Nov 5, 2018
hey guys! i’m new here, I was a bit late to the mass effect ganes but I just completed the trilogy last night. I destroyed the reapers with tali as my love interest and my shepard survived because I got my military strength over 5000. but since bioware kind of lets us decide for ourselves what happens to our shepard after the scene where it shows Shepard take a breath showing that hes still alive before the credits start, so in my story here is what happens.

Commander Rhys Shepard (my shepards name) survived the citadel explosion because when he thought the panel some wreckage fell down from above and landed on top of a shepard, severely wounding him but protecting him from the surrounding explosions because he was encased in the wreckage. The wreckage that he was in was caught in earths gravity and fell down to earth with shepard still encased in it. The wreckage hit the ground and shattered but by some miracle the it took the brunt of the shock from the fall. then the part where the camera pans to Shepard laying in the wreckage and he takes a breath showing that he is still alive happens. shepards legs are severely injured but he manages to spot a dead alliance marine laying nearby, from which he takes some MediGel and applies it to himself keeping him alive just long enough for him to be discovered by surviving alliance Marines a few hours later. The marines take care of shepherd and notify admiral Hackett immediately on a radio. Hackett then immediately sends a ships to go get shepard and the marines. Shepherd is in a coma for two weeks before finally waking up, and the first thing he says is tali. She removes her mask and then kisses him. Garrus and the rest of the crew stand behind tali. Garrus steps forward and smiles.

“You are one stubborn bastard, Shepard.”

Then tali and shepard get married a few weeks later once shepard has fully healed and shepard and the crew of the normandy help rebuild everything the reaper straight on earth. Shepard and Tali stay together, they live on earth in Kansas city, but take frequent trips to Rannoch so tali can see her people. Garrus goes back to palavin but still stays in contact with shepard and goes to earth a lot to visit shepard and tali. Joker moves into an apartment right next to shepards house and they remain bffs forever. The rest of the crew of the Normandy then go their own separate ways but still get together once a year on earth and have a dope party much like the one in the citadel dlc.

And they all lived happily ever after.

The end.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 10, 2009
Welcome. Glad you enjoyed the games. Have you played the DLC's yet?


Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
I too am a Talimancer, so I approve of your choices. Ha! Kansas City huh? Guess Tali wanted to get in on some of that Barbecue she was always hearing about? Haha! Welcome to the boards man.


Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
Citadel was great for all the crew loving feels and nostalgia. Shadow Broker had a good story and it gave you the chance to get some time with Liara.

That's the one thing other than the obvious things like the ending blah blah blah, that always disappointed me about the Trilogy. You weren't' given the opportunity to romance anyone through all 3 games and only a select few could you even romance through 2.

Liara was the closest you got to a romance through all 3, but that's only if you did lair and that "romance" was very light in 2, so it barely counts. Tali could only be done in 2 &3. Ashley in 1&3. Miranda in 2. Jack in 2. It was a crime you could never romance Kasumi IMO, and you couldn't really romance Simara. I don't really count the light romances you can do with Kelly, Trainor, or Allers. None of the men could be romanced through all 3 games either, but I can't speak to it personally, as I never romanced them.

I hope when they get Mass Effect up and running again, we get a chance to follow characters through all the games.
Nov 5, 2018
Citadel was great for all the crew loving feels and nostalgia. Shadow Broker had a good story and it gave you the chance to get some time with Liara.

That's the one thing other than the obvious things like the ending blah blah blah, that always disappointed me about the Trilogy. You weren't' given the opportunity to romance anyone through all 3 games and only a select few could you even romance through 2.

Liara was the closest you got to a romance through all 3, but that's only if you did lair and that "romance" was very light in 2, so it barely counts. Tali could only be done in 2 &3. Ashley in 1&3. Miranda in 2. Jack in 2. It was a crime you could never romance Kasumi IMO, and you couldn't really romance Simara. I don't really count the light romances you can do with Kelly, Trainor, or Allers. None of the men could be romanced through all 3 games either, but I can't speak to it personally, as I never romanced them.

I hope when they get Mass Effect up and running again, we get a chance to follow characters through all the games.
Yeah i agree man that would be cool