
Dec 23, 2010

I think Bully 2 should be set a year after Bully which would mean Jimmy is 16 in his sophmore/junior year at Bullworth. I think Zoe should no longer be in the storyline but replaced with Mary-Beth Williams ( the infant from GTA:Vice City Stories) who is going to Bullworth now. I kind of think Vic Vance may be a character in the story assuming he took Mary Beth up for adoption. He can sort of give Jimmy some more fighting moves than the hobo/ vietnam vet can give you. I think when Mary Beth first comes, Jimmy really does not like her but as the game progresses they become really good friends. But towards the end of the game, Mary Beth starts doing drugs. We'll say Jimmy doesn't like this because his biological father was heavily in the drug trade and eventually died and thats why he is so angry. Then at the end Mary beth runs away because she is ashamed with herself.

New Classes
I imagine there should be two more classes: Woodshop and Driver's Ed.

Woodshop can be used to make skateboards and just wood objects in general and sell them to students or on the internet. This will kind of provide as a money making skill for making a good amount of money while still playing legit.

Drivers Ed.:
Driver's Ed is pretty simple. Since you're 16 you can drive now so you take Driver's Ed.

New Stuff
Like I said earlier, there should be internet.


May 29, 2011
Im not to sure about that, I think the story line is to dark because of the age of the characters.

I played this game when i was in school and loved it! i was a nerdy student so it felt good to run around and beat the shit outta people in the game :D

I really hope there is a sequel, i liked the map but maybe they could extend it into a city? and add more detail obviously. ( adding more school buildings for example )

as for the story line. how about introducing a rival school that's also in the map? i haven't played the games in ages so i cant remember if there was in the other one? but anyway, how about gary is now at the other school? i cant think of anything else right now, but im sure you can add to it?


Dec 23, 2010
Thanks, I really enjoy the feedback. Also, I think having a rival school would be pretty good to the storyline.

P.S. I totally forgot about gary
Jun 6, 2011
well should have the same characters in the 1st one off the wall graphics jimmy still had his respect of the boarding school,but gary went to another school on the other side of town he ruled the school and good mission should be released November 8 2011 like cod mw3 is gonna be released
Jan 31, 2009
Jimmy should be 17 now and a senior at Bullworth. One year has passed from the orginal Bully and a new kid at Bullworth challenges Jimmy through out the game. Yes driving should be included in the game. But you can't jack cars because Jimmys 17 and still a minor and if a 17 year old game chracter is stealing cars Jack Thompson will be thrilled to once again say R* is ''iresponsible''.


Jimmys 18 now at college and drugs and drinking and jacking cars is allowed in the game.

You do realize Vic wasn't Beth's dad and that he dies in the opening cut scene in
Vice City right ?


Nov 3, 2011
i think the rival school is good i think jimmy should be sixteen and
still in bullworth but then a new school is built in blue skies and gary becomes their leader so jimmy has to go through the other cliqes in the new school to get to gary
but while he fighting the other cliqes he finds out zoe cheated on him with gary so now hes out to get gary even more .and in the final mission gary and jimmy fight foe zoe


Sep 9, 2014
well should have the same characters in the 1st one off the wall graphics jimmy still had his respect of the boarding school,but gary went to another school on the other side of town he ruled the school and good mission should be released November 8 2011 like cod mw3 is gonna be released