwn everybody. Which is why I hate multiplayer. Everyone calls you a noob if you die too much and they brag about how awesome they are. Ooh wow, you shot me. Nobody cares, it's just a game, it's not as if you actually get a reward for it. If achievements came with money, THEN I'd try to get them more. Kid, you are no gamer, you don't even know what gaming is supposed to be about. You're just some spoiled brat who gets everything he wants and listens to critics like they're god. I don't need IGN to tell me if a game is good or bad. GTA IV was crap, and they gave it a 10. DAH! PotF is colorful, fun, and funny. I'll take it over GAT any day. Also, Saints Row 2 is better than GTA IV, because I had A LOT more fun with it.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 4, 2008
I'm not a spoiled brat.It's called renting games.I've been playing games since I was a little kid and I do play games for fun.I'm a real gamer unlike you,If you were a real gamer you could tell a real game from a piece of shit.The only reason I watch reviews is because I want to see what real gamers think of a game and alot of the time they are right.I bet the only reason why you don't like to play multiplayer is because you suck so much that you always lose and you don't want to get pwned in front of everyone.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Crypto_666 said:
I'm not a spoiled brat.It's called renting games.I've been playing games since I was a little kid and I do play games for fun.I'm a real gamer unlike you,If you were a real gamer you could tell a real game from a piece of shit.The only reason I watch reviews is because I want to see what real gamers think of a game and alot of the time they are right.I bet the only reason why you don't like to play multiplayer is because you suck so much that you always lose and you don't want to get pwned in front of everyone.
Ha, kid, you are retarded. So, just because I liked a game everyone else seems to think is shit then I'm not a real gamer? I'm sorry, but did you even take the time to notice that all of the critics only complained about PotF's graphics and never even hinted at any good points? Like streamlined controls, new weapons, gameplay features that no other game could ever dream of doing? No. Since when did graphics ever have anything do do with it? IGN, Gamespot, hell pretty much every critic who you call "real gamers" bitched about graphics for two pages and then gave the game a rediculous score. You know why? They're pissed because they didn't get paid to review it. If that's "REAL" gaming, then I'd rather not be a gamer, because people like you and IGN are so full of shit. I'll also have you know I've been playing games since I was little too. And I remember playing pacman and super mario for fun. Not turning them on, looking at them, bitching about graphics for two hours and then going around telling people not to play them. Which is exacty what YOU and your so called "real gamers" are doing. I know very damn good and well what a good game is and what a bad game is. GTA IV was not fun. It was a gritty, realistic, repetative bore fest. DAH! PotF was good. It had fun gameplay, it was funny, and it wasn't repetative. Same thing with Saints Row 2. The critics are hardly ever right. Branded GTA IV with a perfect score was bullshit. GTA IV isn't perfect. It's shit. Also, do you honestly think I give two shits about being pwned at multiplayer? No. I had fun at a friends house playing Halo 3 multiplayer. I said I hated ONLINE multiplayer because of stupid little bastards like you who kill somebody and act like they're the best person in the world. THAT isn't fun. It's stupid, immature, and ruins the experience for people who do want to have fun. If Xbox Live wasn't crowded with dickheads, I'd have fun. You claim to be a real gamer, but you're really just an idiot.

If you are a real gamer, then answer these questions correctly and truthfully. You'll probably just look everything up on google though:

1. Graphics are the most important aspect. True or false?

2. Which is more repetative, GTA IV or Saints Row 2?

3. Resident Evil 5 is better than Resident Evil 4, but is racist. True or False?

4. Who is the musician who composed the score for Bioshock?

5. Which game is worse? Big willy Unleashed or Path of the Furon

6. What gender is Samus?

7. What is Master Chief's full title and real name?

8. This company developed Sly Cooper, but they also developed another popular game. Who is the company, and what is the game?