
Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2014
Your mom
I turn it on, watch the begging cut sence and I'm on this island type thing. I walk around and see the house. I figuerd this is like where I can create my character, so I just skip the cut sence.

I then right my name: Jacobs. I skip the cut sence and creat my male, warrior with a extra Human Effigy. Skip the final cut sence and do the first area. I think it was called Things in Betwix? Light up the bonfire and head off to the tutoriul zone.

I enter the fog and kill the first enemies. Walk on and get ambushed by this undead, but it didn't do alot of damage and kill him I do the rest of the tutrioul. Easy as pie.

I came out with about 2000 souls and a broken, Broken Staright Sword atleast I had the dagger. The central hub is kinda lame and the npc voice acting is long and creepy. I then go to Forest of fallen giants it was harder than the tutorial but not alot of challenge. I then rest at the bonfire, when the enemies were dead so when they respawnd I started to farm. They stoped spawning after a while.

I spawned back central hub and bought armor and leveled up. I went back to Fallen Giants area and killed the reamaining badies and got a new sword which I then used to kill that night with and got another sword cleard the rest of area until the second bonfire.

Really I was shocked at how easy the Forest was it will probaly get harder after this.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 12, 2013
die Staaten
Dude, first few areas of the game are not designed to completely screw you over. Obviously the game ain't too hard in the beginning. The first 3 bosses you can fight are all pretty easy if you know what you're doing.
Also, question, have you played any of the prior Souls games before?


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2014
Your mom
Dude, first few areas of the game are not designed to completely screw you over. Obviously the game ain't too hard in the beginning. The first 3 bosses you can fight are all pretty easy if you know what you're doing.
Also, question, have you played any of the prior Souls games before?

No, Dark Souls 2 is my first Darks Souls game.PS when I said the begining was easy as a bad thing I was just supruised.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2014
Your mom
Dude, first few areas of the game are not designed to completely screw you over. Obviously the game ain't too hard in the beginning. The first 3 bosses you can fight are all pretty easy if you know what you're doing.
Also, question, have you played any of the prior Souls games before?

No, Dark Souls 2 is my first Darks Souls game.PS when I said the begining was easy I didn't say like it was a bad thing a bad thing I was just supruised.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 12, 2013
die Staaten
Alright, i was just curious. I ain't flipping out on you just because you said the beginning's easy, i'm just giving you a reason is all. Usually the mobs (normal enemies) ain't too difficult, especially if you have a shield, the problem with them usually comes from the fact that they can swarm and gang up on you. The next two bosses in the area after the Forest of the Fallen Giants are definitely more difficult, especially the second one.


Jan 27, 2012
That first area was the tutorial area, which basically provides you with easy enemies to learn the controls with. I imagine you skipped the ogres if you're not having that difficult of a time. Enjoy the pursuer. He's quite an annoyance if you're soloing.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2014
Your mom
That first area was the tutorial area, which basically provides you with easy enemies to learn the controls with. I imagine you skipped the ogres if you're not having that difficult of a time. Enjoy the pursuer. He's quite an annoyance if you're soloing.

Already beat him... after my 5th death.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 16, 2009
I then rest at the bonfire, when the enemies were dead so when they respawnd I started to farm. They stoped spawning after a while.

I spawned back central hub and bought armor and leveled up. I went back to Fallen Giants area and killed the reamaining badies and got a new sword which I then used to kill that night with and got another sword cleard the rest of area until the second bonfire.

Really I was shocked at how easy the Forest was it will probaly get harder after this.

I don't understand why you're shocked it felt easy after farming it, gaining levels, and then upgraded your armor before completing the area. Anything becomes easy after it's been farmed and understood where enemies wait and how they fight. Also, the Fallen Giants area is relatively a good area for most newcomers to the Soul series, although it is not hard, it still wonderful for teaching you the basics and helps new players learn about the proper use of stamina, being wary of ambushes, and upgrading as you did.
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